1. 03 Dec, 2013 1 commit
  2. 02 Dec, 2013 1 commit
  3. 25 Nov, 2013 1 commit
    • Stanford 'certificates' stopgap branch · 418f1da0
      Substantially similar to the certs role developed (in paralell) that
      exists on master, but this one uses pre-Croissant directory structure
      and variable conventions. Modeled on the croissant-era notifier role.
      Useful as a bridge to midterms, when Stanford can afford to port to the
      new ways of doing things.
      Includes updates to logging-related tasks for ansible and datadog. These
      are ongoing problems for us at the moment.
      Joe Blaylock committed
  4. 23 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  5. 20 Nov, 2013 2 commits
  6. 15 Nov, 2013 2 commits
  7. 14 Nov, 2013 2 commits
    • Improving documentation of dogstreams processor · ff77f780
      * Moving test() contents into doctests
      * Adding comments to the methods explaining what they're used for
      Joe Blaylock committed
    • Stanford-oriented Datadog updates · a05b70db
      * Datadog explicitly sets hostname in style Stanford uses (relies on
        /etc/hostname being accurate, requires reboot)
      * Enables nginx status check module integration for datadog
      * Installs nginx access log processor that counts HTTP response codes
      * Updates to lots of other places to make sure that their logs appear
        where we expect
      * Has sample code showing how to emit events from log contents which make it
        into the Datadog event stream
      * Separation of stage and prod datadog configurations
      Joe Blaylock committed
  8. 11 Nov, 2013 2 commits
  9. 08 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  10. 06 Nov, 2013 3 commits
  11. 04 Nov, 2013 2 commits
  12. 01 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  13. 31 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  14. 23 Oct, 2013 4 commits
  15. 22 Oct, 2013 6 commits
  16. 21 Oct, 2013 4 commits
  17. 19 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  18. 18 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  19. 17 Oct, 2013 4 commits