Commit b3eb9d4b by Joe Blaylock

Stanford config/xqueue updates and local mods

* Changed the way xqueue does basic auth configuration so that it would
  work with the old httplib on our prod ora instances.
* this breaks the .org release's method of doing basic auth, but that
  doesn't matter for Stanford because we do it differently
parent 1fad03a1
- hosts: ~tag_Name_app(10|20)_carn
#- hosts: ~tag_Name_app20_carn
sudo: True
- name: "migrate_db"
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#- hosts: tag_environment_prod:&tag_function_webserver
# or we can get subsets of them by name
- hosts: ~tag_Name_app(10|20)_cme
#- hosts: ~tag_Name_app10_cme
sudo: True
- name: "migrate_db"
......@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@
- "{{ secure_dir }}/vars/edxapp_prod_users.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/vars/datadog_stage.yml"
#- ansible_debug
- common
- role: nginx
nginx_conf: true
# this gets all running prod webservers
#- hosts: tag_environment_prod:&tag_function_webserver
# or we can get subsets of them by name
- hosts: ~tag_Name_app(10|20)_prod
#- hosts: ~tag_Name_app(10|20)_prod
#- hosts: ~tag_Name_app(11|21)_prod
## this is the test box
#- hosts: ~tag_Name_app4_prod
- hosts: ~tag_Name_app4_prod
## you can also do security group, but don't do that
#- hosts: security_group_edx-prod-EdxappServerSecurityGroup-NSKCQTMZIPQB
sudo: True
......@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
sudo: True
- "{{ secure_dir }}/vars/users_jumpbox.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/vars/datadog_stage.yml"
secure_dir: '../../../configuration-secure/ansible'
local_dir: '../../../configuration-secure/ansible/local'
- common
- datadog
# For all util machines
- hosts: tag_environment_prod:&tag_function_util
# or we can get subsets of them by name
#- hosts: ~tag_Name_util(1|2)_prod
#- hosts: ~tag_Name_util20_prod
sudo: True
secure_dir: '../../../configuration-secure/ansible'
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- role: nginx
- xqueue
- basic-auth
- xqueue
- datadog
#- splunkforwarder
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- role: nginx
- xqueue
- basic-auth
- xqueue
- datadog
#- splunkforwarder
server {
listen 80;
location / {
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/nginx.htpasswd;
root {{ app_base_dir }}/main_static;
root {{app_base_dir}}/main_static;
index index.html
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ server {
listen {{ XQUEUE_NGINX_PORT }} default_server;
location / {
{% include "basic-auth.j2" %}
{% endif %}
try_files $uri @proxy_to_app;
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