Commit fd29ecc2 by Michael DeHaan

changelog update

parent bcd0001c
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Ansible Changes By Release
0.6 "Cabo" ------------ pending
* groups variable available a hash to return the hosts in each group name
* groups variable available as a hash to return the hosts in each group name
* fetch module now does not fail a system when requesting file paths (ex: logs) that don't exist
* apt module now takes an optional install-recommends=yes|no (default yes)
* fixes to the return codes of the copy module
......@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ Ansible Changes By Release
* various user and group module fixes (error handling, etc)
* apt module now takes an optional force parameter
* slightly better psychic service status handling for the service module
* cowsay support on Ubuntu
* playbooks can now include other playbooks (example/playbooks/nested_playbooks.yml)
* paramiko is now only imported if needed when running from source checkout
* fetch module fixes for SSH connection type
* modules now consistently all take yes/no for boolean parameters (some accepted true/false)
0.5 "Amsterdam" ------- July 04, 2012
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