- 15 May, 2014 3 commits
Fix bug affecting video transcripts in XMLModulesStore courses
Carson Gee committed -
Add mime-type for srt and sjson when importing course.
Oleg Marshev committed -
Oleg Marshev committed
- 14 May, 2014 17 commits
Alison Hodges committed -
Alison Hodges committed
Carson Gee committed
Changing Student Anon ID Dump to return Course Specific IDs.
Stephen Sanchez committed -
Changes for LMS-2591, Instructor Dash switchover
Alison Hodges committed -
Alison Hodges committed
DOC-405: privileges in Studio=privileges in LMS
Alison Hodges committed -
Alison Hodges committed
Rebalance CMS acceptance test shards
Jay Zoldak committed -
Alison Hodges committed -
Alison Hodges committed
Adam/fix non ascii grade range
Adam committed -
May change log fix
Mark Hoeber committed -
Mark Hoeber committed
Stephen Sanchez committed
Text changed in admin_dashboard for course enrollments.
Waheed Ahmed committed -
Waheed Ahmed committed
- 13 May, 2014 20 commits
Added @ksteph to AUTHORS file
David Baumgold committed -
See https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/506
David Baumgold committed -
FIX - LMS: Dashboard Course Image Dimensions
Brian Talbot committed -
resolving display issue where older/smaller courses images wouldn't fill designated area on the student dashboard
Brian Talbot committed -
Specify that split_test_modules support children.
Andy Armstrong committed -
Adam Palay committed
Adam Palay committed
reverting the upgrade
e0d committed -
Andy Armstrong committed
Sylvia/docs/doc 359
srpearce committed -
Sylvia Pearce committed
Brian Wilson committed
Conflicts: cms/static/js/views/modals/edit_xblock.js
Brian Wilson committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Sarina Canelake committed -
e0d committed
David Baumgold committed
Sébastien Hinderer committed
In Studio, the debug tool bar did not appear as in LMS.
Sébastien Hinderer committed -
Fix #3347: "Run Code" reloads page in Matlab Problem
Waheed Ahmed committed -
Sarina Canelake committed