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Change Log

These are notable changes in edx-platform.  This is a rolling list of changes,
in roughly chronological order, most recent first.  Add your entries at or near
the top.  Include a label indicating the component affected.
polesye committed

8 9
Studio: Add edit button to leaf xblocks on the container page. STUD-1306.

Oleg Marshev committed
10 11
Blades: Add LTI context_id parameter. BLD-584.

12 13
Blades: Update LTI resource_link_id parameter. BLD-768.

14 15
Blades: Transcript translations should be displayed in their source language (BLD-935).

16 17
Blades: Create an upload modal for video transcript translations (BLD-751).

18 19 20 21
Studio and LMS: Upgrade version of TinyMCE to 4.0.20. Switch from tabbed Visual/HTML
Editor for HTML modules to showing the code editor as a plugin within TinyMCE (triggered
from toolbar). STUD-1422

22 23
Studio: Add ability to reorder Pages and hide the Wiki page. STUD-1375

24 25
Blades: Added template for iFrames. BLD-611.

26 27
Studio: Support for viewing built-in tabs on the Pages page. STUD-1193

28 29 30
Blades: Fixed bug when image mapped input's Show Answer multiplies rectangles on
 many inputtypes. BLD-810.

31 32 33
LMS: Enabled screen reader feedback of problem responses.

34 35
Blades: Removed tooltip from captions. BLD-629.

36 37
Blades: Fix problem with loading YouTube API is it is not available. BLD-531.

38 39
Blades: Fix download subs for non youtube videos and non-en language. BLD-897.

40 41 42
Blades: Fix issues related to videos that have separate YouTube IDs for the
different video speeds. BLD-915, BLD-901.

43 44
Blades: Add .txt and .srt options to the "download transcript" button. BLD-844.

45 46
Blades: Fix bug when transcript cutting off view in full view mode. BLD-852.

47 48
Blades: Show start time or starting position on slider and VCR. BLD-823.

49 50 51
Common: Upgraded CodeMirror to 3.21.0 with an accessibility patch applied.

52 53
Studio: Add new container page that can display nested xblocks. STUD-1244.

54 55
Blades: Allow multiple transcripts with video. BLD-642.

Carson Gee committed
56 57 58
CMS: Add feature to allow exporting a course to a git repository by
specifying the giturl in the course settings.

Studio: Fix import/export bug with conditional modules. STUD-149

61 62
Blades: Persist student progress in video. BLD-385.

63 64 65 66 67
Blades: Fix for the list metadata editor that gets into a bad state where "Add"
  is disabled. BLD-821.

Blades: Add view for field type Dict in Studio. BLD-658.

68 69
Blades: Refactor stub implementation of LTI Provider. BLD-601.

70 71
Studio: Added ability to edit course short descriptions that appear on the course catalog page.

72 73 74
LMS: In left accordion and progress page, due dates are now displayed in time
zone specified by settings.TIME_ZONE, instead of UTC always

75 76 77 78
LMS:  If the course start date is kept at the default studio value (Jan 1, 2030)
and advertised_start is not set, the start date is not displayed in the
/courses tile view, the course about page, or the dashboard

79 80
LMS: Add ability to redirect to a splash screen.

81 82
Blades: Add role parameter to LTI. BLD-583.

83 84 85
Blades: Bugfix "In Firefox YouTube video with start time plays from 00:00:00".

polesye committed
86 87
Blades: Fix bug when image response in Firefox does not retain input. BLD-711.

88 89
Blades: Give numerical response tolerance as a range. BLD-25.

90 91 92 93
Common: Add a utility app for building databased-backed configuration
  for specific application features. Includes admin site customization
  for easier administration and tracking.

94 95 96 97
Common: Add the ability to dark-launch site translations. These languages
  will be unavailable to users except through the use of a specific query

98 99
Blades: Allow user with BetaTester role correctly use LTI. BLD-641.

100 101
Blades: Video player persist speed preferences between videos. BLD-237.

102 103 104
Blades: Change the download video field to a dropdown that will allow students
to download the first source listed in the alternate sources. BLD-364.

105 106 107
Blades: Change the track field to a dropdown that will allow students
to download the transcript of the video without timecodes. BLD-368.

108 109 110 111
Blades: Video player start-end time range is now shown even before Play is
clicked. Video player VCR time shows correct non-zero total time for YouTube
videos even before Play is clicked. BLD-529.

112 113
Studio: Add ability to duplicate components on the unit page.

polesye committed
114 115 116
Blades: Adds CookieStorage utility for video player that provides convenient
  way to work with cookies.

117 118
Blades: Fix comparison of float numbers. BLD-434.

119 120
Blades: Allow regexp strings as the correct answer to a string response question. BLD-475.

121 122 123 124 125 126
Common: MixedModulestore is now the only approved access to the persistence layer
  - takes a new parameter 'reference_type' which can be 'Location' or 'Locator'. Mixed
  then tries to ensure that every reference in any xblock gets converted to that type on
  retrieval. Because we're moving to Locators, the default is Locator; so, you should change
  all existing configurations to 'Location' (unless you're using split)

127 128 129 130 131 132 133
Common: Add feature flags to allow developer use of pure XBlocks
  - ALLOW_ALL_ADVANCED_COMPONENTS disables the hard-coded list of advanced
    components in Studio, and allows any xblock to be added as an
    advanced component in Studio settings
  - XBLOCK_SELECT_FUNCTION allows the insertion of a custom function
    to limit loading of XBlocks with (including allowing pure xblocks)

134 135 136
Studio: Add sorting by column to the Files & Uploads page.
See for new indices that should be added.

137 138 139 140 141
Common: Previously, theming was activated by providing a value for the THEME_NAME
  setting. Now, theming is activated by setting the "USE_CUSTOM_THEME" feature
  flag to True -- a THEME_NAME setting is still required to determine *which*
  theme to use.

142 143
Studio: Newly-created courses default to being published on Jan 1, 2030

144 145
Studio: Added pagination to the Files & Uploads page.

146 147
Common: Centralized authorization mechanisms and removed the app-specific ones.

Blades: Video player improvements:
polesye committed
149 150 151 152
  - Disable edX controls on iPhone/iPod (native controls are used).
  - Disable unsupported controls (volume, playback rate) on iPad/Android.
  - Controls becomes visible after click on video or play placeholder to avoid
    issues with YouTube API on iPad/Android.
  - Captions becomes visible just after full initialization of video player.
polesye committed
  - Fix blinking of captions after initialization of video player. BLD-206.

156 157
LMS: Fix answer distribution download for small courses. LMS-922, LMS-811

158 159
Blades: Add template for the zooming image in studio. BLD-206.

160 161
Blades: Update behavior of start/end time fields. BLD-506.

162 163
Blades: Make LTI module not send grade_back_url if has_score=False. BLD-561.

164 165
Blades: Show answer for imageresponse. BLD-21.

166 167 168
Blades: LTI additional Python tests. LTI must use HTTPS for
lis_outcome_service_url. BLD-564.

169 170 171
Studio: Enable Terms of Service and Privacy Policy links to be served by
  an alternate site. STUD-151.

polesye committed
Blades: Fix bug when Image mapping problems are not working for students in IE. BLD-413.

174 175 176
Blades: Add template that displays the most up-to-date features of
drag-and-drop. BLD-479.

Blades: LTI fix bug e-reader error when popping out window. BLD-465.

179 180 181 182
Common: Switch from mitx.db to edx.db for sqlite databases. This will effectively
  reset state for local instances of the code, unless you manually rename your
  mitx.db file to edx.db.

183 184 185 186 187
Common: significant performance improvement for authorization checks and location translations.
  Ensure all auth checks, check all possible permutations of the auth key (Instructor dashboard
  now shows when it should for all courses in lms).
  Made queries for Studio dashboard 2 orders of magnitude faster (and fewer).

188 189
Blades: Video Transcripts: Fix clear and download buttons. BLD-438.

190 191 192 193
Common: Switch over from MITX_FEATURES to just FEATURES. To override items in
  the FEATURES dict, the environment variable you must set to do so is also
  now called FEATURES instead of MITX_FEATURES.

194 195 196 197
LMS: Change the forum role granted to global staff on enrollment in a
course. Previously, staff were given the Moderator role; now, they are
given the Student role.

198 199
Blades: Fix Numerical input to support mathematical operations. BLD-525.

200 201 202
Blades: Improve calculator's tooltip accessibility. Add possibility to navigate
  through the hints via arrow keys. BLD-533.

203 204 205 206
LMS: Add feature for providing background grade report generation via Celery
  instructor task, with reports uploaded to S3. Feature is visible on the beta
  instructor dashboard. LMS-58

207 208 209 210
Blades: Added grading support for LTI module. LTI providers can now grade
student's work and send edX scores. OAuth1 based authentication
implemented. BLD-384.

211 212 213 214 215
LMS: Beta-tester status is now set on a per-course-run basis, rather than being
  valid across all runs with the same course name. Old group membership will
  still work across runs, but new beta-testers will only be added to a single
  course run.

216 217
Blades: Enabled several Video Jasmine tests. BLD-463.

218 219 220 221
Studio: Continued modification of Studio pages to follow a RESTful framework.
includes Settings pages, edit page for Subsection and Unit, and interfaces
for updating xblocks (xmodules) and getting their editing HTML.

222 223
LMS: Improve accessibility of inline discussions in courseware.

224 225 226
Blades: Put 2nd "Hide output" button at top of test box & increase text size for
code response questions. BLD-126.

227 228
Blades: Update the calculator hints tooltip with full information. BLD-400.

229 230
Blades: Fix transcripts 500 error in studio (BLD-530)

231 232 233
LMS: Add error recovery when a user loads or switches pages in an
inline discussion.

234 235
Blades: Allow multiple strings as the correct answer to a string response
question. BLD-474.

237 238
Blades: a11y - Videos will alert screenreaders when the video is over.

239 240 241
LMS: Trap focus on the loading element when a user loads more threads
in the forum sidebar to improve accessibility.

LMS: Add error recovery when a user loads more threads in the forum sidebar.

244 245
LMS: Add a user-visible alert modal when a forums AJAX request fails.

246 247
Blades: Add template for checkboxes response to studio. BLD-193.

248 249 250 251 252 253 254
Blades: Video player:
  - Add spinner;
  - Improve initialization of modules;
  - Speed up video resizing during page loading;
  - Speed up acceptance tests. (BLD-502)
  - Fix transcripts bug - when show_captions is set to false. BLD-467.

cahrens committed
255 256
Studio: change create_item, delete_item, and save_item to RESTful API (STUD-847).

257 258 259
Blades: Fix answer choices rearranging if user tries to stylize something in the
text like with bold or italics. (BLD-449)

260 261 262
LMS: Beta instructor dashboard will only count actively enrolled students for
course enrollment numbers.

263 264
Blades: Fix speed menu that is not rendered correctly when YouTube is
unavailable. (BLD-457).

266 267 268
LMS: Users with is_staff=True no longer have the STAFF label appear on
their forum posts.

269 270 271 272
Blades: Video start and end times now function the same for both YouTube and
HTML5 videos. If end time is set, the video can still play until the end, after
it pauses on the end time.

273 274
Blades: Disallow users to enter video url's in http.

275 276
Studio/LMS: Ability to cap the max number of active enrollments in a course

277 278
LMS: Improve the acessibility of the forum follow post buttons.

279 280 281
Blades: Latex problems are now enabled via use_latex_compiler
key in course settings. (BLD-426)

polesye committed
282 283
Blades: Fix bug when the speed can only be changed when the video is playing.

284 285 286
LMS: The dialogs on the wiki "changes" page are now accessible to screen
readers.  Now all wiki pages have been made accessible. (LMS-1337)

287 288 289
LMS: Change bulk email implementation to use less memory, and to better handle
duplicate tasks in celery.

290 291 292 293 294 295
LMS: When a topic is selected in the forums navigation sidebar, fetch
the thread list using the /threads endpoint of the comments service
instead of /search/threads, which does not sort and paginate
correctly. This requires at least version 31ef160 of

296 297 298 299
LMS: Improve forum error handling so that errors in the logs are
clearer and HTTP status codes from the comments service indicating
client error are correctly passed through to the client.

polesye committed
LMS: Improve performance of page load and thread list load for
301 302
discussion tab

303 304
LMS: The wiki markup cheatsheet dialog is now accessible to screen readers.
Diana Huang committed

306 307
Common: Add skip links for accessibility to CMS and LMS. (LMS-1311)

cahrens committed
Studio: Change course overview page, checklists, assets, import, export, and course staff
309 310
management page URLs to a RESTful interface. Also removed "\listing", which
duplicated "\index".

312 313
LMS: Fixed accessibility bug where users could not tab through wiki (LMS-1307)

314 315 316 317
Blades: When start time and end time are specified for a video, a visual range
will be shown on the time slider to highlight the place in the video that will
be played.

polesye committed
318 319
Studio: added restful interface for finding orphans in courses.
An orphan is an xblock to which no children relation points and whose type is not
in the set contentstore.views.item.DETACHED_CATEGORIES nor 'course'.
polesye committed
    GET http://host/orphan/org.course returns json array of ids.
        Requires course author access.
polesye committed
    DELETE http://orphan/org.course deletes all the orphans in that course.
324 325
        Requires is_staff access

326 327 328
Studio: Bug fix for text loss in Course Updates when the text exists
before the first tag.

329 330 331 332 333
Common: expect_json decorator now puts the parsed json payload into a json attr
on the request instead of overwriting the POST attr

---------- split mongo backend refactoring changelog section ------------

Studio: course catalog, assets, checklists, course outline pages now use course
335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342
id syntax w/ restful api style

  separate the non-sql db connection configuration from the modulestore (xblock modeling) configuration.
  in split, separate the the db connection and atomic crud ops into a distinct module & class from modulestore

Common: location mapper: % encode periods and dollar signs when used as key in the mapping dict

Common: location mapper: added a bunch of new helper functions for generating
344 345 346 347 348 349
old location style info from a CourseLocator

Common: locators: allow - ~ and . in course, branch, and block ids.

---------- end split mongo backend section ---------

350 351 352 353 354
Blades: Hovering over CC button in video player, when transcripts are hidden,
will cause them to show up. Moving the mouse from the CC button will auto hide
them. You can hover over the CC button and then move the mouse to the
transcripts which will allow you to select some video position in 1 click.

polesye committed
355 356
Blades: Add possibility to use multiple LTI tools per page.

357 358
Blades: LTI module can now load external content in a new window.

Adam Palay committed
LMS: Disable data download buttons on the instructor dashboard for large courses
Diana Huang committed

Adam Palay committed
361 362 363
Common: Adds ability to disable a student's account. Students with disabled
accounts will be prohibited from site access.

Diana Huang committed
364 365
LMS: Fix issue with CourseMode expiration dates

366 367
LMS: Ported bulk emailing to the beta instructor dashboard.

368 369
LMS: Add monitoring of bulk email subtasks to display progress on instructor dash.

Diana Huang committed
370 371
LMS: Refactor and clean student dashboard templates.

Diana Huang committed
372 373
LMS: Fix issue with CourseMode expiration dates

374 375 376 377
CMS: Add text_customization Dict to advanced settings which can support
string customization at particular spots in the UI.  At first just customizing
the Check/Final Check buttons with keys: custom_check and custom_final_check

Ned Batchelder committed
378 379
LMS: Add PaidCourseRegistration mode, where payment is required before course
Jason Bau committed

381 382
Studio: Switched to loading Javascript using require.js

Julian Arni committed
383 384
Studio: Better feedback during the course import process

385 386
Studio: Improve drag and drop on the course overview and subsection views.

Renzo Lucioni committed
387 388
LMS: Add split testing functionality for internal use.

389 390 391
CMS: Add edit_course_tabs management command, providing a primitive
editing capability for a course's list of tabs.

Ned Batchelder committed
392 393
Studio and LMS: add ability to lock assets (cannot be viewed unless registered
for class).
cahrens committed

395 396
Studio: add restful interface for paging assets (no UX yet, but just add
/start/45/max/50 to end of url to get items 45-95, e.g.)
Don Mitchell committed

398 399 400
LMS: First round of improvements to New (beta) Instructor Dash:
improvements, fixes, and internationalization to the Student Info section.

401 402
LMS: Improved accessibility of parts of forum navigation sidebar.

Ned Batchelder committed
403 404
LMS: enhanced accessibility labeling and aria support for the discussion forum
new post dropdown as well as response and comment area labeling.

406 407
Blades: Add Studio timed transcripts editor to video player.

Jason Bau committed
LMS: enhanced shib support, including detection of linked shib account
Jason Bau committed
409 410
at login page and support for the ?next= GET parameter.

LMS: Experimental feature using the ICE change tracker JS pkg to allow peer
Jason Bau committed
412 413
assessors to edit the original submitter's work.

414 415 416
LMS: Fixed a bug that caused links from forum user profile pages to
threads to lead to 404s if the course id contained a '-' character.

417 418
Studio/LMS: Add password policy enforcement to new account creation

Ned Batchelder committed
419 420 421
Studio/LMS: Added ability to set due date formatting through Studio's Advanced
Settings.  The key is due_date_display_format, and the value should be a format
supported by Python's strftime function.

423 424 425
Common: Added configurable backends for tracking events. Tracking events using
the python logging module is the default backend. Support for MongoDB and a
Django database is also available.

Blades: Added Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) blade. Now LTI components
428 429
can be included to courses.

430 431 432
LMS: Added alphabetical sorting of forum categories and subcategories.
It is hidden behind a false defaulted course level flag.

Peter Fogg committed
433 434 435
Studio: Allow course authors to set their course image on the schedule
and details page, with support for JPEG and PNG images.

436 437 438
LMS, Studio: Centralized startup code to and files.
Made studio runnable using wsgi.

439 440
Blades: Took videoalpha out of alpha, replacing the old video player

441 442 443 444
Common: Allow instructors to input complicated expressions as answers to
`NumericalResponse`s. Prior to the change only numbers were allowed, now any
answer from '1/3' to 'sqrt(12)*(1-1/3^2+1/5/3^2)' are valid.

445 446 447 448 449
Studio/LMS: Allow for 'preview' and 'published' in a single LMS instance. Use
middlware components to retain the incoming Django request and put in thread
local storage. It is recommended that all developers define a 'preview.localhost'
which maps to the same IP address as localhost in his/her HOSTS file.

450 451 452 453
LMS: Enable beta instructor dashboard. The beta dashboard is a rearchitecture
of the existing instructor dashboard and is available by clicking a link at
the top right of the existing dashboard.

454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462
Common: CourseEnrollment has new fields `is_active` and `mode`. The mode will be
used to differentiate different kinds of enrollments (currently, all enrollments
are honor certificate enrollments). The `is_active` flag will be used to
deactivate enrollments without deleting them, so that we know what course you
*were* enrolled in. Because of the latter change, enrollment and unenrollment
logic has been consolidated into the model -- you should use new class methods
to `enroll()`, `unenroll()`, and to check `is_enrolled()`, instead of creating
CourseEnrollment objects or querying them directly.

463 464 465
LMS: Added bulk email for course feature, with option to optout of individual
course emails.

466 467 468
Studio: Email will be sent to admin address when a user requests course creator
privileges for Studio (edge only).

469 470 471
Studio: Studio course authors (both instructors and staff) will be auto-enrolled
for their courses so that "View Live" works.

472 473 474 475
Common: Add a new input type ``<formulaequationinput />`` for Formula/Numerical
Responses. It periodically makes AJAX calls to preview and validate the
student's input.

Diana Huang committed
476 477
Common: Added ratelimiting to our authentication backend.

478 479
Common: Add additional logging to cover login attempts and logouts.

cahrens committed
480 481 482 483
Studio: Send e-mails to new Studio users (on edge only) when their course creator
status has changed. This will not be in use until the course creator table
is enabled.

484 485 486
Studio: Added improvements to Course Creation: richer error messaging, tip
text, and fourth field for course run.

487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496
Blades: New features for VideoAlpha player:
1.) Controls are auto hidden after a delay of mouse inactivity - the full video
becomes visible.
2.) When captions (CC) button is pressed, captions stick (not auto hidden after
a delay of mouse inactivity). The video player size does not change - the video
is down-sized and placed in the middle of the black area.
3.) All source code of Video Alpha 2 is written in JavaScript. It is not a basic
conversion from CoffeeScript. The structure of the player has been changed.
4.) A lot of additional unit tests.

497 498 499 500 501
LMS: Added user preferences (arbitrary user/key/value tuples, for which
which user/key is unique) and a REST API for reading users and
preferences. Access to the REST API is restricted by use of the
X-Edx-Api-Key HTTP header (which must match settings.EDX_API_KEY; if
the setting is not present, the API is disabled).

503 504 505
LMS: Added endpoints for AJAX requests to enable/disable notifications
(which are not yet implemented) and a one-click unsubscribe page.

506 507 508
Studio: Allow instructors of a course to designate other staff as instructors;
this allows instructors to hand off management of a course to someone else.

Ned Batchelder committed
509 510
Common: Add a that knows about edx-platform specific settings and

jkarni committed
512 513
Common: Added *experimental* support for jsinput type.

514 515 516
Studio: Remove XML from HTML5 video component editor. All settings are
moved to be edited as metadata.

517 518
Common: Added setting to specify Celery Broker vhost

519 520
Common: Utilize new XBlock bulk save API in LMS and CMS.

521 522 523 524
Studio: Add table for tracking course creator permissions (not yet used).
Update rake django-admin[syncdb] and rake django-admin[migrate] so they
run for both LMS and CMS.

525 526 527 528
LMS: Added *experimental* crowdsource hinting manager page.

XModule: Added *experimental* crowdsource hinting module.

David Baumgold committed
529 530
Studio: Added support for uploading and managing PDF textbooks

Ned Batchelder committed
531 532
Common: Student information is now passed to the tracking log via POST instead
of GET.

Ned Batchelder committed
534 535
Blades: Added functionality and tests for new capa input type:

537 538
Common: Add tests for documentation generation to test suite

Ned Batchelder committed
539 540
Blades: User answer now preserved (and changeable) after clicking "show answer"
in choice problems

542 543
LMS: Removed press releases

544 545
Common: Updated Sass and Bourbon libraries, added Neat library

Ned Batchelder committed
546 547
LMS: Add a MixedModuleStore to aggregate the XMLModuleStore and
Chris Dodge committed

Jason Bau committed
549 550 551 552
LMS: Users are no longer auto-activated if they click "reset password"
This is now done when they click on the link in the reset password
email they receive (along with usual path through activation email).

553 554
LMS: Fixed a reflected XSS problem in the static textbook views.

555 556 557 558 559
LMS: Problem rescoring.  Added options on the Grades tab of the
Instructor Dashboard to allow a particular student's submission for a
particular problem to be rescored.  Provides an option to see a
history of background tasks for a given problem and student.

Jason Bau committed
Blades: Small UX fix on capa multiple-choice problems.  Make labels only
Jason Bau committed
561 562
as wide as the text to reduce accidental choice selections.

- use xblock field defaults to initialize all new instances' fields and
Ned Batchelder committed
  only use templates as override samples.
- create new instances via in memory create_xmodule and related methods rather
Ned Batchelder committed
567 568 569
  than cloning a db record.
- have an explicit method for making a draft copy as distinct from making a
  new module.

571 572 573
Studio: Remove XML from the video component editor. All settings are
moved to be edited as metadata.

574 575
XModule: Only write out assets files if the contents have changed.

576 577
Studio: Course settings are now saved explicitly.

578 579 580 581
XModule: Don't delete generated xmodule asset files when compiling (for
instance, when XModule provides a coffeescript file, don't delete
the associated javascript)

582 583 584
Studio: For courses running on (marketing site), disable fields in
Course Settings that do not apply.

585 586 587
Common: Make asset watchers run as singletons (so they won't start if the
watcher is already running in another shell).

588 589
Common: Use coffee directly when watching for coffeescript file changes.

590 591
Common: Make rake provide better error messages if packages are missing.

592 593
Common: Repairs development documentation generation by sphinx.

Brian Wilson committed
594 595 596 597 598 599 600
LMS: Problem rescoring.  Added options on the Grades tab of the
Instructor Dashboard to allow all students' submissions for a
particular problem to be rescored.  Also supports resetting all
students' number of attempts to zero.  Provides a list of background
tasks that are currently running for the course, and an option to
see a history of background tasks for a given problem.

601 602
LMS: Fixed the preferences scope for storing data in xmodules.

Valera Rozuvan committed
LMS: Forums.  Added handling for case where discussion module can get `None` as
Jason Bau committed
value of lms.start in `lms/djangoapps/django_comment_client/`

606 607
Studio, LMS: Make ModelTypes more strict about their expected content (for
instance, Boolean, Integer, String), but also allow them to hold either the
Ned Batchelder committed
608 609 610
typed value, or a String that can be converted to their typed value. For
example, an Integer can contain 3 or '3'. This changed an update to the xblock

612 613 614
LMS: Courses whose id matches a regex in the COURSES_WITH_UNSAFE_CODE Django
setting now run entirely outside the Python sandbox.

Valera Rozuvan committed
Blades: Added tests for Video Alpha player.

617 618
Common: Have the capa module handle unicode better (especially errors)

619 620
Blades: Video Alpha bug fix for speed changing to 1.0 in Firefox.

Ned Batchelder committed
621 622
Blades: Additional event tracking added to Video Alpha: fullscreen switch,
show/hide captions.

624 625
CMS: Allow editors to delete uploaded files/assets

XModules: `XModuleDescriptor.__init__` and `XModule.__init__` dropped the
Ned Batchelder committed
627 628
`location` parameter (and added it as a field), and renamed `system` to
`runtime`, to accord more closely to `XBlock.__init__`

630 631 632 633 634
LMS: Some errors handling Non-ASCII data in XML courses have been fixed.

LMS: Add page-load tracking using segment-io (if SEGMENT_IO_LMS_KEY and
SEGMENT_IO_LMS feature flag is on)

Ned Batchelder committed
635 636
Blades: Simplify (which is used for the Numerical/Formula responses);
add trig/other functions.
Peter Baratta committed

638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652
LMS: Background colors on login, register, and courseware have been corrected
back to white.

LMS: Accessibility improvements have been made to several courseware and
navigation elements.

LMS: Small design/presentation changes to login and register views.

LMS: Functionality added to instructor enrollment tab in LMS such that invited
student can be auto-enrolled in course or when activating if not current

Blades: Staff debug info is now accessible for Graphical Slider Tool problems.

Blades: For Video Alpha the events ready, play, pause, seek, and speed change
are logged on the server (in the logs).

Ned Batchelder committed
655 656
Common: all dates and times are not time zone aware datetimes. No code should
create or use struct_times nor naive datetimes.

658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676
Common: Developers can now have private Django settings files.

Common: Safety code added to prevent anything above the vertical level in the
course tree from being marked as version='draft'. It will raise an exception if
the code tries to so mark a node. We need the backtraces to figure out where
this very infrequent intermittent marking was occurring. It was making courses
look different in Studio than in LMS.

Deploy: MKTG_URLS is now read from env.json.

Common: Theming makes it possible to change the look of the site, from

Common: Accessibility UI fixes.

Common: The "duplicate email" error message is more informative.

Studio: Component metadata settings editor.

Studio: Autoplay for Video Alpha is disabled (only in Studio).
678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688

Studio: Single-click creation for video and discussion components.

Studio: fixed a bad link in the activation page.

LMS: Changed the help button text.

LMS: Fixed failing numeric response (decimal but no trailing digits).

LMS: XML Error module no longer shows students a stack trace.

Chris Dodge committed
689 690 691 692
Studio: Add feedback to end user if there is a problem exporting a course

Studio: Improve link re-writing on imports into a different course-id

Chris Dodge committed
693 694
Studio: Allow for intracourse linking in Capa Problems

695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702
Blades: Videoalpha.

XModules: Added partial credit for foldit module.

XModules: Added "randomize" XModule to list of XModule types.

XModules: Show errors with full descriptors.

703 704 705 706
Studio: Add feedback to end user if there is a problem exporting a course

Studio: Improve link re-writing on imports into a different course-id

707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719
XQueue: Fixed (hopefully) worker crash when the connection to RabbitMQ is
dropped suddenly.

XQueue: Upload file submissions to a specially named bucket in S3.

Common: Removed request debugger.

Common: Updated Django to version 1.4.5.

Common: Updated CodeJail.

Common: Allow setting of authentication session cookie name.

LMS: Option to email students when enroll/un-enroll them.
jmclaus committed
721 722

Blades: Added WAI-ARIA markup to the video player controls. These are now fully
accessible by screen readers.