Commit 8e5b7d30 by Michael DeHaan

Remove code underlying when_* and only_if, which are deprecated features slated…

Remove code underlying when_* and only_if, which are deprecated features slated for removal in the 1.5 release.
parent 191be7b9
......@@ -3,6 +3,19 @@ Ansible Changes By Release
## 1.5 "Love Walks In" - Release pending!
Major features/changes:
* when_foo which was previously deprecated is now removed, use "when:" instead. Code generates appropriate error suggestion.
* include + with_items which was previously deprecated is now removed, ditto. Use with_nested / with_together, etc.
* only_if, which is much older than when_foo and was deprecated, is similarly removed.
* ssh_alt connection plugin, much more performant than standard -c ssh, in tree, soon to replace (in this release)
New modules:
* Details pending
* no_reboot is now defaulted to "no" in the ec2_ami module to ensure filesystem consistency in the resulting AMI.
## 1.4.3 "Could This Be Magic" - December 20, 2013
......@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ Conditionals
A conditional is an expression that evaluates to true or false that decides whether a given task will be executed on a given
machine or not. Ansible's conditionals include 'when_boolean',
'when_string', and 'when_integer'. These are discussed in the playbook documentation.
machine or not. Ansible's conditionals are powered by the 'when' statement, and are
discussed in the playbook documentation.
Diff Mode
......@@ -220,11 +220,6 @@ JSON
Ansible uses JSON for return data from remote modules. This allows modules to be written in any language, not just Python.
A deprecated form of the "when:" statement. It should no longer be used.
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ class PlayBook(object):, module_vars=task.module_vars,
default_vars=task.default_vars, private_key_file=self.private_key_file,
conditional=task.only_if, callbacks=self.runner_callbacks,
conditional=task.when, callbacks=self.runner_callbacks,
sudo=task.sudo, sudo_user=task.sudo_user,
transport=task.transport, sudo_pass=task.sudo_pass, is_playbook=True,
check=self.check, diff=self.diff, environment=task.environment, complex_args=task.args,
......@@ -489,11 +489,11 @@ class Play(object):
utils.deprecated("\"when_<criteria>:\" is a removed deprecated feature, use the simplified 'when:' conditional directly", None, removed=True)
elif k == 'when':
if type(x[k]) is str:
included_additional_conditions.insert(0, utils.compile_when_to_only_if("jinja2_compare %s" % x[k]))
included_additional_conditions.insert(0, x[k])
elif type(x[k]) is list:
for i in x[k]:
included_additional_conditions.insert(0, utils.compile_when_to_only_if("jinja2_compare %s" % i))
elif k in ("include", "vars", "default_vars", "only_if", "sudo", "sudo_user", "role_name"):
included_additional_conditions.insert(0, i)
elif k in ("include", "vars", "default_vars", "sudo", "sudo_user", "role_name"):
include_vars[k] = x[k]
......@@ -511,8 +511,8 @@ class Play(object):
if 'vars' in x:
task_vars = utils.combine_vars(task_vars, x['vars'])
if 'only_if' in x:
if 'when' in x:
new_role = None
if 'role_name' in x:
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import sys
class Task(object):
__slots__ = [
'name', 'meta', 'action', 'only_if', 'when', 'async_seconds', 'async_poll_interval',
'name', 'meta', 'action', 'when', 'async_seconds', 'async_poll_interval',
'notify', 'module_name', 'module_args', 'module_vars', 'default_vars',
'play', 'notified_by', 'tags', 'register', 'role_name',
'delegate_to', 'first_available_file', 'ignore_errors',
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class Task(object):
# to prevent typos and such
'name', 'meta', 'action', 'only_if', 'async', 'poll', 'notify',
'name', 'meta', 'action', 'when', 'async', 'poll', 'notify',
'first_available_file', 'include', 'tags', 'register', 'ignore_errors',
'delegate_to', 'local_action', 'transport', 'remote_user', 'sudo', 'sudo_user',
'sudo_pass', 'when', 'connection', 'environment', 'args',
......@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ class Task(object):
elif x in [ 'changed_when', 'failed_when', 'when']:
if isinstance(ds[x], basestring) and ds[x].lstrip().startswith("{{"):
utils.warning("It is unneccessary to use '{{' in conditionals, leave variables in loop expressions bare.")
ds[x] = "jinja2_compare %s" % (ds[x])
elif x.startswith("when_"):
utils.deprecated("The 'when_' conditional has been removed. Switch to using the regular unified 'when' statements as described in","1.5", removed=True)
......@@ -128,8 +127,8 @@ class Task(object):
self.module_vars['delay'] = ds.get('delay', 5)
self.module_vars['retries'] = ds.get('retries', 3)
self.module_vars['register'] = ds.get('register', None)
self.until = "jinja2_compare %s" % (ds.get('until'))
self.module_vars['until'] = utils.compile_when_to_only_if(self.until)
self.until = ds.get('until')
self.module_vars['until'] = self.until
# rather than simple key=value args on the options line, these represent structured data and the values
# can be hashes and lists, not just scalars
......@@ -188,22 +187,10 @@ class Task(object): = self.action
# load various attributes
self.only_if = ds.get('only_if', 'True')
if self.only_if != 'True':
utils.deprecated("only_if is a very old feature and has been obsolete since 0.9, please switch to the 'when' conditional as described at","1.5",removed=True)
self.when = ds.get('when', None)
self.changed_when = ds.get('changed_when', None)
if self.changed_when is not None:
self.changed_when = utils.compile_when_to_only_if(self.changed_when)
self.failed_when = ds.get('failed_when', None)
if self.failed_when is not None:
self.failed_when = utils.compile_when_to_only_if(self.failed_when)
self.async_seconds = int(ds.get('async', 0)) # not async by default
self.async_poll_interval = int(ds.get('poll', 10)) # default poll = 10 seconds
self.notify = ds.get('notify', [])
......@@ -276,12 +263,7 @@ class Task(object):
if self.when is not None:
if self.only_if != 'True':
raise errors.AnsibleError('when obsoletes only_if, only use one or the other')
self.only_if = utils.compile_when_to_only_if(self.when)
if additional_conditions:
new_conditions = additional_conditions
self.only_if = new_conditions
self.when = new_conditions
......@@ -1067,6 +1067,6 @@ class Runner(object):
if self.always_run is None:
self.always_run = self.module_vars.get('always_run', False)
self.always_run = check_conditional(
self.always_run, self.basedir, inject, fail_on_undefined=True, jinja2=True)
self.always_run, self.basedir, inject, fail_on_undefined=True)
return (self.check and not self.always_run)
......@@ -163,58 +163,44 @@ def is_changed(result):
return (result.get('changed', False) in [ True, 'True', 'true'])
def check_conditional(conditional, basedir, inject, fail_on_undefined=False, jinja2=False):
def check_conditional(conditional, basedir, inject, fail_on_undefined=False):
if isinstance(conditional, list):
for x in conditional:
if not check_conditional(x, basedir, inject, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined, jinja2=jinja2):
if not check_conditional(x, basedir, inject, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined):
return False
return True
if jinja2:
conditional = "jinja2_compare %s" % conditional
if conditional.startswith("jinja2_compare"):
conditional = conditional.replace("jinja2_compare ","")
# allow variable names
if conditional in inject and str(inject[conditional]).find('-') == -1:
conditional = inject[conditional]
conditional = template.template(basedir, conditional, inject, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined)
original = str(conditional).replace("jinja2_compare ","")
# a Jinja2 evaluation that results in something Python can eval!
presented = "{%% if %s %%} True {%% else %%} False {%% endif %%}" % conditional
conditional = template.template(basedir, presented, inject)
val = conditional.strip()
if val == presented:
# the templating failed, meaning most likely a
# variable was undefined. If we happened to be
# looking for an undefined variable, return True,
# otherwise fail
if conditional.find("is undefined") != -1:
return True
elif conditional.find("is defined") != -1:
return False
raise errors.AnsibleError("error while evaluating conditional: %s" % original)
elif val == "True":
return True
elif val == "False":
return False
raise errors.AnsibleError("unable to evaluate conditional: %s" % original)
if not isinstance(conditional, basestring):
return conditional
conditional = conditional.replace("\n", "\\n")
result = safe_eval(conditional)
if result not in [ True, False ]:
raise errors.AnsibleError("Conditional expression must evaluate to True or False: %s" % conditional)
return result
except (NameError, SyntaxError):
raise errors.AnsibleError("Could not evaluate the expression: (%s)" % conditional)
conditional = conditional.replace("jinja2_compare ","")
# allow variable names
if conditional in inject and str(inject[conditional]).find('-') == -1:
conditional = inject[conditional]
conditional = template.template(basedir, conditional, inject, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined)
original = str(conditional).replace("jinja2_compare ","")
# a Jinja2 evaluation that results in something Python can eval!
presented = "{%% if %s %%} True {%% else %%} False {%% endif %%}" % conditional
conditional = template.template(basedir, presented, inject)
val = conditional.strip()
if val == presented:
# the templating failed, meaning most likely a
# variable was undefined. If we happened to be
# looking for an undefined variable, return True,
# otherwise fail
if conditional.find("is undefined") != -1:
return True
elif conditional.find("is defined") != -1:
return False
raise errors.AnsibleError("error while evaluating conditional: %s" % original)
elif val == "True":
return True
elif val == "False":
return False
raise errors.AnsibleError("unable to evaluate conditional: %s" % original)
def is_executable(path):
'''is the given path executable?'''
......@@ -756,86 +742,6 @@ def boolean(value):
return False
def compile_when_to_only_if(expression):
when is a shorthand for writing only_if conditionals. It requires less quoting
magic. only_if is retained for backwards compatibility.
# when: set $variable
# when: unset $variable
# when: failed $json_result
# when: changed $json_result
# when: int $x >= $z and $y < 3
# when: int $x in $alist
# when: float $x > 2 and $y <= $z
# when: str $x != $y
# when: jinja2_compare asdf # implies {{ asdf }}
if type(expression) not in [ str, unicode ]:
raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid usage of when_ operator: %s" % expression)
tokens = expression.split()
if len(tokens) < 2:
raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid usage of when_ operator: %s" % expression)
# when_set / when_unset
if tokens[0] in [ 'set', 'unset' ]:
tcopy = tokens[1:]
for (i,t) in enumerate(tokens[1:]):
if t.find("$") != -1:
tcopy[i] = "is_%s('''%s''')" % (tokens[0], t)
tcopy[i] = t
return " ".join(tcopy)
# when_failed / when_changed
elif tokens[0] in [ 'failed', 'changed' ]:
tcopy = tokens[1:]
for (i,t) in enumerate(tokens[1:]):
if t.find("$") != -1:
tcopy[i] = "is_%s(%s)" % (tokens[0], t)
tcopy[i] = t
return " ".join(tcopy)
# when_integer / when_float / when_string
elif tokens[0] in [ 'integer', 'float', 'string' ]:
cast = None
if tokens[0] == 'integer':
cast = 'int'
elif tokens[0] == 'string':
cast = 'str'
elif tokens[0] == 'float':
cast = 'float'
tcopy = tokens[1:]
for (i,t) in enumerate(tokens[1:]):
#if, r"^\w"):
# bare word will turn into Jinja2 so all the above
# casting is really not needed
#tcopy[i] = "%s('''%s''')" % (cast, t)
t2 = t.strip()
if (t2[0].isalpha() or t2[0] == '$') and cast == 'str' and t2 != 'in':
tcopy[i] = "'%s'" % (t)
tcopy[i] = t
result = " ".join(tcopy)
return result
# when_boolean
elif tokens[0] in [ 'bool', 'boolean' ]:
tcopy = tokens[1:]
for (i, t) in enumerate(tcopy):
if t.find("$") != -1:
tcopy[i] = "(is_set('''%s''') and '''%s'''.lower() not in ('false', 'no', 'n', 'none', '0', ''))" % (t, t)
return " ".join(tcopy)
# the stock 'when' without qualification (new in 1.2), assumes Jinja2 terms
elif tokens[0] == 'jinja2_compare':
return " ".join(tokens)
raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid usage of when_ operator: %s" % expression)
def make_sudo_cmd(sudo_user, executable, cmd):
helper function for connection plugins to create sudo commands
......@@ -112,27 +112,27 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
# boolean
'jinja2_compare true', '/', {}) == True)
'true', '/', {}) == True)
'jinja2_compare false', '/', {}) == False)
'false', '/', {}) == False)
'jinja2_compare True', '/', {}) == True)
'True', '/', {}) == True)
'jinja2_compare False', '/', {}) == False)
'False', '/', {}) == False)
# integer
'jinja2_compare 1', '/', {}) == True)
'1', '/', {}) == True)
'jinja2_compare 0', '/', {}) == False)
'0', '/', {}) == False)
# string, beware, a string is truthy unless empty
'jinja2_compare "yes"', '/', {}) == True)
'"yes"', '/', {}) == True)
'jinja2_compare "no"', '/', {}) == True)
'"no"', '/', {}) == True)
'jinja2_compare ""', '/', {}) == False)
'""', '/', {}) == False)
def test_check_conditional_jinja2_variable_literals(self):
......@@ -140,61 +140,61 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
# boolean
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': 'True'}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': 'True'}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': 'true'}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': 'true'}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': 'False'}) == False)
'var', '/', {'var': 'False'}) == False)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': 'false'}) == False)
'var', '/', {'var': 'false'}) == False)
# integer
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': '1'}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': '1'}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': 1}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': 1}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': '0'}) == False)
'var', '/', {'var': '0'}) == False)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': 0}) == False)
'var', '/', {'var': 0}) == False)
# string, beware, a string is truthy unless empty
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': '"yes"'}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': '"yes"'}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': '"no"'}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': '"no"'}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': '""'}) == False)
'var', '/', {'var': '""'}) == False)
# Python boolean in Jinja2 expression
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': True}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': True}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': False}) == False)
'var', '/', {'var': False}) == False)
def test_check_conditional_jinja2_expression(self):
'jinja2_compare 1 == 1', '/', {}) == True)
'1 == 1', '/', {}) == True)
'jinja2_compare bar == 42', '/', {'bar': 42}) == True)
'bar == 42', '/', {'bar': 42}) == True)
'jinja2_compare bar != 42', '/', {'bar': 42}) == False)
'bar != 42', '/', {'bar': 42}) == False)
def test_check_conditional_jinja2_expression_in_variable(self):
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': '1 == 1'}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': '1 == 1'}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': 'bar == 42', 'bar': 42}) == True)
'var', '/', {'var': 'bar == 42', 'bar': 42}) == True)
'jinja2_compare var', '/', {'var': 'bar != 42', 'bar': 42}) == False)
'var', '/', {'var': 'bar != 42', 'bar': 42}) == False)
def test_check_conditional_jinja2_unicode(self):
u'jinja2_compare "\u00df"', '/', {}) == True)
u'"\u00df"', '/', {}) == True)
u'jinja2_compare var == "\u00df"', '/', {'var': u'\u00df'}) == True)
u'var == "\u00df"', '/', {'var': u'\u00df'}) == True)
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