Commit 2d116aca by Michael DeHaan

Add version_added info + changelog

parent 9a1c1d32
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ New Modules:
* system: capabilities
* net_infrastructure: bigip_facts
* net_infrastructure: dnssimple
* web_infrastructure: apache2_module
* cloud: digital_ocean_domain
* cloud: digital_ocean_sshkey
* cloud: rax_identity
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
module: apache2_module
version_added: 1.6
short_description: enables/disables a module of the Apache2 webserver
- Enables or disables a specified module of the Apache2 webserver.
......@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ def main():
if module.params['state'] == 'absent':
# this is magic, see lib/ansible/module.params['
# import module snippets
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
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