// TODO: both blue and yellow variables differ from CMS rgb value, need to confirm change to CMS variable is ok in current platform uses before switching.
// TODO: both blue and yellow variables differ from CMS rgb value, need to confirm change to CMS variable is ok in current platform uses before switching.
<p>${_("Looks like you haven't enrolled in any courses yet.")}</p>
${_("Find courses now!")}
% else:
<p>${_("Looks like you haven't enrolled in any courses yet.")}</p>
% endif
% if staff_access and len(errored_courses) > 0:
<h2>${_("Course-loading errors")}</h2>
% for course_dir, errors in errored_courses.items():
<h3>${course_dir | h}</h3>
% for (msg, err) in errors:
% endfor
% endfor
% endif
>>>>>>> dashboard styling cleanup changes, including reversing the positions of the sidebar and course listing, html for new social icons (not currently wired up), new actions dropdown for unenrollment and email settings, partial reorganization of dashboard.scss styles as well