Commit f525067f by Will Daly

Create "pinned" files to allow upgrading plugins bundled with Jenkins.

parent ad3f60fb
......@@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ jenkins_plugins:
- { name: "multiple-scms", version: "0.2" }
- { name: "timestamper", version: "1.5.7" }
- "credentials"
- "git"
- "ssh-credentials"
- "ssh-slaves"
- { repo_name: "git-client-plugin",
repo_url: "",
......@@ -86,6 +86,16 @@
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=700
with_items: "{{ jenkins_custom_plugins }}"
# Plugins that are bundled with Jenkins are "pinned".
# Jenkins will overwrite updated plugins with its built-in version
# unless we create a ".pinned" file for the plugin.
# See
- name: jenkins_master | Create plugin pin files
command: touch {{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/${item}.jpi.pinned
creates={{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/${item}.jpi.pinned
with_items: "{{ jenkins_bundled_plugins }}"
- name: jenkins_master | Setup nginix vhost
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