Commit 293314f7 by Michael DeHaan

update changelog

parent 5342c35f
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ Modules added:
* npm: node.js package management
* postgresql_priv: manages postgresql priveledges
* set_fact: sets a variable, which can be the result of a template evaluation
* hipchat: send notification events to hipchat
* ec2_elb: add and remove machines from ec2 elastic load balancers
Modules removed
......@@ -70,6 +72,12 @@ Bugfixes and Misc Changes:
* fix for upstart handling when toggling the enablement and running bits at the same time
* when registering a task with a conditional attached, and the task is skipped by the conditional,
the variable is still registered for the host, with the attribute skipped: True.
* delegate_to tasks can look up ansible_ssh_private_key_file variable from inventory correctly now
* s3 module takes a 'dest' parameter to change the destination for uploads
* apt module gets a cache_valid_time option to avoid redundant cache updates
* ec2 module better understands security groups
* fix for postgresql codec usage
* setup module now tolerant of OpenVZ interfaces
1.1 "Mean Street" -- 4/2/2013
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