Commit 56015e4b by Peter Fogg

Update CHANGELOG.rst; move acceptance test methods into more appropriate files; docstring cleaning.

parent 8159e861
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ These are notable changes in edx-platform. This is a rolling list of changes,
in roughly chronological order, most recent first. Add your entries at or near
the top. Include a label indicating the component affected.
Studio: Remove XML from the video component editor. All settings are
moved to be edited as metadata.
Studio, LMS: Make ModelTypes more strict about their expected content (for
instance, Boolean, Integer, String), but also allow them to hold either the
typed value, or a String that can be converted to their typed value. For example,
......@@ -169,3 +169,13 @@ def open_new_unit(step):
step.given('I have added a new subsection')
step.given('I expand the first section')
@step('when I view the video it (.*) show the captions')
def shows_captions(step, show_captions):
# Prevent cookies from overriding course settings
if show_captions == 'does not':
assert world.css_find('.video')[0].has_class('closed')
assert world.is_css_not_present('.video.closed')
......@@ -14,3 +14,10 @@ def i_see_the_correct_settings_and_values(step):
['Speed: .75x', '', False],
['Speed: 1.25x', '', False],
['Speed: 1.5x', '', False]])
@step('I have set "show captions" to (.*)')
def set_show_captions(step, setting):
world.css_click('a.edit-button')'Show Captions', setting)
......@@ -31,20 +31,3 @@ def hide_or_show_captions(step, shown):
button = world.css_find(button_css)
@step('when I view the video it (.*) show the captions')
def shows_captions(step, show_captions):
# Prevent cookies from overriding course settings
if show_captions == 'does not':
assert world.css_find('.video')[0].has_class('closed')
assert world.is_css_not_present('.video.closed')
@step('I have set "show captions" to (.*)')
def set_show_captions(step, setting):
world.css_click('a.edit-button')'Show Captions', setting)
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ from .test_import import DummySystem
class VideoDescriptorImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Make sure that VideoDescriptor can import an old XML-based video correctly.
def test_from_xml(self):
module_system = DummySystem(load_error_modules=True)
......@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ class VideoDescriptorImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(output.source, '')
def test_from_xml_missing_attributes(self):
Ensure that attributes have the right values if they aren't
explicitly set in XML.
module_system = DummySystem(load_error_modules=True)
xml_data = '''
<video display_name="Test Video"
......@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ class VideoDescriptorImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(output.source, '')
def test_from_xml_no_attributes(self):
Make sure settings are correct if none are explicitly set in XML.
module_system = DummySystem(load_error_modules=True)
xml_data = '<video></video>'
output = VideoDescriptor.from_xml(xml_data, module_system)
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