Commit 6b979752 by Don Mitchell

Write restful service to find all orphans

To help fix recent bugs re orphaned discussions and
to prototype a more restful json oriented api.
parent 286ae9e7
......@@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ Blades: When start time and end time are specified for a video, a visual range
will be shown on the time slider to highlight the place in the video that will
be played.
Studio: added restful interface for finding orphans in courses.
An orphan is an xblock to which no children relation points and whose type is not
in the set contentstore.views.item.DETACHED_CATEGORIES nor 'course'.
GET http://host/orphan/org.course returns json array of ids.
Requires course author access.
DELETE http://orphan/org.course deletes all the orphans in that course.
Requires is_staff access
Studio: Bug fix for text loss in Course Updates when the text exists
before the first tag.
Test finding orphans via the view and django config
import json
from contentstore.tests.utils import CourseTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.django import editable_modulestore
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
class TestOrphan(CourseTestCase):
Test finding orphans via view and django config
def setUp(self):
super(TestOrphan, self).setUp()
runtime = self.course.runtime
self._create_item('chapter', 'Chapter1', {}, {'display_name': 'Chapter 1'}, 'course',, runtime)
self._create_item('chapter', 'Chapter2', {}, {'display_name': 'Chapter 2'}, 'course',, runtime)
self._create_item('chapter', 'OrphanChapter', {}, {'display_name': 'Orphan Chapter'}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('vertical', 'Vert1', {}, {'display_name': 'Vertical 1'}, 'chapter', 'Chapter1', runtime)
self._create_item('vertical', 'OrphanVert', {}, {'display_name': 'Orphan Vertical'}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('html', 'Html1', "<p>Goodbye</p>", {'display_name': 'Parented Html'}, 'vertical', 'Vert1', runtime)
self._create_item('html', 'OrphanHtml', "<p>Hello</p>", {'display_name': 'Orphan html'}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('static_tab', 'staticuno', "<p>tab</p>", {'display_name': 'Tab uno'}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('about', 'overview', "<p>overview</p>", {}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('course_info', 'updates', "<ol><li><h2>Sep 22</h2><p>test</p></li></ol>", {}, None, None, runtime)
def _create_item(self, category, name, data, metadata, parent_category, parent_name, runtime):
location = self.course.location.replace(category=category, name=name)
editable_modulestore('direct').create_and_save_xmodule(location, data, metadata, runtime)
if parent_name:
# add child to parent in mongo
parent_location = self.course.location.replace(category=parent_category, name=parent_name)
parent = editable_modulestore('direct').get_item(parent_location)
editable_modulestore('direct').update_children(parent_location, parent.children)
def test_mongo_orphan(self):
Test that old mongo finds the orphans
orphans = json.loads(
kwargs={'course_id': '{}.{}'.format(, self.course.location.course)}
self.assertEqual(len(orphans), 3, "Wrong # {}".format(orphans))
location = self.course.location.replace(category='chapter', name='OrphanChapter')
self.assertIn(location.url(), orphans)
location = self.course.location.replace(category='vertical', name='OrphanVert')
self.assertIn(location.url(), orphans)
location = self.course.location.replace(category='html', name='OrphanHtml')
self.assertIn(location.url(), orphans)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from .access import has_access
from .helpers import _xmodule_recurse
from xmodule.x_module import XModuleDescriptor
__all__ = ['save_item', 'create_item', 'delete_item']
__all__ = ['save_item', 'create_item', 'delete_item', 'orphan']
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -200,3 +200,20 @@ def delete_item(request):
modulestore('direct').update_children(parent.location, parent.children)
return JsonResponse()
def orphan(request, course_id):
View for handling orphan related requests. A get gets all of the current orphans.
DELETE, PUT and POST are meaningless for now.
An orphan is a block whose category is not in the DETACHED_CATEGORY list, is not the root, and is not reachable
from the root via children
:param request:
:param course_id: Locator syntax course_id
# dhm: I'd add DELETE but I'm not sure what type of authentication/authorization we'd need
if request.method == 'GET':
return JsonResponse(modulestore().get_orphans(course_id, DETACHED_CATEGORIES, 'draft'))
......@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ urlpatterns += patterns(
url(r'^login_post$', 'student.views.login_user', name='login_post'),
url(r'^logout$', 'student.views.logout_user', name='logout'),
url(r'^(?P<course_id>[^/]+)/orphan', 'contentstore.views.orphan', name='orphan')
# restful api
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from xblock.fields import Scope, ScopeIds
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreBase, Location, MONGO_MODULESTORE_TYPE
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import own_metadata, InheritanceMixin, inherit_metadata, InheritanceKeyValueStore
import re
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -697,7 +698,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
course.tabs = existing_tabs
# Save any changes to the course to the MongoKeyValueStore
self.update_metadata(course.location, course.xblock_kvs._metadata)
self.update_metadata(course.location, course.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope(Scope.settings))
def fire_updated_modulestore_signal(self, course_id, location):
......@@ -854,6 +855,38 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
COURSE_ID_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<org>[^.]+)\.(?P<course_id>.+)')
def parse_course_id(self, course_id):
Parse a Locator style course_id into a dict w/ the org and course_id
:param course_id: a string looking like ''
match = self.COURSE_ID_RE.match(course_id)
if match is None:
raise ValueError(course_id)
return match.groupdict()
def get_orphans(self, course_id, detached_categories, _branch):
Return a dict of all of the orphans in the course.
:param course_id:
locator_dict = self.parse_course_id(course_id)
all_items = self.collection.find({
'': locator_dict['org'],
'_id.course': locator_dict['course_id'],
'_id.category': {'$nin': detached_categories}
all_reachable = set()
item_locs = set()
for item in all_items:
if item['_id']['category'] != 'course':
all_reachable = all_reachable.union(item.get('definition', {}).get('children', []))
item_locs -= all_reachable
return list(item_locs)
def _create_new_field_data(self, category, location, definition_data, metadata):
To instantiate a new xmodule which will be saved latter, set up the dbModel and kvs
......@@ -421,6 +421,24 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
items.append(BlockUsageLocator(url=locator.as_course_locator(), usage_id=parent_id))
return items
def get_orphans(self, course_id, detached_categories, branch):
Return a dict of all of the orphans in the course.
:param course_id:
course = self._lookup_course(CourseLocator(course_id=course_id, branch=branch))
items = set(course['structure']['blocks'].keys())
for block_id, block_data in course['structure']['blocks'].iteritems():
items.difference_update(block_data.get('fields', {}).get('children', []))
if block_data['category'] in detached_categories:
return [
BlockUsageLocator(course_id=course_id, branch=branch, usage_id=block_id)
for block_id in items
def get_course_index_info(self, course_locator):
The index records the initial creation of the indexed course and tracks the current version
import uuid
import mock
import unittest
import random
import datetime
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import InheritanceMixin
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo import MongoModuleStore
from xmodule.modulestore.split_mongo import SplitMongoModuleStore
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.fields import Date
from xmodule.modulestore.locator import BlockUsageLocator, CourseLocator
class TestOrphan(unittest.TestCase):
Test the orphan finding code
# Snippet of what would be in the django settings envs file
db_config = {
'host': 'localhost',
'db': 'test_xmodule',
modulestore_options = dict({
'default_class': 'xmodule.raw_module.RawDescriptor',
'fs_root': '',
'render_template': mock.Mock(return_value=""),
'xblock_mixins': (InheritanceMixin,)
}, **db_config)
split_course_id = 'test_org.test_course.runid'
def setUp(self):
self.modulestore_options['collection'] = 'modulestore{0}'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex)
self.userid = random.getrandbits(32)
super(TestOrphan, self).setUp()
self.split_mongo = SplitMongoModuleStore(
self.old_mongo = MongoModuleStore(**self.modulestore_options)
self.course_location = None
def tearDownSplit(self):
split_db = self.split_mongo.db
def tearDownMongo(self):
split_db = self.split_mongo.db
# old_mongo doesn't give a db attr, but all of the dbs are the same
def _create_item(self, category, name, data, metadata, parent_category, parent_name, runtime):
location = Location('i4x', 'test_org', 'test_course', category, name)
self.old_mongo.create_and_save_xmodule(location, data, metadata, runtime)
if isinstance(data, basestring):
fields = {'data': data}
fields = data.copy()
if parent_name:
# add child to parent in mongo
parent_location = Location('i4x', 'test_org', 'test_course', parent_category, parent_name)
parent = self.old_mongo.get_item(parent_location)
self.old_mongo.update_children(parent_location, parent.children)
# create pointer for split
course_or_parent_locator = BlockUsageLocator(
course_or_parent_locator = CourseLocator(
self.split_mongo.create_item(course_or_parent_locator, category, self.userid, usage_id=name, fields=fields)
def _create_course(self):
* some detached items
* some attached children
* some orphans
date_proxy = Date()
metadata = {
'start': date_proxy.to_json(datetime.datetime(2000, 3, 13, 4)),
'display_name': 'Migration test course',
data = {
'wiki_slug': 'test_course_slug'
fields = metadata.copy()
# split requires the course to be created separately from creating items
'test_org', 'my course', self.userid, self.split_course_id, fields=fields, root_usage_id='runid'
self.course_location = Location('i4x', 'test_org', 'test_course', 'course', 'runid')
self.old_mongo.create_and_save_xmodule(self.course_location, data, metadata)
runtime = self.old_mongo.get_item(self.course_location).runtime
self._create_item('chapter', 'Chapter1', {}, {'display_name': 'Chapter 1'}, 'course', 'runid', runtime)
self._create_item('chapter', 'Chapter2', {}, {'display_name': 'Chapter 2'}, 'course', 'runid', runtime)
self._create_item('chapter', 'OrphanChapter', {}, {'display_name': 'Orphan Chapter'}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('vertical', 'Vert1', {}, {'display_name': 'Vertical 1'}, 'chapter', 'Chapter1', runtime)
self._create_item('vertical', 'OrphanVert', {}, {'display_name': 'Orphan Vertical'}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('html', 'Html1', "<p>Goodbye</p>", {'display_name': 'Parented Html'}, 'vertical', 'Vert1', runtime)
self._create_item('html', 'OrphanHtml', "<p>Hello</p>", {'display_name': 'Orphan html'}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('static_tab', 'staticuno', "<p>tab</p>", {'display_name': 'Tab uno'}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('about', 'overview', "<p>overview</p>", {}, None, None, runtime)
self._create_item('course_info', 'updates', "<ol><li><h2>Sep 22</h2><p>test</p></li></ol>", {}, None, None, runtime)
def test_mongo_orphan(self):
Test that old mongo finds the orphans
orphans = self.old_mongo.get_orphans('test_org.test_course', ['static_tab', 'about', 'course_info'], None)
self.assertEqual(len(orphans), 3, "Wrong # {}".format(orphans))
location = self.course_location.replace(category='chapter', name='OrphanChapter')
self.assertIn(location.url(), orphans)
location = self.course_location.replace(category='vertical', name='OrphanVert')
self.assertIn(location.url(), orphans)
location = self.course_location.replace(category='html', name='OrphanHtml')
self.assertIn(location.url(), orphans)
def test_split_orphan(self):
Test that old mongo finds the orphans
orphans = self.split_mongo.get_orphans(self.split_course_id, ['static_tab', 'about', 'course_info'], 'draft')
self.assertEqual(len(orphans), 3, "Wrong # {}".format(orphans))
location = BlockUsageLocator(course_id=self.split_course_id, branch='draft', usage_id='OrphanChapter')
self.assertIn(location, orphans)
location = BlockUsageLocator(course_id=self.split_course_id, branch='draft', usage_id='OrphanVert')
self.assertIn(location, orphans)
location = BlockUsageLocator(course_id=self.split_course_id, branch='draft', usage_id='OrphanHtml')
self.assertIn(location, orphans)
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