Commit 73141bed by Feanil Patel

Move migrations to before asset gathering.

parent e2b867b4
......@@ -201,6 +201,26 @@
- name: changing group ownership to www-data for everything in the venv (workaround)
shell: chgrp -R www-data {{ venv_dir }}
- name: syncdb and migrate
shell: sudo -u www-data SERVICE_VARIANT=lms /opt/edx/bin/ syncdb --migrate --noinput --pythonpath=/opt/wwc/edx-platform
when: migrate_db is defined and migrate_db|lower == "yes"
- deploy
- lms
- lms-preview
- cms
- syncdb
- name: db migrate
shell: sudo -u www-data SERVICE_VARIANT=lms /opt/edx/bin/ migrate --noinput --pythonpath=/opt/wwc/edx-platform
when: migrate_only is defined and migrate_only|lower == "yes"
- deploy
- lms
- lms-preview
- cms
- migrate
# Gather lms assets using rake if possible
- name: gather lms static assets with rake
......@@ -244,26 +264,6 @@
- cms
- syncdb
- name: syncdb and migrate
shell: sudo -u www-data SERVICE_VARIANT=lms /opt/edx/bin/ syncdb --migrate --noinput --pythonpath=/opt/wwc/edx-platform
when: migrate_db is defined and migrate_db|lower == "yes"
- deploy
- lms
- lms-preview
- cms
- syncdb
- name: db migrate
shell: sudo -u www-data SERVICE_VARIANT=lms /opt/edx/bin/ migrate --noinput --pythonpath=/opt/wwc/edx-platform
when: migrate_only is defined and migrate_only|lower == "yes"
- deploy
- lms
- lms-preview
- cms
- migrate
- name: restart edxapp
service: name=edxapp state=restarted
when: celery_worker is not defined
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