Commit 3bbc7430 by Александр Committed by polesye

BLD-530: Fix 500 error in transcripts.

parent 835893c2
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ These are notable changes in edx-platform. This is a rolling list of changes,
in roughly chronological order, most recent first. Add your entries at or near
the top. Include a label indicating the component affected.
Blades: Fix transcripts 500 error in studio (BLD-530)
Blades: Allow multiple strings as the correct answer to a string response question. BLD-474.
Blades: a11y - Videos will alert screenreaders when the video is over.
......@@ -641,6 +641,7 @@ Feature: Video Component Editor
And I save changes
Then when I view the video it does show the captions
And I see "好 各位同学" text in the captions
And I edit the component
And I open tab "Advanced"
......@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ def i_see_status_message(_step, status):
assert not world.css_visible(SELECTORS['error_bar'])
assert world.css_has_text(SELECTORS['status_bar'], STATUSES[status.strip()])
......@@ -249,9 +249,12 @@ def edit_unit(request, location):
components = [
course.location.course_id, component.location, False, True
course.location.course_id, component.location, False, True
for component
in item.get_children()
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ require(["domReady!", "jquery", "js/models/module_info", "coffee/src/views/unit"
<article class="unit-body window">
<p class="unit-name-input"><label>${_("Display Name:")}</label><input type="text" value="${unit.display_name_with_default | h}" class="unit-display-name-input" /></p>
<ol class="components">
% for locator in components:
<li class="component" data-locator="${locator}"/>
% for id, locator in components:
<li class="component" data-locator="${locator}" data-id="${id}" />
% endfor
<li class="new-component-item adding">
<div class="new-component">
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