71.4 KB
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Michael DeHaan committed
1 2 3
Ansible Changes By Release

Michael DeHaan committed
4 5
## 1.7 "Summer Nights" - Active Development

Michael DeHaan committed
6 7 8 9
Major new features:

* Windows support (alpha) using native PowerShell remoting

Michael DeHaan committed
10 11 12 13 14
New inventory scripts:

* SoftLayer
* Windows Azure

15 16
New Modules:

* cloud: azure
* cloud: rax_meta
19 20
* cloud: rax_scaling_group
* cloud: rax_scaling_policy
Michael DeHaan committed
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
* windows: version of setup module
* windows: version of slurp module
* windows: win_feature
* windows: win_get_url
* windows: win_msi
* windows: win_ping
* windows: win_user
Michael DeHaan committed

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
## 1.6.3 "And the Cradle Will Rock" - Jun 09, 2014

- Corrects a regression where handlers were run across all hosts, not just those that triggered the handler.
- Fixed a bug in which modules did not support properly moving a file atomically when su was in use.
- Fixed two bugs related to symlinks with directories when using the file module.
- Fixed a bug related to MySQL master replication syntax.
- Corrects a regression in the order of variable merging done by the internal runner code.
- Various other minor bug fixes.

## 1.6.2 "And the Cradle Will Rock" - May 23, 2014

- If an improper locale is specified, core modules will now automatically revert to using the 'C' locale.
- Modules using the fetch_url utility will now obey proxy environment variables.
- The SSL validation step in fetch_url will likewise obey proxy settings, however only proxies using the http protocol are supported.
- Fixed multiple bugs in docker module related to version changes upstream.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
- Fixed a bug in the ec2_group module where egress rules were lost when a VPC was specified.
- Fixed two bugs in the synchronize module:
  * a trailing slash might be lost when calculating relative paths, resulting in an incorrect destination.
  * the sync might use the inventory directory incorrectly instead of the playbook or role directory.
- Files will now only be chown'd on an atomic move if the src/dest uid/gid do not match.

## 1.6.1 "And the Cradle Will Rock" - May 7, 2014

- Fixed a bug in group_by, where systems were being grouped incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where file descriptors may leak to a child process when using accelerate.
- Fixed a bug in apt_repository triggered when python-apt not being installed/available.
- Fixed a bug in the apache2_module module, where modules were not being disabled correctly.

Michael DeHaan committed
## 1.6 "And the Cradle Will Rock" - May 5, 2014
Michael DeHaan committed
58 59 60 61

Major features/changes:

* The deprecated legacy variable templating system has been finally removed.  Use {{ foo }} always not $foo or ${foo}.
* Any data file can also be JSON.  Use sparingly -- with great power comes great responsibility.  Starting file with "{" or "[" denotes JSON.
* Added 'gathering' param for ansible.cfg to change the default gather_facts policy.
64 65 66
* Accelerate improvements:
  - multiple users can connect with different keys, when `accelerate_multi_key = yes` is specified in the ansible.cfg.
  - daemon lifetime is now based on the time from the last activity, not the time from the daemon's launch.
67 68
* ansible-playbook now accepts --force-handlers to run handlers even if tasks result in failures.
* Added VMWare support with the vsphere_guest module.
Michael DeHaan committed

New Modules:
Michael DeHaan committed

* files: replace
Michael DeHaan committed
* packaging: cpanm (Perl)
* packaging: portage
Michael DeHaan committed
* packaging: composer (PHP)
* packaging: homebrew_tap (OS X)
* packaging: homebrew_cask (OS X) 
* packaging: apt_rpm
* packaging: layman
* monitoring: logentries
* monitoring: rollbar_deployment
* monitoring: librato_annotation
Michael DeHaan committed
* notification: nexmo (SMS)
* notification: twilio (SMS)
Michael DeHaan committed
* notification: slack (
* notification: typetalk (
Michael DeHaan committed
* notification: sns (Amazon)
* system: debconf
89 90
* system: ufw
* system: locale_gen
* system: alternatives
* system: capabilities
* net_infrastructure: bigip_facts
Michael DeHaan committed
* net_infrastructure: dnssimple
Michael DeHaan committed
* net_infrastructure: lldp
* web_infrastructure: apache2_module
97 98 99
* cloud: digital_ocean_domain
* cloud: digital_ocean_sshkey 
* cloud: rax_identity
100 101
* cloud: rax_cbs (cloud block storage)
* cloud: rax_cbs_attachments
* cloud: ec2_asg (configure autoscaling groups)
* cloud: ec2_scaling_policy
Michael DeHaan committed
* cloud: ec2_metric_alarm
* cloud: vsphere_guest
Michael DeHaan committed
106 107 108

Other notable changes:

Michael DeHaan committed
* example callback plugin added for hipchat
Michael DeHaan committed
* added example inventory plugin for vcenter/vsphere
Michael DeHaan committed
* added example inventory plugin for doing really trivial inventory from SSH config files
112 113 114
* libvirt module now supports destroyed and paused as states
* s3 module can specify metadata
* security token additions to ec2 modules
Michael DeHaan committed
* setup module code moved into module_utils/, facts now accessible by other modules  
* synchronize module sets relative dirs based on inventory or role path
* misc bugfixes and other parameters
* the ec2_key module now has wait/wait_timeout parameters
Michael DeHaan committed
119 120
* added version_compare filter (see docs)
* added ability for module documentation YAML to utilize shared module snippets for common args
Michael DeHaan committed
121 122
* apt module now accepts "deb" parameter to install local dpkg files
* regex_replace filter plugin added
123 124
* added an inventory script for Docker
* added an inventory script for Abiquo
125 126
* the get_url module now accepts url_username and url_password as parameters, so sites which require
  authentication no longer need to have them embedded in the url
Michael DeHaan committed
* ... to be filled in from changelogs ...
Michael DeHaan committed
128 129

130 131 132 133 134
## 1.5.5 "Love Walks In" - April 18, 2014

- Security fix for vault, to ensure the umask is set to a restrictive mode before creating/editing vault files.
- Backported apt_repository security fixes relating to filename/mode upon sources list file creation.

Michael DeHaan committed
135 136 137 138
## 1.5.4 "Love Walks In" - April 1, 2014

- Security fix for safe_eval, which further hardens the checking of the evaluation function.
- Changing order of variable precendence for system facts, to ensure that inventory variables take precedence over any facts that may be set on a host.
Michael DeHaan committed

140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
## 1.5.3 "Love Walks In" - March 13, 2014

- Fix validate_certs and run_command errors from previous release
- Fixes to the git module related to host key checking

## 1.5.2 "Love Walks In" - March 11, 2014

- Fix module errors in airbrake and apt from previous release

149 150 151 152 153 154 155
## 1.5.1 "Love Walks In" - March 10, 2014

- Force command action to not be executed by the shell unless specifically enabled.
- Validate SSL certs accessed through urllib*.
- Implement new default cipher class AES256 in ansible-vault.
- Misc bug fixes.

## 1.5 "Love Walks In" - February 28, 2014

158 159 160 161 162
Major features/changes:

* when_foo which was previously deprecated is now removed, use "when:" instead.  Code generates appropriate error suggestion.
* include + with_items which was previously deprecated is now removed, ditto.  Use with_nested / with_together, etc.
* only_if, which is much older than when_foo and was deprecated, is similarly removed.
Michael DeHaan committed
* ssh connection plugin is now more efficient if you add 'pipelining=True' in ansible.cfg under [ssh_connection], see example.cfg
Michael DeHaan committed
* localhost/ is not required to be in inventory if referenced, if not in inventory, it does not implicitly appear in the 'all' group.
* git module has new parameters (accept_hostkey, key_file, ssh_opts) to ease the usage of git and ssh protocols. 
* when using accelerate mode, the daemon will now be restarted when specifying a different remote_user between plays.
* added no_log: option for tasks. When used, no logging information will be sent to syslog during the module execution.
* acl module now handles 'default' and allows for either shorthand entry or specific fields per entry section
* play_hosts is a new magic variable to provide a list of hosts in scope for the current play.
* ec2 module now accepts 'exact_count' and 'count_tag' as a way to enforce a running number of nodes by tags.
* all ec2 modules that work with Eucalyptus also now support a 'validate_certs' option, which can be set to 'off' for installations using self-signed certs.
* Start of new integration test infrastructure (WIP, more details TBD)
* if repoquery is unavailble, the yum module will automatically attempt to install yum-utils
Michael DeHaan committed
* ansible-vault: a framework for encrypting your playbooks and variable files 
* added support for privilege escalation via 'su' into bin/ansible and bin/ansible-playbook and associated keywords 'su', 'su_user', 'su_pass' for tasks/plays
176 177 178

New modules:

179 180
* cloud: ec2_elb_lb
* cloud: ec2_key
* cloud: ec2_snapshot
182 183 184 185 186 187
* cloud: rax_dns
* cloud: rax_dns_record
* cloud: rax_files
* cloud: rax_files_objects
* cloud: rax_keypair
* cloud: rax_queue
Michael DeHaan committed
* cloud: docker_image
* messaging: rabbitmq_policy
* system: at
* utilities: assert

Michael DeHaan committed
Other notable changes (many new module params & bugfixes may not not listed):

* no_reboot is now defaulted to "no" in the ec2_ami module to ensure filesystem consistency in the resulting AMI.
Michael DeHaan committed
196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
* sysctl module overhauled
* authorized_key module overhauled
* synchronized module now handles local transport better
* apt_key module now ignores case on keys
* zypper_repository now skips on check mode
* file module now responds to force behavior when dealing with hardlinks
* new lookup plugin 'csvfile'
* fixes to allow hash_merge behavior to work with dynamic inventory
* mysql module will use port argument on dump/import
* subversion module now ignores locale to better intercept status messages
* rax api_key argument is no longer logged
* backwards/forwards compatibility for OpenStack modules, 'quantum' modules grok neutron renaming
* hosts properly uniqueified if appearing in redundant groups
* hostname module support added for ScientificLinux
210 211 212 213 214
* ansible-pull can now show live stdout and pass verbosity levels to ansible-playbook
* ec2 instances can now be stopped or started
* additional volumes can be created when creating new ec2 instances
* user module can move a home directory
* significant enhancement and cleanup of rackspace modules
* ansible_ssh_private_key_file can be templated
* docker module updated to support docker-py 0.3.0
Michael DeHaan committed
* various other bug fixes
Michael DeHaan committed
218 219 220
* md5 logic improved during sudo operation
* support for ed25519 keys in authorized_key module
* ability to set directory permissions during a recursive copy (directory_mode parameter)

222 223 224 225
## 1.4.5 "Could This Be Magic" - February 12, 2014

- fixed issue with permissions being incorrect on fireball/accelerate keys when the umask setting was too loose.

226 227 228 229
## 1.4.4 "Could This Be Magic" - January 6, 2014

- fixed a minor issue with newer versions of pip dropping the "use-mirrors" parameter.

230 231 232 233 234
## 1.4.3 "Could This Be Magic" - December 20, 2013

- Fixed role_path parsing from ansible.cfg
- Fixed default role templates

Rene Moser committed
## 1.4.2 "Could This Be Magic" - December 18, 2013

Rene Moser committed
237 238 239 240
* Fixed a few bugs related to unicode
* Fixed errors in the ssh connection method with large data returns
* Miscellaneous fixes for a few modules
* Add the ansible-galaxy command

## 1.4.1 "Could This Be Magic" - November 27, 2013
243 244 245

* Misc fixes to accelerate mode and various modules.

## 1.4 "Could This Be Magic" - November 21, 2013
Michael DeHaan committed
247 248 249

Highlighted new features:

* Added do-until feature, which can be used to retry a failed task a specified number of times with a delay in-between the retries.
* Added failed_when option for tasks, which can be used to specify logical statements that make it easier to determine when a task has failed, or to make it easier to ignore certain non-zero return codes for some commands.
* Added the "subelement" lookup plugin, which allows iteration of the keys of a dictionary or items in a list.
* Added the capability to use either paramiko or ssh for the inital setup connection of an accelerated playbook.
* Automatically provide advice on common parser errors users encounter.
255 256 257 258
* Deprecation warnings are now shown for legacy features: when_integer/etc, only_if, include+with_items, etc.  Can be disabled in ansible.cfg
* The system will now provide helpful tips around possible YAML syntax errors increasing ease of use for new users.
* warnings are now shown for using {{ foo }} in loops and conditionals, and suggest leaving the variable expressions bare as per docs.
* The roles search path is now configurable in ansible.cfg.  'roles_path' in the config setting.
* Includes with parameters can now be done like roles for consistency:  - { include: song.yml, year:1984, song:'jump' }
* The name of each role is now shown before each task if roles are being used
* Adds a "var=" option to the debug module for debugging variable data.  "debug: var=hostvars['hostname']" and "debug: var=foo" are all valid syntax.
Michael DeHaan committed
* Variables in {{ format }} can be used as references even if they are structured data
* Can force binding of accelerate to ipv6 ports.
264 265 266
* the apt module will auto-install python-apt if not present rather than requiring a manual installation
* the copy module is now recursive if the local 'src' parameter is a directory.
* syntax checks now scan included task and variable files as well as main files

New modules and plugins.
Michael DeHaan committed

270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278
* cloud: ec2_eip -- manage AWS elastic IPs
* cloud: ec2_vpc -- manage ec2 virtual private clouds
* cloud: elasticcache -- Manages clusters in Amazon Elasticache
* cloud: rax_network -- sets up Rackspace networks
* cloud: rax_facts: retrieve facts about a Rackspace Cloud Server
* cloud: rax_clb_nodes -- manage Rackspace cloud load balanced nodes
* cloud: rax_clb -- manages Rackspace cloud load balancers
* cloud: docker - instantiates/removes/manages docker containers
* cloud: ovirt -- VM lifecycle controls for ovirt
* files: acl -- set or get acls on a file
* files: unarchive: pushes and extracts tarballs
Michael DeHaan committed
* files: synchronize: a useful wraper around rsyncing trees of files
James Cammarata committed
* system: firewalld -- manage the firewalld configuration
* system: modprobe -- manage kernel modules on systems that support modprobe/rmmod
* system: open_iscsi -- manage targets on an initiator using open-iscsi
285 286
* system: blacklist: add or remove modules from the kernel blacklist
* system: hostname - sets the systems hostname
Michael DeHaan committed
* utilities: include_vars -- dynamically load variables based on conditions.
288 289 290 291 292 293 294
* packaging: zypper_repository - adds or removes Zypper repositories
* packaging: urpmi - work with urpmi packages
* packaging: swdepot - a module for working with swdepot
* notification: grove - notifies to Grove hosted IRC channels
* web_infrastructure: ejabberd_user: add and remove users to ejabberd
* web_infrastructure: jboss: deploys or undeploys apps to jboss
* source_control: github_hooks: manages GitHub service hooks 
* net_infrastructure: bigip_monitor_http: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM http monitors
296 297 298 299 300
* net_infrastructure: bigip_monitor_tcp: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM TCP monitors
* net_infrastructure: bigip_pool_member: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members
* net_infrastructure: bigip_node: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes
* net_infrastructure: openvswitch_port
* net_infrastructure: openvswitch_bridge
Michael DeHaan committed

302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309

* jail connection module (FreeBSD)
* lxc connection module
* added inventory script for listing FreeBSD jails 
* added md5 as a Jinja2 filter:  {{ path | md5 }}
* added a fileglob filter that will return files matching a glob pattern.  with_items: "/foo/pattern/*.txt | fileglob"
* 'changed' filter returns whether a previous step was changed easier.  when: registered_result | changed
310 311 312
* DOCS NEEDED: 'unique' and 'intersect' filters are added for dealing with lists.
* DOCS NEEDED: new lookup plugin added for etcd
* a 'func' connection type to help people migrating from func/certmaster.

Misc changes (all module additions/fixes may not listed):
Michael DeHaan committed

* (docs pending) New features for accelerate mode: configurable timeouts and a keepalives for long running tasks.
* Added a `delimiter` field to the assemble module.
318 319
* Added `ansible_env` to the list of facts returned by the setup module.
* Added `state=touch` to the file module, which functions similarly to the command-line version of `touch`.
* Added a -vvvv level, which will show SSH client debugging information in the event of a failure.
* Includes now support the more standard syntax, similar to that of role includes and dependencies. 
Michael DeHaan committed
* Changed the `user:` parameter on plays to `remote_user:` to prevent confusion with the module of the same name.  Still backwards compatible on play parameters.
* Added parameter to allow the fetch module to skip the md5 validation step ('validate_md5=false'). This is usefull when fetching files that are actively being written to, such as live log files.
324 325
* Inventory hosts are used in the order they appear in the inventory.
* in hosts: foo[2-5] type syntax, the iterators now are zero indexed and the last index is non-inclusive, to match Python standards.
* There is now a way for a callback plugin to disable itself.  See osx_say example code for an example.
327 328
* Many bugfixes to modules of all types.
* Complex arguments now can be used with async tasks
* SSH ControlPath is now configurable in ansible.cfg.  There is a limit to the lengths of these paths, see how to shorten them in ansible.cfg.
330 331 332 333 334
* md5sum support on AIX with csum.
* Extremely large documentation refactor into subchapters
* Added 'append_privs' option to the mysql_user module
* Can now update (temporarily change) host variables using the "add_host" module for existing hosts.
* Fixes for IPv6 addresses in inventory text files
Michael DeHaan committed
335 336
* name of executable can be passed to pip/gem etc, for installing under *different* interpreters
* copy of ./hacking/env-setup added for fish users, ./hacking/
337 338 339
* file module more tolerant of non-absolute paths in softlinks.
* miscellaneous fixes/upgrades to async polling logic.
* conditions on roles now pass to dependent roles
340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355
* ansible_sudo_pass can be set in a host variable if desired
* misc fixes for the pip an easy_install modules
* support for running handlers that have parameterized names based on role parameters
* added support for compressing MySQL dumps and extracting during import
* Boto version compatibility fixes for the EC2 inventory script
* in the EC2 inventory script, a group 'EC2' and 'RDS' contains EC2 and RDS hosts.
* umask is enforced by the cron module
* apt packages that are not-removed and not-upgraded do not count as changes
* the assemble module can now use src files from the local server and copy them over dynamically
* authorization code has been standardized between Amazon cloud modules
* the wait_for module can now also wait for files to exist or a regex string to exist in a file
* leading ranges are now allowed in ranged hostname patterns, ex: [000-250]
* pager support added to ansible-doc (so it will auto-invoke less, etc)
* misc fixes to the cron module
* get_url module now understands content-disposition headers for deciding filenames
* it is possible to have subdirectories in between group_vars/ and host_vars/ and the final filename, like host_vars/rack42/asdf for the variables for host 'asdf'.  The intermediate directories are ignored, and do not put a file in there twice.
Michael DeHaan committed

## 1.3.4 "Top of the World" (reprise) - October 29, 2013

359 360
* Fixed a bug in the copy module, where a filename containing the string "raw" was handled incorrectly
* Fixed a bug in accelerate mode, where copying a zero-length file out would fail

## 1.3.3 "Top of the World" (reprise) - October 9, 2013
363 364 365

Additional fixes for accelerate mode.

## 1.3.2 "Top of the World" (reprise) - September 19th, 2013
367 368

Multiple accelerate mode fixes:
369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377

* Make packet reception less greedy, so multiple frames of data are not consumed by one call.
* Adding two timeout values (one for connection and one for data reception timeout).
* Added keepalive packets, so async mode is no longer required for long-running tasks.
* Modified accelerate daemon to use the verbose logging level of the ansible command that started it.
* Fixed bug where accelerate would not work in check-mode.
* Added a -vvvv level, which will show SSH client debugging information in the event of a failure.
* Fixed bug in apt_repository module where the repository cache was not being updated.
* Fixed bug where "too many open files" errors would be encountered due to pseudo TTY's not being closed properly.

## 1.3.1 "Top of the World" (reprise) - September 16th, 2013
380 381 382

Fixing a bug in accelerate mode whereby the gather_facts step would always be run via sudo regardless of the play settings.

## 1.3 "Top of the World" - September 13th, 2013

Michael DeHaan committed
Highlighted new features:

387 388
* accelerated mode: An enhanced fireball mode that requires zero bootstrapping and fewer requirements plus adds capabilities like sudo commands.
* role defaults: Allows roles to define a set of variables at the lowest priority. These variables can be overridden by any other variable.
389 390 391 392
* new /etc/ansible/facts.d allows JSON or INI-style facts to be provided from the remote node, and supports executable fact programs in this dir. Files must end in *.fact.
* added the ability to make undefined template variables raise errors (see ansible.cfg)
* (DOCS PENDING) sudo: True/False and sudo_user: True/False can be set at include and role level
* added changed_when: (expression) which allows overriding whether a result is changed or not and can work with registered expressions
* --extra-vars can now take a file as input, e.g., "-e @filename" and can also be formatted as YAML
* external inventory scripts may now return host variables in one pass, which allows them to be much more efficient for large numbers of hosts
395 396 397
* if --forks exceeds the numbers of hosts, it will be automatically reduced. Set forks to 0 and you get "as many forks as I have hosts" out of the box.
* enabled error_on_undefined_vars by default, which will make errors in playbooks more obvious
* role dependencies -- one role can now pull in another, with parameters of its own.
398 399
* added the ability to have tasks execute even during a check run (always_run).
* added the ability to set the maximum failure percentage for a group of hosts.
400 401 402

New modules:

Michael DeHaan committed
* notifications: datadog_event -- send data to datadog
404 405 406
* cloud: digital_ocean -- module for DigitalOcean provisioning that also includes inventory support
* cloud: rds -- Amazon Relational Database Service
* cloud: linode -- modules for Linode provisioning that also includes inventory support
Michael DeHaan committed
* cloud: route53 -- manage Amazon DNS entries 
* cloud: ec2_ami -- manages (and creates!) ec2 AMIs
409 410 411
* database: mysql_replication -- manages mysql replication settings for masters/slaves
* database: mysql_variables -- manages mysql runtime variables
* database: redis -- manages redis databases (slave mode and flushing data)
Michael DeHaan committed
412 413 414 415
* net_infrastructure: arista_interface
* net_infrastructure: arista_lag
* net_infrastructure: arista_l2interface
* net_infrastructure: arista_vlan
Michael DeHaan committed
* system: stat -- reports on stat(istics) of remote files, for use with 'register'
Michael DeHaan committed
417 418
* web_infrastructure: htpasswd -- manipulate htpasswd files
* packaging: rpm_key -- adds or removes RPM signing keys
* packaging: apt_repository -- rewritten to remove dependencies 
Michael DeHaan committed
* monitoring: boundary_meter -- adds or removes meters
* net_infrastructure: dnsmadeeasy - manipulate DNS Made Easy records
* files: xattr -- manages extended attributes on files
423 424 425

Misc changes:

* return 3 when there are hosts that were unreachable during a run
427 428 429
* the yum module now supports wildcard values for the enablerepo argument
* added an inventory script to pull host information from Zabbix
* async mode no longer allows with_* lookup plugins due to incompatibilities
430 431 432
* Added OpenRC support (Gentoo) to the service module
* ansible_ssh_user value is available to templates
* added placement_group parameter to ec2 module
* new sha256sum parameter added to get_url module for checksum validation
434 435 436 437
* search for mount binaries in system path and sbin vs assuming path
* allowed inventory file to be read from a pipe
* added Solaris distribution facts
* fixed bug along error path in quantum_network module
* user password update mode is controllable in user module now (at creation vs. every time)
439 440 441 442 443
* added check mode support to the OpenBSD package module
* Fix for MySQL 5.6 compatibility
* HP UX virtualization facts
* fixed some executable bits in git
* made rhn_register module compatible with EL5
444 445 446 447
* fix for setup module epoch time on Solaris
* sudo_user is now expanded later, allowing it to be set at inventory scope
* mongodb_user module changed to also support MongoDB 2.2
* new state=hard option added to the file module for hardlinks vs softlinks
Michael DeHaan committed
448 449
* fixes to apt module purging option behavior
* fixes for device facts with multiple PCI domains
* added "with_inventory_hostnames" lookup plugin, which can take a pattern and loop over hostnames matching the pattern and is great for use with delegate_to and so on
Michael DeHaan committed
* ec2 module supports adding to multiple security groups
* cloudformation module includes fixes for the error path, and the 'wait_for' parameter was removed
Michael DeHaan committed
453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461
* added --only-if-changed to ansible-pull, which runs only if the repo has changes (not default)
* added 'mandatory', a Jinja2 filter that checks if a variable is defined: {{ foo|mandatory }}
* added support for multiple size formats to the lvol module
* timing reporting on wait_for module now includes the delay time
* IRC module can now send a server password
* "~" now expanded on each component of configured plugin paths
* fix for easy_install module when dealing with virtualenv
* rackspace module now explicitly indicates rackspace vs vanilla openstack
* add_host module does not report changed=True any longer
* explanatory error message when using fireball with sudo has been improved
Michael DeHaan committed
* git module now automatically pulls down git submodules
* negated patterns do not require "all:!foo", you can just say "!foo" now to select all not foos
Michael DeHaan committed
* fix for Debian services always reporting changed when toggling enablement bit
* roles files now tolerate files named 'main.yaml' and 'main' in addition to main.yml
Michael DeHaan committed
* some help cleanup to command line flags on scripts
* force option reinstated for file module so it can create symlinks to non-existent files, etc.
Michael DeHaan committed
469 470
* added termination support to ec2 module
* --ask-sudo-pass or --sudo-user does not enable all options to use sudo in ansible-playbook
Michael DeHaan committed
471 472 473 474 475
* include/role conditionals are added ahead of task conditionals so they can short circuit properly
* added pipes.quote in various places so paths with spaces are better tolerated
* error handling while executing Jinja2 filters has been improved
* upgrades to atomic replacement logic when copying files across partitions/etc
* mysql user module can try to login before requiring explicit password
* various additional options added to supervisorctl module
Michael DeHaan committed
* only add non unique parameter on group creation when required
478 479
* allow rabbitmq_plugin to specify a non-standard RabbitMQ path
* authentication fixes to keystone_user module
Michael DeHaan committed
480 481 482
* added IAM role support to EC2 module
* fixes for OpenBSD package module to avoid shell expansion
* git module upgrades to allow --depth and --version to be used together
* new lookup plugin, "with_flattened"
Michael DeHaan committed
484 485 486
* extra vars (-e) variables can be used in playbook include paths
* improved reporting for invalid sudo passwords
* improved reporting for inability to find a suitable tmp location
* require libselinux-python to perform file operations if SELinux is operational
Michael DeHaan committed
488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497
* ZFS module fixes for byte display constants and handling paths with spaces
* setup module more tolerant of gathering facts against things it does not have permission to read
* can specify name=* state=latest to update all yum modules
* major speedups to the yum module for default cases
* ec2_facts module will now run in check mode
* sleep option on service module for sleeping between stop/restart
* fix for IPv6 facts on BSD
* added Jinja2 filters: skipped, whether a result was skipped
* added Jinja2 filters: quote, quotes a string if it needs to be quoted
* allow force=yes to affect apt upgrades
* fix for saving conditionals in variable names
* support for multiple host ranges in INI inventory, e.g., db[01:10:3]node-[01:10]
Michael DeHaan committed
* fixes/improvements to cron module
Michael DeHaan committed
* add user_install=no option to gem module to install gems system wide
Michael DeHaan committed
* added raw=yes to allow copying without python on remote machines
Michael DeHaan committed
503 504 505 506
* added with_indexed_items lookup plugin
* Linode inventory plugin now significantly faster
* added recurse=yes parameter to pacman module for package removal
* apt_key module can now target specific keyrings (keyring=filename)
* ec2 module change reporting improved
Michael DeHaan committed
* hg module now expands user paths (~)
* SSH connection type known host checking now can process hashed known_host files
Michael DeHaan committed
* lvg module now checks for executables in more correct locations
* copy module now works correctly with sudo_user
Michael DeHaan committed
* region parameter added to ec2_elb module
513 514
* better default XMPP module message types
* fixed conditional tests against raw booleans
Michael DeHaan committed
* mysql module grant removal is now smarter
516 517 518 519
* apt-remove is now forced to be non-interactive
* support ; comments in INI file module
* fixes to callbacks WRT async output (fire and forget tasks now trigger callbacks!)
* folder support for s3 module
Michael DeHaan committed
* added new example inventory plugin for Red Hat OpenShift
* and other misc. bugfixes

## 1.2.3 "Hear About It Later" (reprise) -- Aug 21, 2013
Michael DeHaan committed
524 525 526 527

* Local security fixes for predictable file locations for ControlPersist and retry file paths on shared machines
on operating systems without kernel symlink/hardlink protections.

## 1.2.2 "Hear About It Later" (reprise) -- July 4, 2013
Michael DeHaan committed
529 530 531 532 533 534 535

* Added a configuration file option [paramiko_connection] record_host_keys which allows the code that paramiko uses
to update known_hosts to be disabled.  This is done because paramiko can be very slow at doing this if you have a
large number of hosts and some folks may not want this behavior.  This can be toggled independently of host key checking
and does not affect the ssh transport plugin.  Use of the ssh transport plugin is preferred if you have ControlPersist
capability, and Ansible by default in 1.2.1 and later will autodetect.

## 1.2.1 "Hear About It Later" -- July 4, 2013
537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544

* Connection default is now "smart", which discovers if the system openssh can support ControlPersist, and uses
  it if so, if not falls back to paramiko.
* Host key checking is on by default.  Disable it if you like by adding host_key_checking=False in the [default]
  section of /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or ~/ansible.cfg or by exporting ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False
* Paramiko now records host keys it was in contact with host key checking is on.  It is somewhat sluggish when doing this,
  so switch to the 'ssh' transport if this concerns you.

## 1.2 "Right Now" -- June 10, 2013
Michael DeHaan committed

Michael DeHaan committed
547 548
Core Features:

Michael DeHaan committed
549 550 551
* capability to set 'all_errors_fatal: True' in a playbook to force any error to stop execution versus
  a whole group or serial block needing to fail
  usable, without breaking the ability to override in ansible
552 553 554
* ability to use variables from {{ }} syntax in mainline playbooks, new 'when' conditional, as detailed
  in documentation.  Can disable old style replacements in ansible.cfg if so desired, but are still active
  by default.
* can set ansible_ssh_private_key_file as an inventory variable (similar to ansible_ssh_host, etc)
Michael DeHaan committed
556 557
* 'when' statement can be affixed to task includes to auto-affix the conditional to each task therein
* cosmetic: "*****" banners in ansible-playbook output are now constant width
Michael DeHaan committed
558 559
* --limit can now be given a filename (--limit @filename) to constrain a run to a host list on disk
* failed playbook runs will create a retry file in /var/tmp/ansible usable with --limit
Michael DeHaan committed
* roles allow easy arrangement of reusable tasks/handlers/files/templates
* pre_tasks and post_tasks allow for separating tasks into blocks where handlers will fire around them automatically
Michael DeHaan committed
562 563
* "meta: flush_handler" task capability added for when you really need to force handlers to run
* new --start-at-task option to ansible playbook allows starting at a specific task name in a long playbook
* added a log file for ansible/ansible-playbook, set 'log_path' in the configuration file or ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH in environment
Michael DeHaan committed
565 566
* debug mode always outputs debug in playbooks, without needing to specify -v
* external inventory script added for Spacewalk / Red Hat Satellite servers
Michael DeHaan committed
* It is now possible to feed JSON structures to --extra-vars.  Pass in a JSON dictionary/hash to feed in complex data.
Michael DeHaan committed
* group_vars/ and host_vars/ directories can now be kept alongside the playbook as well as inventory (or both!)
569 570
* more filters: ability to say {{ foo|success }} and {{ foo|failed }} and when: foo|success and when: foo|failed
* more filters: {{ path|basename }} and {{ path|dirname }}
Michael DeHaan committed
* lookup plugins now use the basedir of the file they have included from, avoiding needs of ../../../ in places and
Michael DeHaan committed
increasing the ease at which things can be reorganized.
Michael DeHaan committed

Michael DeHaan committed
Modules added:
Michael DeHaan committed

Michael DeHaan committed
576 577 578
* cloud: rax: module for creating instances in the rackspace cloud (uses pyrax)
* packages: npm: node.js package management
* packages: pkgng: next-gen package manager for FreeBSD
579 580
* packages: redhat_subscription: manage Red Hat subscription usage
* packages: rhn_register: basic RHN registration
Michael DeHaan committed
* packages: zypper (SuSE)
Michael DeHaan committed
582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592
* database: postgresql_priv: manages postgresql priveledges
* networking: bigip_pool: load balancing with F5s
* networking: ec2_elb: add and remove machines from ec2 elastic load balancers
* notification: hipchat: send notification events to hipchat
* notification: flowdock: send messages to flowdock during playbook runs
* notification: campfire: send messages to campfire during playbook runs
* notification: mqtt: send messages to the Mosquitto message bus
* notification: irc: send messages to IRC channels
* notification: filesystem - a wrapper around mkfs
* notification: jabber: send jabber chat messages
* notification: osx_say: make OS X say things out loud
Michael DeHaan committed
593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601
* openstack: keystone_user
* openstack: glance_image
* openstack: nova_compute
* openstack: nova_keypair
* openstack: quantum_floating_ip
* openstack: quantum_floating_ip_associate
* openstack: quantum_network
* openstack: quantum_router
* openstack: quantum_router_gateway
* openstack: quantum_router_interface
Michael DeHaan committed
* openstack: quantum_subnet
Michael DeHaan committed
604 605 606 607 608 609
* monitoring: newrelic_deployment: notifies newrelic of new deployments
* monitoring: airbrake_deployment - notify airbrake of new deployments
* monitoring: pingdom
* monitoring: pagerduty
* monitoring: monit
* utility: set_fact: sets a variable, which can be the result of a template evaluation
Michael DeHaan committed
610 611 612 613 614

Modules removed

* vagrant -- can't be compatible with both versions at once, just run things though the vagrant provisioner in vagrant core

Michael DeHaan committed
615 616 617 618 619
Bugfixes and Misc Changes:

* service module happier if only enabled=yes|no specified and no state
* mysql_db: use --password= instead of -p in dump/import so it doesn't go interactive if no pass set
* when using -c ssh and the ansible user is the current user, don't pass a -o to allow SSH config to be
620 621
* overwrite parameter added to the s3 module
* private_ip parameter added to the ec2 module
Michael DeHaan committed
* $FILE and $PIPE now tolerate unicode
Michael DeHaan committed
623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638
* various plugin loading operations have been made more efficient
* hostname now uses platform.node versus socket.gethostname to be more consistant with Unix 'hostname'
* fix for SELinux operations on Unicode path names
* inventory directory locations now ignore files with .ini extensions, making hybrid inventory easier
* copy module in check-mode now reports back correct changed status when used with force=no
* added avail. zone to ec2 module
* fixes to the hash variable merging logic if so enabled in the main settings file (default is to replace, not merge hashes)
* group_vars and host_vars files can now end in a .yaml or .yml extension, (previously required no extension, still favored)
* ec2vol module improvements
* if the user module is told to generate the ssh key, the key generated is now returned in the results
* misc fixes to the Riak module
* make template module slightly more efficient
* base64encode / decode filters are now available to templates
* libvirt module can now work with multiple different libvirt connecton URIs
* fix for postgresql password escaping
* unicode fix for shlex.split in some cases
Michael DeHaan committed
639 640 641 642 643 644 645
* apt module upgrade logic improved
* URI module now can follow redirects
* yum module can now install off http URLs
* sudo password now defaults to ssh password if you ask for both and just hit enter on the second prompt
* validate feature on copy and template module, for example, running visudo prior to copying the file over
* network facts upgraded to return advanced configs (bonding, etc)
* region support added to ec2 module
Michael DeHaan committed
646 647 648
* riak module gets a wait for ring option
* improved check mode support in the file module
* exception handling added to handle scenario when attempt to log to systemd journal fails
Michael DeHaan committed
649 650 651
* fix for upstart handling when toggling the enablement and running bits at the same time
* when registering a task with a conditional attached, and the task is skipped by the conditional,
the variable is still registered for the host, with the attribute skipped: True.
Michael DeHaan committed
652 653 654 655 656 657
* delegate_to tasks can look up ansible_ssh_private_key_file variable from inventory correctly now
* s3 module takes a 'dest' parameter to change the destination for uploads
* apt module gets a cache_valid_time option to avoid redundant cache updates
* ec2 module better understands security groups
* fix for postgresql codec usage
* setup module now tolerant of OpenVZ interfaces
658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665
* check mode reporting improved for files and directories
* doc system now reports on module requirements
* group_by module can now also make use of globally scoped variables
* localhost and are now fuzzy matched in inventory (are now more or less interchangeable)
* AIX improvements/fixes for users, groups, facts
* lineinfile now does atomic file replacements
* fix to not pass PasswordAuthentication=no in the config file unneccessarily for SSH connection type
* for for authorized_key on Debian Squeeze
Michael DeHaan committed
666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673
* fixes for apt_repository module reporting changed incorrectly on certain repository types
* allow the virtualenv argument to the pip module to be a pathname
* service pattern argument now correctly read for BSD services
* fetch location can now be controlled more directly via the 'flat' parameter.
* added basename and dirname as Jinja2 filters available to all templates
* pip works better when sudoing from unpriveledged users
* fix for user creation with groups specification reporting 'changed' incorrectly in some cases
* fix for some unicode encoding errors in outputing some data in verbose mode
* improved FreeBSD, NetBSD and Solaris facts
Michael DeHaan committed
* debug module always outputs data without having to specify -v
Michael DeHaan committed
* fix for sysctl module creating new keys (must specify checks=none)
Michael DeHaan committed
* NetBSD and OpenBSD support for the user and groups modules
Maykel Moya committed
* Add encrypted password support to password lookup
Michael DeHaan committed

## 1.1 "Mean Street" -- 4/2/2013

Michael DeHaan committed
682 683
Core Features

Michael DeHaan committed
* added --check option for "dry run" mode
Michael DeHaan committed
* added --diff option to show how templates or copied files change, or might change
Michael DeHaan committed
686 687 688 689 690 691 692
* --list-tasks for the playbook will list the tasks without running them
* able to set the environment by setting "environment:" as a dictionary on any task (go proxy support!)
* added ansible_ssh_user and ansible_ssh_pass for per-host/group username and password
* jinja2 extensions can now be loaded from the config file
* support for complex arguments to modules (within reason)
* can specify ansible_connection=X to define the connection type in inventory variables
* a new chroot connection type
Michael DeHaan committed
* module common code now has basic type checking (and casting) capability
Michael DeHaan committed
* module common now supports a 'no_log' attribute to mark a field as not to be syslogged
* inventory can now point to a directory containing multiple scripts/hosts files, if using this, put group_vars/host_vars directories inside this directory
Michael DeHaan committed
696 697
* added configurable crypt scheme for 'vars_prompt'
* password generating lookup plugin -- $PASSWORD(path/to/save/data/in)
* added --step option to ansible-playbook, works just like Linux interactive startup!
Michael DeHaan committed
699 700 701

Modules Added:

Michael DeHaan committed
702 703 704 705
* bzr (bazaar version control)
* cloudformation
* django-manage
* gem (ruby gems)
* homebrew
Michael DeHaan committed
* lvg (logical volume groups)
* lvol (LVM logical volumes)
Michael DeHaan committed
709 710
* macports
* mongodb_user
Michael DeHaan committed
* netscaler
Michael DeHaan committed
712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722
* okg
* openbsd_pkg
* rabbit_mq_plugin
* rabbit_mq_user
* rabbit_mq_vhost
* rabbit_mq_parameter
* rhn_channel
* s3 -- allows putting file contents in buckets for sharing over s3
* uri module -- can get/put/post/etc
* vagrant -- launching VMs with vagrant, this is different from existing vagrant plugin
* zfs
Michael DeHaan committed
723 724 725

Bugfixes and Misc Changes:

Michael DeHaan committed
726 727
* stderr shown when commands fail to parse
* uses yaml.safe_dump in filter plugins
Michael DeHaan committed
* authentication Q&A no longer happens before --syntax-check, but after
Michael DeHaan committed
729 730 731 732 733
* ability to get hostvars data for nodes not in the setup cache yet
* SSH timeout now correctly passed to native SSH connection plugin
* raise an error when multiple when_ statements are provided
* --list-hosts applies host limit selections better
* (internals) template engine specifications to use template_ds everywhere
* better error message when your host file can not be found
Michael DeHaan committed
735 736 737 738 739
* end of line comments now work in the inventory file
* directory destinations now work better with remote md5 code
* lookup plugin macros like $FILE and $ENV now work without returning arrays in variable definitions/playbooks
* uses yaml.safe_load everywhere
* able to add EXAMPLES to documentation via EXAMPLES docstring, rather than just in main documentation YAML
740 741 742 743 744
* can set ANSIBLE_COW_SELECTION to pick other cowsay types (including random)
* to_nice_yaml and to_nice_json available as Jinja2 filters that indent and sort
* cowsay able to run out of macports (very important!)
* improved logging for fireball mode
* nicer error message when talking to an older system that needs a JSON module installed
* 'magic' variable 'inventory_dir' now gives path to inventory file
Michael DeHaan committed
746 747
* 'magic' variable 'vars' works like 'hostvars' but gives global scope variables, useful for debugging in templates mostly
* conditionals can be used on plugins like add_host
* developers: all callbacks now have access to a ".runner" and ".playbook", ".play", and ".task" object (use getattr, they may not always be set!)
Michael DeHaan committed
749 750 751


* block device facts for the setup module
Michael DeHaan committed
753 754
* facts for AIX
* fact detection for OS type on Amazon Linux
Michael DeHaan committed
755 756
* device fact gathering stability improvements
* ansible_os_family fact added
757 758
* user_id (remote user name)
* a whole series of current time information under the 'datetime' hash
Michael DeHaan committed
759 760
* more OS X facts
* support for detecting Alpine Linux
* added facts for OpenBSD
Michael DeHaan committed
762 763 764

Module Changes/Fixes:

Michael DeHaan committed
765 766 767
* ansible module common code (and ONLY that) which is mixed in with modules, is now BSD licensed.  App remains GPLv3.
* service code works better on platforms that mix upstart, systemd, and system-v
* service enablement idempotence fixes for systemd and upstart
Michael DeHaan committed
768 769 770 771 772 773 774
* service status 4 is also 'not running'
* supervisorctl restart fix
* increased error handling for ec2 module
* can recursively set permissions on directories
* ec2: change to the way AMI tags are handled
* cron module can now also manipulate cron.d files
* virtualenv module can now inherit system site packages (or not)
Michael DeHaan committed
775 776 777 778
* lineinfile module now has an insertbefore option
* NetBSD service module support
* fixes to sysctl module where item has multiple values
* AIX support for the user and group modules
Michael DeHaan committed
* able to specify a different hg repo to pull from than the original set
780 781
* add_host module can set ports and other inventory variables
* add_host module can add modules to multiple groups (groups=a,b,c), groups now alias for groupname
782 783 784 785 786
* subnet ID can be set on EC2 module
* MySQL module password handling improvements
* added new virtualenv flags to pip and easy_install modules
* various improvements to lineinfile module, now accepts common arguments from file
* force= now replaces thirsty where used before, thirsty remains an alias
Michael DeHaan committed
* setup module can take a 'filter=<wildcard>' parameter to just return a few facts (not used by playbooks)
788 789 790 791 792 793
* cron module works even if no crontab is present (for cron.d)
* security group ID settable on EC2 module
* misc fixes to sysctl module
* fix to apt module so packages not in cache are still removable
* charset fix to mail module
* postresql db module now does not try to create the 'PUBLIC' user
Michael DeHaan committed
* SVN module now works correctly with self signed certs
* apt module now has an upgrade parameter (values=yes, no, or 'dist')
Michael DeHaan committed
796 797 798 799 800
* nagios module gets new silence/unsilence commands
* ability to disable proxy usage in get_url (use_proxy=no)
* more OS X facts
* added a 'fail_on_missing' (default no) option to fetch
* added timeout to the uri module (default 30 seconds, adjustable)
* ec2 now has a 'wait' parameter to wait for the instance to be active, eliminates need for separate wait_for call.
Michael DeHaan committed
* allow regex backreferences in lineinfile
803 804 805 806 807
* id attribute on ec2 module can be used to set idempotent-do-not-recreate launches
* icinga support for nagios module
* fix default logins when no my.conf for MySQL module
* option to create users with non-unique UIDs (user module)
* macports module can enable/disable packages
Michael DeHaan committed
808 809 810 811
* quotes in my.cnf are stripped by the MySQL modules
* Solaris Service management added
* service module will attempt to auto-add unmanaged chkconfig services when needed
* service module supports systemd service unit files
Michael DeHaan committed
812 813 814 815 816


* added 'with_random_choice' filter plugin
* fixed ~ expansion for fileglob
* with_nested allows for nested loops (see examples in examples/playbooks)

## 1.0 "Eruption" -- Feb 1 2013

821 822
New modules:

823 824
* new sysctl module
* new pacman module (Arch linux)
825 826 827 828 829 830 831
* new apt_key module
* hg module now in core
* new ec2_facts module
* added pkgin module for Joyent SmartOS

New config settings:

832 833
* sudo_exe parameter can be set in config to use sudo alternatives
* sudo_flags parameter can alter the flags used with sudo
834 835 836

New playbook/language features:

* added when_failed and when_changed
* task includes can now be of infinite depth
* when_set and when_unset can take more than one var (when_set: $a and $b and $c)
840 841 842 843 844
* added the with_sequence lookup plugin
* can override "connection:" on an indvidual task
* parameterized playbook includes can now define complex variables (not just all on one line)
* making inventory variables available for use in vars_files paths
* messages when skipping plays are now more clear
Michael DeHaan committed
* --extra-vars now has maximum precedence (as intended)
846 847 848 849

Module fixes and new flags:

* ability to use raw module without python on remote system
850 851 852
* fix for service status checking on Ubuntu
* service module now responds to additional exit code for SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
* fix for raw module with '-c local'
* various fixes to git module
854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867
* ec2 module now reports the public DNS name
* can pass executable= to the raw module to specify alternative shells
* fix for postgres module when user contains a "-"
* added additional template variables -- $template_fullpath and $template_run_date
* raise errors on invalid arguments used with a task include statement
* shell/command module takes a executable= parameter to specify a different shell than /bin/sh
* added return code and error output to the raw module
* added support for @reboot to the cron module
* misc fixes to the pip module
* nagios module can schedule downtime for all services on the host
* various subversion module improvements
* various mail module improvements
* SELinux fix for files created by authorized_key module
* "template override" ??
868 869 870
* get_url module can now send user/password authorization
* ec2 module can now deploy multiple simultaneous instances
* fix for apt_key modules stalling in some situations
* fix to enable Jinja2 {% include %} to work again in template
872 873
* ec2 module is now powered by Boto
* setup module can now detect if package manager is using pacman
Michael DeHaan committed
* fix for yum module with enablerepo in use on EL 6

Core fixes and new behaviors:
Michael DeHaan committed

878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885
* various fixes for variable resolution in playbooks
* fixes for handling of "~" in some paths
* various fixes to DWIM'ing of relative paths
* /bin/ansible now takes a --list-hosts just like ansible-playbook did
* various patterns can now take a regex vs a glob if they start with "~" (need docs on which!) - also /usr/bin/ansible
* allow intersecting host patterns by using "&" ("webservers:!debian:&datacenter1")
* handle tilde shell character for --private-key
* hash merging policy is now selectable in the config file, can choose to override or merge
* environment variables now available for setting all plugin paths (ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS, etc)
Michael DeHaan committed
887 888 889 890
* added packaging file for macports (not upstreamed yet)
* hacking/test-module script now uses /usr/bin/env properly
* fixed error formatting for certain classes of playbook syntax errors
* fix for processing returns with large volumes of output
891 892 893 894 895 896

Inventory files/scripts:

* hostname patterns in the inventory file can now use alphabetic ranges
* whitespace is now allowed around group variables in the inventory file
* inventory scripts can now define groups of groups and group vars (need example for docs?)
Michael DeHaan committed

## 0.9 "Dreams" -- Nov 30 2012

Michael DeHaan committed
900 901
Highlighted core changes:

Michael DeHaan committed
* various performance tweaks, ansible executes dramatically less SSH ops per unit of work
Michael DeHaan committed
903 904
* close paramiko SFTP connections less often on copy/template operations (speed increase)
* change the way we use multiprocessing (speed/RAM usage improvements)
Michael DeHaan committed
905 906 907 908 909
* able to set default for asking password & sudo password in config file
* ansible now installs nicely if running inside a virtualenv
* flag to allow SSH connection to move files by scp vs sftp (in config file)
* additional RPM subpackages for easily installing fireball mode deps (server and node)
* group_vars/host_vars now available to ansible, not just playbooks
Michael DeHaan committed
* native ssh connection type (-c ssh) now supports passwords as well as keys
Michael DeHaan committed
* ansible-doc program to show details
Michael DeHaan committed
912 913 914 915

Other core changes:

* fix for template calls when last character is '$'
Michael DeHaan committed
* if ansible_python_interpreter is set on a delegated host, it now works as intended
Jim Kleckner committed
* --limit can now take "," as separator as well as ";" or ":"
Michael DeHaan committed
* msg is now displaced with newlines when a task fails
Michael DeHaan committed
* if any with_ plugin has no results in a list (empty list for with_items, etc), the task is now skipped
Michael DeHaan committed
920 921 922
* various output formatting fixes/improvements
* fix for Xen dom0/domU detection in default facts
* 'ansible_domain' fact now available (ex value:
Michael DeHaan committed
* configured remote temp file location is now always used even for root
924 925 926 927 928 929
* 'register'-ed variables are not recorded for skipped hosts (for example, using only_if/when)
* duplicate host records for the same host can no longer result when a host is listed in multiple groups
* ansible-pull now passes --limit to prevent running on multiple hosts when used with generic playbooks
* remote md5sum check fixes for Solaris 10
* ability to configure syslog facility used by remote module calls
* in templating, stray '$' characters are now handled more correctly
Michael DeHaan committed
930 931 932 933 934

Playbook changes:

* relative paths now work for 'first_available_file'
* various templating engine fixes
* 'when' is an easier form of only if
936 937
* --list-hosts on the playbook command now supports multiple playbooks on the same command line
* playbook includes can now be parameterized
Michael DeHaan committed
938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946

Module additions:

* (addhost) new module for adding a temporary host record (used for creating new guests)
* (group_by) module allows partitioning hosts based on group data
* (ec2) new module for creating ec2 hosts
* (script) added 'script' module for pushing and running self-deleting remote scripts
* (svr4pkg) solaris svr4pkg module

Michael DeHaan committed
Module changes:
Michael DeHaan committed
948 949

* (authorized key) module uses temp file now to prevent failure on full disk
950 951
* (fetch) now uses the 'slurp' internal code to work as you would expect under sudo'ed accounts
* (fetch) internal usage of md5 sums fixed for BSD
Michael DeHaan committed
952 953
* (get_url) thirsty is no longer required for directory destinations
* (git) various git module improvements/tweaks
* (group) now subclassed for various platforms, includes SunOS support
Michael DeHaan committed
* (lineinfile) create= option on lineinfile can create the file when it does not exist
Michael DeHaan committed
* (mysql_db) module takes new grant options
Michael DeHaan committed
957 958 959
* (postgresql_db) module now takes role_attr_flags
* (service) further upgrades to service module service status reporting
* (service) tweaks to get service module to play nice with BSD style service systems (rc.conf)
* (service) possible to pass additional arguments to services
Michael DeHaan committed
961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970
* (shell) and command module now take an 'executable=' flag for specifying an alternate shell than /bin/sh
* (user) ability to create SSH keys for users when using user module to create users
* (user) atomic replacement of files preserves permissions of original file
* (user) module can create SSH keys
* (user) module now does Solaris and BSD
* (yum) module takes enablerepo= and disablerepo=
* (yum) misc yum module fixing for various corner cases

Plugin changes:

Michael DeHaan committed
971 972
* EC2 inventory script now produces nicer failure message if AWS is down (or similar)
* plugin loading code now more streamlined
Michael DeHaan committed
* lookup plugins for DNS text records, environment variables, and redis
* added a template lookup plugin $TEMPLATE('filename.j2')
Michael DeHaan committed
* various tweaks to the EC2 inventory plugin
Michael DeHaan committed
* jinja2 filters are now pluggable so it's easy to write your own (to_json/etc, are now impl. as such)

## 0.8 "Cathedral" -- Oct 19, 2012
Michael DeHaan committed

Michael DeHaan committed
Highlighted Core Changes:
Michael DeHaan committed

Michael DeHaan committed
982 983
* fireball mode -- ansible can bootstrap a ephemeral 0mq (zeromq) daemon that runs as a given user and expires after X period of time.  It is very fast.
* playbooks with errors now return 2 on failure.  1 indicates a more fatal syntax error.  Similar for /usr/bin/ansible
Michael DeHaan committed
* server side action code (template, etc) are now fully pluggable
* ability to write lookup plugins, like the code powering "with_fileglob" (see below)
Michael DeHaan committed
986 987 988

Other Core Changes:

* ansible config file can also go in 'ansible.cfg' in cwd in addition to ~/.ansible.cfg and /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
Michael DeHaan committed
990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000
* fix for inventory hosts at API level when hosts spec is a list and not a colon delimited string
* ansible-pull example now sets up logrotate for the ansible-pull cron job log
* negative host matching (!hosts) fixed for external inventory script usage
* internals: os.executable check replaced with utils function so it plays nice on AIX
* Debian packaging now includes ansible-pull manpage
* magic variable 'ansible_ssh_host' can override the hostname (great for usage with tunnels)
* date command usage in build scripts fixed for OS X
* don't use SSH agent with paramiko if a password is specified
* make output be cleaner on multi-line command/shell errors
* /usr/bin/ansible now prints things when tasks are skipped, like when creates= is used with -m command and /usr/bin/ansible
* when trying to async a module that is not a 'normal' asyncable module, ansible will now let you know
Michael DeHaan committed
1001 1002 1003
* ability to access inventory variables via 'hostvars' for hosts not yet included in any play, using on demand lookups
* merged ansible-plugins, ansible-resources, and ansible-docs into the main project
* you can set ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 if you want to disable cowsay if it is installed.  Though no one should ever want to do this!  Cows are great!
Ferenc Grecu committed
* you can set ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR=1 to force color mode even when running without a TTY
Michael DeHaan committed
1005 1006 1007
* fatal errors are now properly colored red.
* skipped messages are now cyan, to differentiate them from unchanged messages.
* extensive documentation upgrades
Michael DeHaan committed
* delegate_action to localhost (aka local_action) will always use the local connection type
Michael DeHaan committed

Michael DeHaan committed
Highlighted playbook changes:
Michael DeHaan committed

Michael DeHaan committed
1012 1013
* is_set is available for use inside of an only_if expression:  is_set('ansible_eth0').  We intend to further upgrade this with a 'when'
  keyword providing better options to 'only_if' in the next release.   Also is_unset('ansible_eth0')
Michael DeHaan committed
* playbooks can import playbooks in other directories and then be able to import tasks relative to them
Michael DeHaan committed
1015 1016
* FILE($path) now allows access of contents of file in a path, very good for use with SSH keys
* similarly PIPE($command) will run a local command and return the results of executing this command
Michael DeHaan committed
1017 1018 1019 1020 1021
* if all hosts in a play fail, stop the playbook, rather than letting the console log spool on by
* only_if using register variables that are booleans now works in a boolean way like you'd expect
* task includes now work with with_items (such as: include: path/to/wordpress.yml user=$item)
* when using a $list variable with $var or ${var} syntax it will automatically join with commas
* setup is not run more than once when we know it is has already been run in a play that included another play, etc
Michael DeHaan committed
* can set/override sudo and sudo_user on individual tasks in a play, defaults to what is set in the play if not present
* ability to use with_fileglob to iterate over local file patterns
Michael DeHaan committed
1024 1025
* templates now use Jinja2's 'trim_blocks=True' to avoid stray newlines, small changes to templates may
be required in rare cases.
Michael DeHaan committed
1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031

Other playbook changes:

* to_yaml and from_yaml are available as Jinja2 filters
* $group and $group_names are now accessible in with_items
* where 'stdout' is provided a new 'stdout_lines' variable (type == list) is now generated and usable with with_items
Michael DeHaan committed
* when local_action is used the transport is automatically overridden to the local type
Michael DeHaan committed
1033 1034 1035 1036
* output on failed playbook commands is now nicely split for stderr/stdout and syntax errors
* if local_action is not used and delegate_to was or localhost, use local connection regardless
* when running a playbook, and the statement has changed, prints 'changed:' now versus 'ok:' so it is obvious without colored mode
* variables now usable within vars_prompt (just not host/group vars)
Michael DeHaan committed
1037 1038 1039 1040
* setup facts are now retained across plays (dictionary just gets updated as needed)
* --sudo-user now works with --extra-vars
* fix for multi_line strings with only_if

Michael DeHaan committed
1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050
New Modules:

* ini_file module for manipulating INI files
* new LSB facts (release, distro, etc)
* pause module -- (pause seconds=10) (pause minutes=1) (pause prompt=foo) -- it's an action plugin
* a module for adding entries to the main crontab (though you may still wish to just drop template files into cron.d)
* debug module can be used for outputing messages without using 'shell echo'
* a fail module is now available for causing errors, you might want to use it with only_if to fail in certain conditions

Other module Changes, Upgrades, and Fixes:
Michael DeHaan committed
1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062

* removes= exists on command just like creates=
* postgresql modules now take an optional port= parameter
* /proc/cmdline info is now available in Linux facts
* public host key detection for OS X
* lineinfile module now uses 'search' not exact 'match' in regexes, making it much more intuitive and not needing regex syntax most of the time
* added force=yes|no (default no) option for file module, which allows transition between files to directories and so on
* additional facts for SunOS virtualization
* copy module is now atomic when used across volumes
* url_get module now returns 'dest' with the location of the file saved
* fix for yum module when using local RPMs vs downloading
* cleaner error messages with copy if destination directory does not exist
Michael DeHaan committed
1063 1064 1065 1066
* setup module now still works if PATH is not set
* service module status now correct for services with 'subsys locked' status
* misc fixes/upgrades to the wait_for module
* git module now expands any "~" in provided destination paths
Michael DeHaan committed
* ignore stop error code failure for service module with state=restarted, always try to start
Michael DeHaan committed
* inline documentation for modules allows documentation source to built without pull requests to the ansible-docs project, among other things
Michael DeHaan committed
1069 1070
* variable '$ansible_managed' is now great to include at the top of your templates and includes useful information and a warning that it will be replaced
* "~" now expanded in command module when using creates/removes
Michael DeHaan committed
* mysql module can do dumps and imports
Michael DeHaan committed
1072 1073
* selinux policy is only required if setting to not disabled
* various fixes for yum module when working with packages not in any present repo

## 0.7 "Panama" -- Sept 6 2012
1076 1077

Module changes:
Michael DeHaan committed

Michael DeHaan committed
* login_unix_socket option for mysql user and database modules (see PR #781 for doc notes)
1080 1081 1082 1083
* new modules -- pip, easy_install, apt_repository, supervisorctl
* error handling for setup module when SELinux is in a weird state
* misc yum module fixes
* better changed=True/False detection in user module on older Linux distros
* nicer errors from modules when arguments are not key=value
Michael DeHaan committed
* backup option on copy (backup=yes), as well as template, assemble, and lineinfile
Michael DeHaan committed
1086 1087
* file module will not recurse on directory properties
* yum module now workable without having repoquery installed, but doesn't support comparisons or list= if so
1088 1089 1090 1091 1092
* setup module now detects interfaces with aliases
* better handling of VM guest type detection in setup module
* new module boilerplate code to check for mutually required arguments, arguments required together, exclusive args
* add pattern= as a paramter to the service module (for init scripts that don't do status, or do poor status)
* various fixes to mysql & postresql modules
* added a thirsty= option (boolean, default no) to the get_url module to decide to download the file every time or not
Michael DeHaan committed
1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103
* added a wait_for module to poll for ports being open
* added a nagios module for controlling outage windows and alert statuses
* added a seboolean module for getsebool/setsebool type operations
* added a selinux module for controlling overall SELinux policy
* added a subversion module
* added lineinfile for adding and removing lines from basic files
* added facts for ARM-based CPUs
* support for systemd in the service module
* git moduleforce reset behavior is now controllable
* file module can now operate on special files (block devices, etc)
1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111

Core changes:

* ansible --version will now give branch/SHA information if running from git
* better sudo permissions when encountering different umasks
* when using paramiko and SFTP is not accessible, do not traceback, but return a nice human readable msg
* use -vvv for extreme debug levels. -v gives more playbook output as before
* -vv shows module arguments to all module calls (and maybe some other things later)
Michael DeHaan committed
* don not pass "--" to sudo to work on older EL5
Michael DeHaan committed
1113 1114
* make remote_md5 internal function work with non-bash shells
* allow user to be passed in via --extra-vars (regression)
* add --limit option, which can be used to further confine the pattern given in ansible-playbooks
* adds ranged patterns like dbservers[0-49] for usage with patterns or --limit
Michael DeHaan committed
* -u and user: defaults to current user, rather than root, override as before
Michael DeHaan committed
* /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg and ~/ansible.cfg now available to set default values and other things
1119 1120
* (developers) ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 can be used in debugging (envrionment variable)
* (developers) connection types are now plugins
Michael DeHaan committed
1121 1122 1123 1124
* (developers) callbacks can now be extended via plugins
* added FreeBSD ports packaging scripts
* check for terminal properties prior to engaging color modes
* explicitly disable password auth with -c ssh, as it is not used anyway
1125 1126 1127 1128


* YAML syntax errors detected and show where the problem is
Michael DeHaan committed
* if you ctrl+c a playbook it will not traceback (usually)
1130 1131 1132
* vars_prompt now has encryption options (see examples/playbooks/prompts.yml)
* allow variables in parameterized task include parameters (regression)
* add ability to store the result of any command in a register (see examples/playbooks/register_logic.yml)
* --list-hosts to show what hosts are included in each play of a playbook
* fix a variable ordering issue that could affect vars_files with selective file source lists
* adds 'delegate_to' for a task, which can be used to signal outage windows and load balancers on behalf of hosts
* adds 'serial' to playbook, allowing you to specify how many hosts can be processing a playbook at one time (default 0=all)
Michael DeHaan committed
* adds 'local_action: <action parameters>' as an alias to 'delegate_to:'
Michael DeHaan committed

## 0.6 "Cabo" -- August 6, 2012

1141 1142

Michael DeHaan committed
* support to tag tasks and includes and use --tags in playbook CLI
1144 1145 1146 1147 1148
* playbooks can now include other playbooks (example/playbooks/nested_playbooks.yml)
* vars_files now usable with with_items, provided file paths don't contain host specific facts
* error reporting if with_items value is unbound
* with_items no longer creates lots of tasks, creates one task that makes multiple calls
* can use host_specific facts inside with_items (see above)
* at the top level of a playbook, set 'gather_facts: no' to skip fact gathering
1150 1151 1152 1153 1154
* first_available_file and with_items used together will now raise an error
* to catch typos, like 'var' for 'vars', playbooks and tasks now yell on invalid parameters
* automatically load (directory_of_inventory_file)/group_vars/groupname and /host_vars/hostname in vars_files
* playbook is now colorized, set ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR=1 if you do not like this, does not colorize if not a TTY
* hostvars now preserved between plays (regression in 0.5 from 0.4), useful for sharing vars in multinode configs
* ignore_errors: yes on a task can be used to allow a task to fail and not stop the play
* with_items with the apt/yum module will install/remove/update everything in a single command
1157 1158 1159


Michael DeHaan committed
* groups variable available as a hash to return the hosts in each group name
1161 1162 1163
* in YAML inventory, hosts can list their groups in inverted order now also (see tests/yaml_hosts)
* YAML inventory is deprecated and will be removed in 0.7
* ec2 inventory script
* support ranges of hosts in the host file, like www[001-100] (supports leading zeros and also not)
1165 1166 1167


Michael DeHaan committed
* fetch module now does not fail a system when requesting file paths (ex: logs) that don't exist
Michael DeHaan committed
1169 1170
* apt module now takes an optional install-recommends=yes|no (default yes)
* fixes to the return codes of the copy module
Michael DeHaan committed
* copy module takes a remote md5sum to avoid large file transfer
Michael DeHaan committed
1172 1173 1174
* various user and group module fixes (error handling, etc)
* apt module now takes an optional force parameter
* slightly better psychic service status handling for the service module
Michael DeHaan committed
* fetch module fixes for SSH connection type
* modules now consistently all take yes/no for boolean parameters (and DWIM on true/false/1/0/y/n/etc)
* setup module no longer saves to disk, template module now only used in playbooks
* setup module no longer needs to run twice per playbook
Michael DeHaan committed
* apt module now passes DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
* mount module (manages active mounts + fstab)
Michael DeHaan committed
* setup module fixes if no ipv6 support
Michael DeHaan committed
* internals: template in common module boilerplate, also causes less SSH operations when used
Michael DeHaan committed
* git module fixes
Michael DeHaan committed
* setup module overhaul, more modular
Michael DeHaan committed
* minor caching logic added to inventory to reduce hammering of inventory scripts.
Michael DeHaan committed
1186 1187
* MySQL and PostgreSQL modules for user and db management
* vars_prompt now supports private password entry (see examples/playbooks/prompts.yml)
* yum module modified to be more tolerant of plugins spewing random console messages (ex: RHN)
1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196


* when sudoing to root, still use /etc/ansible/setup as the metadata path, as if root
* paramiko is now only imported if needed when running from source checkout
* cowsay support on Ubuntu
* various ssh connection fixes for old Ubuntu clients
* ./hacking/test-module now supports options like ansible takes and has a debugger mode
Michael DeHaan committed
* sudoing to a user other than root now works more seamlessly (uses /tmp, avoids umask issues)
Michael DeHaan committed

## 0.5 "Amsterdam" ------- July 04, 2012
1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213

* Service module gets more accurate service states when running with upstart
* Jinja2 usage in playbooks (not templates), reinstated, supports %include directive
* support for --connection ssh (supports Kerberos, bastion hosts, etc), requires ControlMaster
* misc tracebacks replaced with error messages
* various API/internals refactoring
* vars can be built from other variables
* support for exclusion of hosts/groups with "!groupname"
* various changes to support md5 tool differences for FreeBSD nodes & OS X clients
* "unparseable" command output shows in command output for easier debugging
* mktemp is no longer required on remotes (not available on BSD)
* support for older versions of python-apt in the apt module
* a new "assemble" module, for constructing files from pieces of files (inspired by Puppet "fragments" idiom)
* ability to override most default values with ANSIBLE_FOO environment variables
Jim Kleckner committed
* --module-path parameter can support multiple directories separated with the OS path separator
1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220
* with_items can take a variable of type list
* ansible_python_interpreter variable available for systems with more than one Python
* BIOS and VMware "fact" upgrades
* cowsay is used by ansible-playbook if installed to improve output legibility (try installing it)
* authorized_key module
* SELinux facts now sourced from the python selinux library
Michael DeHaan committed
1221 1222
* removed module debug option -D
* added --verbose, which shows output from successful playbook operations
* print the output of the raw command inside /usr/bin/ansible as with command/shell
1224 1225
* basic setup module support for Solaris
* ./library relative to the playbook is always in path so modules can be included in tarballs with playbooks

## 0.4 "Unchained" ------- May 23, 2012
Michael DeHaan committed

1229 1230 1231 1232
* internal inventory API now more object oriented, parsers decoupled
* async handling improvements
* misc fixes for running ansible on OS X (overlord only)
* sudo improvements, now works much more smoothly
1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240
* sudo to a particular user with -U/--sudo-user, or using 'sudo_user: foo' in a playbook
* --private-key CLI option to work with pem files

* can use -i host1,host2,host3:port to specify hosts not in inventory (replaces --override-hosts)
* ansible INI style format can do groups of groups [groupname:children] and group vars [groupname:vars]
* groups and users module takes an optional system=yes|no on creation (default no)
* list of hosts in playbooks can be expressed as a YAML list in addition to ; delimited
1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250

* variables can be replaced like ${foo.nested_hash_key.nested_subkey[array_index]}
* unicode now ok in templates (assumes utf8)
* able to pass host specifier or group name in to "hosts:" with --extra-vars
* ansible-pull script and example playbook (extreme scaling, remediation)
* inventory_hostname variable available that contains the value of the host as ansible knows it
* variables in the 'all' section can be used to define other variables based on those values
* 'group_names' is now a variable made available to templates
* first_available_file feature, see selective_file_sources.yml in examples/playbooks for info
Michael DeHaan committed
* --extra-vars="a=2 b=3" etc, now available to inject parameters into playbooks from CLI
1253 1254 1255 1256

Incompatible Changes
* jinja2 is only usable in templates, not playbooks, use $foo instead
* --override-hosts removed, can use -i with comma notation (-i "ahost,bhost")
Michael DeHaan committed
* modules can no longer include stderr output (paramiko limitation from sudo)
1258 1259 1260 1261 1262

Module Changes
* tweaks to SELinux implementation for file module
* fixes for yum module corner cases on EL5
* file module now correctly returns the mode in octal
1263 1264
* fix for symlink handling in the file module
* service takes an enable=yes|no which works with chkconfig or updates-rc.d as appropriate
Michael DeHaan committed
1265 1266
* service module works better on Ubuntu
* git module now does resets and such to work more smoothly on updates
Michael DeHaan committed
* modules all now log to syslog
* enabled=yes|no on a service can be used to toggle chkconfig & updates-rc.d states
1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277
* git module supports branch=
* service fixes to better detect status using return codes of the service script
* custom facts provided by the setup module mean no dependency on Ruby, facter, or ohai
* service now has a state=reloaded
* raw module for bootstrapping and talking to routers w/o Python, etc

Misc Bugfixes
* fixes for variable parsing in only_if lines
* misc fixes to key=value parsing
* variables with mixed case now legal
1279 1280
* fix to internals of hacking/test-module development script

Michael DeHaan committed

## 0.3 "Baluchitherium" -- April 23, 2012
Michael DeHaan committed
1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309

* Packaging for Debian, Gentoo, and Arch
* Improvements to the apt and yum modules
* A virt module
* SELinux support for the file module
* Ability to use facts from other systems in templates (aka exported
resources like support)
* Built in Ansible facts so you don't need ohai, facter, or Ruby
* tempdir selections that work with noexec mounted /tmp
* templates happen locally, not remotely, so no dependency on
python-jinja2 for remote computers
* advanced inventory format in YAML allows more control over variables
per host and per group
* variables in playbooks can be structured/nested versus just a flat namespace
* manpage upgrades (docs)
* various bugfixes
* can specify a default --user for playbooks rather than specifying it
in the playbook file
* able to specify ansible port in ansible host file (see docs)
* refactored Inventory API to make it easier to write scripts using Ansible
* looping capability for playbooks (with_items)
* support for using sudo with a password
* module arguments can be unicode
* A local connection type, --connection=local,  for use with cron or
in kickstarts
* better module debugging with -D
* fetch module for pulling in files from remote hosts
Michael DeHaan committed
* command task supports creates=foo for idempotent semantics, won't run if file foo already exists
Michael DeHaan committed

## 0.0.2 and 0.0.1
Michael DeHaan committed
1313 1314 1315

* Initial stages of project