Commit 58618d8c by Matt Drayer Committed by Marco Morales

Updated dashboard HTML, dropdown menu interactions, and tests

parent dfcb3f2b
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class TestStudentDashboardEmailView(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# Assert that the URL for the email view is not in the response
# if this course isn't authorized
response = self.client.get(self.url)
print response.content
self.assertTrue(self.email_modal_link in response.content)
......@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@
<span class="provider">${state.provider.NAME}</span>
<span class="control">
% if state.has_account:
......@@ -177,20 +176,21 @@
<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="${csrf_token}">
<a href="#" onclick="document.${state.get_unlink_form_name()}.submit()">
## Translators: clicking on this removes the link between a user's edX account and their account with an external authentication provider (like Google or LinkedIn).
## Translators: clicking on this removes the link between a user's edX account and their account with an external authentication provider (like Google or LinkedIn).
% else:
% else:
<a href="${pipeline.get_login_url(state.provider.NAME, pipeline.AUTH_ENTRY_DASHBOARD, redirect_url='/')}">
## Translators: clicking on this creates a link between a user's edX account and their account with an external authentication provider (like Google or LinkedIn).
## Translators: clicking on this creates a link between a user's edX account and their account with an external authentication provider (like Google or LinkedIn).
% endif
% endfor
% endif
......@@ -41,11 +41,9 @@ from student.helpers import (
<% mode_class = '' %>
% endif
<article class="course${mode_class}">
<article class="course${mode_class}">
course_target = reverse('info', args=[])
<% course_target = reverse('info', args=[]) %>
% if show_courseware_link:
% if not is_course_blocked:
<a href="${course_target}" class="cover">
......@@ -72,30 +70,31 @@ from student.helpers import (
% endif
<section class="info">
<p class="date-block">
% if course.has_ended():
${_("Course Completed - {end_date}").format(end_date=course.end_datetime_text("DATE_TIME"))}
% elif course.has_started():
${_("Course Started - {start_date}").format(start_date=course.start_datetime_text("DATE_TIME"))}
% elif course.start_date_is_still_default: # Course start date TBD
${_("Course has not yet started")}
% else: # hasn't started yet
${_("Course Starts - {start_date}").format(start_date=course.start_datetime_text("DATE_TIME"))}
% endif
<section class="details">
<section class="info">
<p class="date-block">
% if course.has_ended():
${_("Course Completed - {end_date}").format(end_date=course.end_datetime_text("DATE_TIME"))}
% elif course.has_started():
${_("Course Started - {start_date}").format(start_date=course.start_datetime_text("DATE_TIME"))}
% elif course.start_date_is_still_default: # Course start date TBD
${_("Course has not yet started")}
% else: # hasn't started yet
${_("Course Starts - {start_date}").format(start_date=course.start_datetime_text("DATE_TIME"))}
% endif
<section class="details">
% if show_courseware_link:
% if not is_course_blocked:
<a href="${course_target}" class="cover">
<img src="${course_image_url(course)}" alt="${_('{course_number} {course_name} Home Page').format(course_number=course.number, course_name=course.display_name_with_default) |h}" />
% else:
<img src="${course_image_url(course)}" alt="${_('{course_number} {course_name} Home Page').format(course_number=course.number, course_name=course.display_name_with_default) |h}" />
% else:
<a class="fade-cover">
<img src="${course_image_url(course)}" alt="${_('{course_number} {course_name} Cover Image').format(course_number=course.number, course_name=course.display_name_with_default) |h}" />
<img src="${course_image_url(course)}" alt="${_('{course_number} {course_name} Cover Image').format(course_number=course.number, course_name=course.display_name_with_default) |h}" />
% endif
% else:
<div class="cover">
......@@ -115,9 +114,9 @@ from student.helpers import (
<h3 class="course-title">
% if show_courseware_link:
% if not is_course_blocked:
<a href="${course_target}">${course.display_name_with_default}</a>
<a href="${course_target}">${course.display_name_with_default}</a>
% else:
<a class="disable-look">${course.display_name_with_default}</a>
<a class="disable-look">${course.display_name_with_default}</a>
% endif
% else:
......@@ -128,13 +127,13 @@ from student.helpers import (
<span class="info-course-id">${course.display_number_with_default | h}</span>
<span class="info-date-block" data-tooltip="Hi">
% if course.has_ended():
${_("Ended - {end_date}").format(end_date=course.end_datetime_text("SHORT_DATE"))}
${_("Ended - {end_date}").format(end_date=course.end_datetime_text("SHORT_DATE"))}
% elif course.has_started():
${_("Started - {start_date}").format(start_date=course.start_datetime_text("SHORT_DATE"))}
${_("Started - {start_date}").format(start_date=course.start_datetime_text("SHORT_DATE"))}
% elif course.start_date_is_still_default: # Course start date TBD
${_("Coming Soon")}
${_("Coming Soon")}
% else: # hasn't started yet
${_("Starts - {start_date}").format(start_date=course.start_datetime_text("SHORT_DATE"))}
${_("Starts - {start_date}").format(start_date=course.start_datetime_text("SHORT_DATE"))}
% endif
......@@ -252,10 +251,6 @@ from student.helpers import (
% endif
<aside class="wrapper-messages-primary">
<ul class="messages-list">
......@@ -364,10 +359,9 @@ from student.helpers import (
% endif
$( document ).ready(function() {
if("${is_course_blocked}" == "True"){
......@@ -376,4 +370,4 @@ from student.helpers import (
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