- 31 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Marco Morales committed
- 26 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Matt Drayer committed
- 20 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Automatically link edX account with social account in login mobile API path
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
- 18 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Will Daly committed
- 17 Mar, 2015 2 commits
Ned Batchelder committed
TNL-1493 See https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TNL/User+API for details
Andy Armstrong committed
- 13 Mar, 2015 2 commits
Added tests to ensure manual enrollments emit enrollment events.
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Awais committed
- 05 Mar, 2015 1 commit
cahrens committed
- 27 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Name change is immediate, email change is multi-step.
cahrens committed
- 26 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Calen Pennington committed
- 25 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Jonathan Piacenti committed
Awais committed
- 23 Feb, 2015 2 commits
The new "country access" implementation replaces the old implementation. Middleware and tests have been updated accordingly, but deprecated models are preserved for backwards compatibility.
Will Daly committed -
Add client-side analytics event for LinkedIn Add to Profile button click. Add management command for generating certs for testing. Update styling of the certificate messages.
Will Daly committed
- 20 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Greg Price committed
These tests cover validation of parameters and saving of data to UserProfile objects.
Greg Price committed
- 19 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Add ENABLE_DISCUSSION_EMAIL_DIGEST feature, to enable discussion emails digest by default for all users
Alan Boudreault committed
- 18 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Handle the case in which a student reverifies after the verification deadline has passed. This will display the user's status as "verified" on the dashboard even if they technically missed the deadline.
Will Daly committed
- 17 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Will Daly committed
- 13 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Add "source" parameter to LinkedIn add-to-profile URL. Add platform name to certification name. Style changes for linked in sharing on dashboard
Will Daly committed
- 11 Feb, 2015 1 commit
ECOM-1028 update the migration and move the code into class method.
Awais committed
- 10 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Block users from enrolling in a course if the user is blocked by country access rules. 1) Enrollment via the login/registration page. 2) Enrollment from the marketing iframe (via student.views.change_enrollment) 3) Enrollment using 100% redeem codes. 4) Enrollment via upgrade. This does NOT cover enrollment through third party authentication, which is sufficiently complex to deserve its own commit.
Will Daly committed
- 09 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Waheed Ahmed committed -
cahrens committed
- 04 Feb, 2015 2 commits
The existing pattern of using `override_settings(MODULESTORE=...)` prevented us from having more than one layer of subclassing in modulestore tests. In a structure like: @override_settings(MODULESTORE=store_a) class BaseTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase): def setUp(self): # use store @override_settings(MODULESTORE=store_b) class ChildTestCase(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): # use store In this case, the store actions performed in `BaseTestCase` on behalf of `ChildTestCase` would still use `store_a`, even though the `ChildTestCase` had specified to use `store_b`. This is because the `override_settings` decorator would be the innermost wrapper around the `BaseTestCase.setUp` method, no matter what `ChildTestCase` does. To remedy this, we move the call to `override_settings` into the `ModuleStoreTestCase.setUp` method, and use a cleanup to remove the override. Subclasses can just defined the `MODULESTORE` class attribute to specify which modulestore to use _for the entire `setUp` chain_. [PLAT-419]
Calen Pennington committed -
Calen Pennington committed
- 03 Feb, 2015 1 commit
ECOM-891: Allow tracking of invoice transactions. Authors: Awais Qureshi and Aamir Khan
Awais Qureshi committed
- 30 Jan, 2015 1 commit
Makes logistration available at /login and /register as well as /accounts/login/ and /accounts/register/. In addition: - Adds support for redirect URLs in third party auth for combined login/registration page - Adds support for external auth on the combined login/registration page - Removes old login and registration acceptance tests - Adds deprecation warnings to old login and register views - Moves third party auth util to student_account - Adds exception for microsites (theming)
Renzo Lucioni committed
- 29 Jan, 2015 1 commit
Removes old payment and verification endpoints, views, templates, and tests, making the new split flow the default. The SEPARATE_VERIFICATION_FROM_PAYMENT feature flag is also removed.
Renzo Lucioni committed
- 15 Jan, 2015 1 commit
Zia Fazal committed
- 13 Jan, 2015 1 commit
Update the redeem code schema Updating the redeem code schema. Adding migration file. Adding course mode support when redeeming a code. Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/shoppingcart/views.py Add sales admin privileges for redeem code generation. Making sure redeem code URLs work for verified courses. pep8 violations Code Review and Test Cleanup changes Added tests, fixed tests. Updating the boolean checks in ecommerce template
stephensanchez committed
- 12 Jan, 2015 2 commits
arbisoft committed
Jonathan Piacenti committed
- 09 Jan, 2015 5 commits
Use honor code ribbon if verification status is not missing, submitted, or approved; title column on payment confirmation page holding dollar amounts more appropriately
Renzo Lucioni committed -
arbisoft committed
arbisoft committed
arbisoft committed
Awais committed