Commit 825571fb by polesye

BLD-424. Update CHANGELOG.rst.

parent 6130189b
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ These are notable changes in edx-platform. This is a rolling list of changes,
in roughly chronological order, most recent first. Add your entries at or near
the top. Include a label indicating the component affected.
Blades: Fix bug when the speed can only be changed when the video is playing.
LMS: Change bulk email implementation to use less memory, and to better handle
duplicate tasks in celery.
......@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ LMS: Improve forum error handling so that errors in the logs are
clearer and HTTP status codes from the comments service indicating
client error are correctly passed through to the client.
LMS: Improve performance of page load and thread list load for
LMS: Improve performance of page load and thread list load for
discussion tab
LMS: The wiki markup cheatsheet dialog is now accessible to people with
......@@ -28,12 +30,12 @@ Blades: When start time and end time are specified for a video, a visual range
will be shown on the time slider to highlight the place in the video that will
be played.
Studio: added restful interface for finding orphans in courses.
An orphan is an xblock to which no children relation points and whose type is not
Studio: added restful interface for finding orphans in courses.
An orphan is an xblock to which no children relation points and whose type is not
in the set contentstore.views.item.DETACHED_CATEGORIES nor 'course'.
GET http://host/orphan/org.course returns json array of ids.
GET http://host/orphan/org.course returns json array of ids.
Requires course author access.
DELETE http://orphan/org.course deletes all the orphans in that course.
DELETE http://orphan/org.course deletes all the orphans in that course.
Requires is_staff access
Studio: Bug fix for text loss in Course Updates when the text exists
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