Commit ace8df39 by Valera Rozuvan

Turned back on several Video Jasmine tests.

parent 3f0f7fa3
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ These are notable changes in edx-platform. This is a rolling list of changes,
in roughly chronological order, most recent first. Add your entries at or near
the top. Include a label indicating the component affected.
Blades: Enabled several Video Jasmine tests. BLD-463.
Blades: Put 2nd "Hide output" button at top of test box & increase text size for
code response questions. BLD-126.
......@@ -271,7 +271,17 @@
// Disabled 10/29/13 due to flakiness in master
xdescribe('multiple YT on page', function () {
// Update: Turned on test back again. Passing locally and on
// Jenkins in a large number of runs.
// Will observe for a little while to see if any failures arise.
// Most probable cause of test passing is:
// : )
describe('multiple YT on page', function () {
var state1, state2, state3;
beforeEach(function () {
......@@ -457,7 +457,17 @@
// Disabled 10/25/13 due to flakiness in master
xit('scroll caption to new position', function () {
// Update: Turned on test back again. Passing locally and on
// Jenkins in a large number of runs.
// Will observe for a little while to see if any failures arise.
// Most probable cause of test passing is:
// : )
it('scroll caption to new position', function () {
......@@ -538,7 +548,17 @@
// Disabled 10/23/13 due to flakiness in master
xdescribe('scrollCaption', function () {
// Update: Turned on test back again. Passing locally and on
// Jenkins in a large number of runs.
// Will observe for a little while to see if any failures arise.
// Most probable cause of test passing is:
// : )
describe('scrollCaption', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
......@@ -683,7 +703,17 @@
// Test turned off due to flakiness (30.10.2013).
xit('scroll the caption', function () {
// Update: Turned on test back again. Passing locally and on
// Jenkins in a large number of runs.
// Will observe for a little while to see if any failures arise.
// Most probable cause of test passing is:
// : )
it('scroll the caption', function () {
// After transcripts are shown, and the video plays for a
// bit.
......@@ -154,7 +154,17 @@
// Turned off test due to flakiness (30.10.2013).
xit('trigger seek event', function() {
// Update: Turned on test back again. Passing locally and on
// Jenkins in a large number of runs.
// Will observe for a little while to see if any failures arise.
// Most probable cause of test passing is:
// : )
it('trigger seek event', function() {
runs(function () {
jQuery.Event('slide'), { value: 20 }
......@@ -220,7 +230,17 @@
// Turned off test due to flakiness (30.10.2013).
xit('trigger seek event', function() {
// Update: Turned on test back again. Passing locally and on
// Jenkins in a large number of runs.
// Will observe for a little while to see if any failures arise.
// Most probable cause of test passing is:
// : )
it('trigger seek event', function() {
runs(function () {
jQuery.Event('stop'), { value: 20 }
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