@@ -26,33 +26,53 @@ For example, the following LTI component incorporates a Cerego tool that student
.. image:: /Images/LTIExample.png
:alt: Cerego LTI component example
.. _LTI Information:
Obtain LTI Information
Before you create an LTI component from an external LTI provider in a
unit, you need the following information.
- The **LTI ID**. This is a value that you create to refer to the external LTI
provider. You should create an LTI ID that you can remember easily.
The LTI ID can contain uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric
characters, as well as underscore characters (_). It can contain any
number of characters. For example, you may create an LTI ID that is
as simple as **test_lti_id**, or your LTI ID may be a string of
numbers and letters such as **id_21441** or
- The **client key**. This value is a sequence of characters that you
obtain from the LTI provider. The client key is used for
authentication and can contain any number of characters. For example,
your client key may be **b289378-f88d-2929-ctools.umich.edu**.
- The **client secret**. This value is a sequence of characters that
you obtain from the LTI provider. The client secret is used for
authentication and can contain any number of characters. For example,
your client secret may be something as simple as **secret**, or it
may be a string of numbers and letters such as **23746387264** or
- The **launch URL** (if the LTI component requires a student response
that will be graded). You obtain the launch URL from the LTI
provider. The launch URL is the URL that Studio sends to the external
LTI provider so that the provider can send back students’ grades.
- The **lti_passports** policy key. This policy key has three parts: an LTI ID, a client key, and a client secret.
- The **LTI ID**. This is a value that you create to refer to the external LTI
provider. You should create an LTI ID that you can remember easily.
The LTI ID can contain uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric
characters, as well as underscore characters (_). It can be any length. For example, you may create an LTI ID that is
as simple as **test_lti_id**, or your LTI ID may be a string of
numbers and letters such as **id_21441** or
- The **client key**. This value is a sequence of characters that you
obtain from the LTI provider. The client key is used for
authentication and can contain any number of characters. For example,
your client key may be **b289378-f88d-2929-ctools.school.edu**.
- The **client secret**. This value is a sequence of characters that
you obtain from the LTI provider. The client secret is used for
authentication and can contain any number of characters. For example,
your client secret can be something as simple as **secret**, or it
may be a string of numbers and letters such as **23746387264** or
To create the **lti_passports** policy key, combine the LTI ID, client key, and client secret in the following format (make sure to include the colons):
For example, an **lti_passports** policy key may resemble any of the following:
@@ -93,30 +113,20 @@ you see a notification that your changes have been saved.
Step 2. Register the External LTI Provider
To regiser the external LTI provider, you’ll add the LIT ID, the client
key, and the client secret in the **lti_passports** policy key.
To register the external LTI provider, you’ll add the **lti_passports** policy key to the course's advanced settings.
#. On the **Advanced Settings** page, locate the **lti_passports**
policy key.
#. Under **Policy Value**, place your cursor between the brackets, and
then enter the LTI ID, client key, and client secret in the following
format (make sure to include the quotation marks and the colons).
For example, the value in the **lti_passports** field may be the following.
#. In the **Policy Value** field for the **lti_passports** policy key, place your cursor between the brackets, and then enter the **lti_passports** policy key surrounded by quotation marks.
For example, the text in the **Policy Value** field may resemble the following.
If you have multiple LTI providers, separate the values with a comma.
Make sure to surround each entry with quotation marks.
If you have multiple LTI providers, separate the values for each **lti_passports** policy key with a comma. Make sure to surround each entry with quotation marks.
The VitalSource Online Bookshelf e-reader tool provides your students with easy access to electronic books. Students can not only read text, but also quickly browse and search content (including figures and notes), create and manage notes and multiple highlighters, and copy notes into external documents.
The VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader tool provides your students with easy access to electronic books. In addition to reading text, students can quickly browse and search content (including figures and notes), use multiple highlighters, create and manage notes, and copy notes into external documents.
.. image:: /Images/VitalSource.png
:width: 500
:alt: VitalSource e-book with highlighted note
For more information about VitalSource and its features, visit the `VitalSource support page <https://support.vitalsource.com/hc/en-us>`_.
For more information about Vital Source and its features, visit the `VitalSource Bookshelf support site <https://support.vitalsource.com/hc/en-us>`_.
.. note:: Before you add a VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader to your course, you must work with Vital Source to make sure the content you need already exists in the Vital Source inventory. If the content is not yet available, Vital Source works with the publisher of the e-book to create an e-book that meets the VitalSource Bookshelf specifications. **This process can take up to four months.** The following steps assume that the e-book you want is already part of the Vital Source inventory.
Add a VitalSource E-Reader
Adding a VitalSource e-reader has several steps:
Adding a VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader has several steps:
#. :ref:`Obtain the value for the lti_passports policy key and the code for your e-book from VitalSource<VS Obtain VS Info>`.
#. :ref:`Obtain specific information<VS Obtain VS Info>` about your e-book from Vital Source.
#. :ref:`Modify the course's advanced settings to allow you to create a VitalSource Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) component<VS Modify Advanced Settings>`.
#. :ref:`Modify the course's advanced settings<VS Modify Advanced Settings>` to allow you to create a Vital Source Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) component.
#. :ref:`Add the VitalSource e-reader to a unit<VS Add VS EReader>`.
#. :ref:`Add the VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader<VS Add VS EReader>` to a unit.
.. _VS Obtain VS Info:
@@ -30,31 +32,22 @@ Adding a VitalSource e-reader has several steps:
Step 1. Obtain Information from VitalSource
When a course team works with VitalSource, the team selects a member publishing point person (MPPP) to work with VitalSource and with the e-book's publisher.
To obtain the **lti_passports** policy key value:
#. The MPPP asks VitalSource for the **lti_passports** policy key value.
#. VitalSource sends the **lti_passports** policy key value to the MPPP.
To create a VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader, you need the following information from Vital Source:
To obtain the code for the e-book:
- The **lti_passports** policy key. This policy key enables you to create an LTI component for the VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader. For more information about the **lti_passports** policy key, see :ref:`LTI Information` in :ref:`LTI Component`.
#. The MPPP asks the publisher of the e-book to send the e-book files to VitalSource.
- The Vital Souce Book ID (VBID) for your e-book. This is a specific code that Vital Source creates for the book when Vital Source adds the e-book to its inventory.
#. The publisher works with VitalSource to make sure the e-book meets the VitalSource Online Bookshelf specifications.
To obtain this information, your course team selects a member point person (MPP) to work with Vital Source. Vital Source delivers the **lti_passports** policy key and VBID to the MPP.
#. VitalSource uploads the e-book to the Online Bookshelf and creates a specific code for the e-book.
#. VitalSource sends the e-book's code to the MPPP.
.. _VS Modify Advanced Settings:
Step 2. Modify the Course's Advanced Settings
Step 1. Modify the Course's Advanced Settings
In this step, you'll add values to the **advanced_modules** and **lti_passports** policy keys on the **Advanced Settings** page.
In this step, you'll modify the course's advanced settings to allow you to create an LTI component and add the **lti_passports** policy key for Vital Source.
#. In Studio, click the **Settings** menu, and then click **Advanced Settings**.
@@ -71,7 +64,11 @@ In this step, you'll add values to the **advanced_modules** and **lti_passports*
4. Scroll down to the **lti_passports** policy key.
#. Under **Policy Value**, place your cursor between the brackets, and then enter the value for the **lti_passports** policy key that you obtained from your VitalSource account manager.
#. Under **Policy Value**, place your cursor between the brackets, and then enter the value for the **lti_passports** policy key that you obtained from Vital Source. Make sure to surround the value with quotation marks.
For example, the value in this field may resemble the following:
To add the VitalSource e-reader to a unit, you'll create an LTI component, and then configure several settings in the component.
To add the VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader to a unit, you'll create an LTI component, and then configure several settings in the component.
#. In the unit where you want to create the problem, click **Advanced** under **Add New Component**, and then click **LTI**.
@@ -93,11 +90,11 @@ To add the VitalSource e-reader to a unit, you'll create an LTI component, and t
#. Next to **Custom Parameters**, click **Add**.
#. In the field that appears, enter the following (where ``VitalSourceCode`` is the code for the e-book that you received from VitalSource):
#. In the field that appears, enter the following (where ``VitalSourceCode`` is the VBID for the e-book):
If you want to test an e-book in your course, but you don't yet have the code for the e-book, you can enter ``vbid=L-999-70103`` to create a link to *Pride and Prejudice*.
If you want to experiment with an e-book in your course, but you don't yet have a VBID for your e-book, you can enter ``vbid=L-999-70103`` to create a link to *Pride and Prejudice*.
#. If you want your e-book to open to a specific page, click **Add** next to **Custom Parameters** again, and then add the following (where ``35`` is the page of the e-book):
@@ -117,14 +114,14 @@ To add the VitalSource e-reader to a unit, you'll create an LTI component, and t
Information for Students
Each institution's VitalSource account manager will train the MPPP on the Online Bookshelf e-reader and provide supporting documentation as part of the onboarding process. However, to improve the learner experience, we recommend that you provide the following explanation of the e-reader to your students:
Each institution's Vital Source account manager will train the MPP on the VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader and provide supporting documentation as part of the onboarding process. However, to improve the learner experience, we recommend that you provide the following explanation of the e-reader to your students:
Using a digital textbook in the Online Bookshelf e-reader has several benefits: Simple, user-friendly navigation; easy, intuitive access; and instant access to content. Below is a list of the Bookshelf e-reader features that you will use most often during the course:
Digital textbooks in the VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader offer simple, user-friendly navigation and instant, intuitive access to content. You'll most often use several VitalSource Bookshelf e-reader features during the course:
* Browse content, figures, and notes and filter search results.
* Create and manage multiple highlighters.
* Create and manage notes.
* Copy and paste notes into external documents.
* Browse content, figures, and notes and filter search results.
* Use multiple highlighters.
* Create and manage notes.
* Copy and paste notes into external documents.
For more information about how to use these features, visit the `VitalSource Bookshelf Support site <https://support.vitalsource.com>`_.
For more information about how to use these features, visit the `VitalSource Bookshelf support site <https://support.vitalsource.com>`_.