Commit ca1afe46 by Alison Hodges

Reformatted tables, copy edited, and proofread.

parent 07c8e4ac
......@@ -111,4 +111,36 @@ External page reference
see `Create a Problem <http://site.Create_Problem.html>`_
\ No newline at end of file
Example of a table with a cell that includes a bulleted list. The balnk lines before and after are critical.
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 15 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Field
- Type
- Details
* - ``correct_map``
- dict
- For each problem ID value listed by ``answers``, provides:
* ``correctness``: string; 'correct', 'incorrect'
* ``hint``: string; Gives optional hint. Nulls allowed.
* ``hintmode``: string; None, 'on_request', 'always'. Nulls allowed.
* ``msg``: string; Gives extra message response.
* ``npoints``: integer; Points awarded for this ``answer_id``. Nulls allowed.
* ``queuestate``: dict; None when not queued, else ``{key:'', time:''}``
where ``key`` is a secret string dump of a DateTime object in the form
'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'. Nulls allowed.
* - ``grade``
- integer
- Current grade value.
* - ``max_grade``
- integer
- Maximum possible grade value.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ This document is intended for researchers and data czars at edX partner institut
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Change Log
* - Date
- Change
* - 05/0614
* - 05/06/14
- Added enrollment event types to the :ref:`Tracking Logs` chapter.
* - 05/05/14
- Removed information on the Poll module. `Polls <>`_ are now covered in the *Building and Running an edX Course* guide.
.. _event_list:
Event List
.. list-table::
:widths: 30 30
:header-rows: 1
* - Event
- Description
* - ``add-forum-admin``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``add-forum-community-TA``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``add-forum-mod``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``add-instructor``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``add-or-remove-user-group``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``assigned_user_to_partition``
- :ref:`AB_Event_Types`
* - ``peer_grading_show_question``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``book``
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ``calculate_grades_csv``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``child_render``
- :ref:`AB_Event_Types`
* - ``delete-student-module-state``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``dump_grades``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``edx.course.enrollment.activated``
- :ref:`enrollment` and :ref:`instructor_enrollment`
* - ``edx.course.enrollment.deactivated``
- :ref:`enrollment` and :ref:`instructor_enrollment`
* - ``get_anon_ids``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``get_student_progress_page``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``get_student_progress_url``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``get_students_features``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``get_students_features/csv``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``instructor``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``list-beta-testers``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``list-forum-admins``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``list-forum-community-TAs``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``list-forum-mods``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``list-instructors``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``list-staff``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``list-students``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``modify_access``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``oe_feedback_response_selected``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``oe_hide_question``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``oe_show_full_feedback``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``oe_show_question``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``oe_show_respond_to_feedback``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``page_close``
- :ref:`navigational`
* - ``pause_video``
- :ref:`video`
* - ``peer_grading_hide_question``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``peer_grading_show_question``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``play_video``
- :ref:`video`
* - ``problem_check``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``problem_check_fail``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``problem_rescore``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``problem_rescore_fail``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``problem_save``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``problem_show``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``psychometrics-histogram-generation``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``remove-forum-admin``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``remove-forum-community-TA``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``remove-forum-mod``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``remove-instructor``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``rescore-all-submissions``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``rescore-student-submission``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``reset-all-attempts``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``reset_problem``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``reset_problem_fail``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``reset-student-attempts``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
* - ``rubric_select``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``save_problem_fail``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``save_problem_success``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``seek_video``
- :ref:`video`
* - ``seq_goto``
- :ref:`navigational`
* - ``seq_next``
- :ref:`navigational`
* - ``seq_prev``
- :ref:`navigational`
* - ``show_answer``
- :ref:`problem`
* - ``speed_change_video``
- :ref:`video`
* - ``staff_grading_hide_question``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``staff_grading_show_question``
- :ref:`ora`
* - ``textbook.pdf.chapter.navigated``
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ``textbook.pdf.display.scaled``
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ``textbook.pdf.display.scrolled``
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ``textbook.pdf.outline.toggled``
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ````
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ````
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ````
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ````
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ````
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ``textbook.pdf.thumbnails.navigated``
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ``textbook.pdf.thumbnails.toggled``
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ``textbook.pdf.zoom.buttons.changed``
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ````
- :ref:`pdf`
* - ``update_forum_role_membership``
- :ref:`Instructor_Event_Types`
.. * - ``hide_transcript``
.. - :ref:`video`
.. * - ``load_video``
.. - :ref:`video`
.. * - ``problem_graded``
.. - :ref:`problem`
.. * - ``problem_reset``
.. - :ref:`problem`
.. * - ``show_transcript``
.. - :ref:`video`
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
import json
import sys
import traceback
import dateutil.parser
except ImportError:
def date_string(ds, fmt=''):
return ds
def date_string(ds, fmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'):
d = dateutil.parser.parse(ds).astimezone(
return d.strftime(fmt)
def display(message):
print '{} - {}'.format(date_string(message['time']), message['event_type'])
if message.get('event'):
event = json.loads(message['event'])
for k in sorted(event):
print '\t{}: {}'.format(k, event[k])
while 1:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if not line:
obj = json.loads(line)
except Exception:
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