- 13 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Merge release into master
Renzo Lucioni committed
- 12 Sep, 2016 12 commits
Cache Enrollment state for (user, course) in request cache
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
Renzo Lucioni committed -
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Fix RTL issues with discussion sass
Andy Armstrong committed -
sanfordstudent committed -
Enable Persistent Grades in unit tests
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
Andy Armstrong committed -
Sanford Student committed
Fix extremely minor box corner issue in Discussions
Brian Jacobel committed -
Catalog-based MicroMasters need to be displayed in the LMS. However, the LMS currently retrieves all program data from the soon-to-be-retired programs service. Consuming program data exclusively from the catalog service is out of the question right now; it's too complex to confidently pull off in a week. This is a functional middle ground introduced by ECOM-5460. Cleaning up this debt is tracked by ECOM-4418.
Renzo Lucioni committed -
Enable discussion forums on CCX courses.
Matjaz Gregoric committed -
Discussion is restricted to the CCX course (there is no sharing of discussions with the parent course or other CCX instances).
Matjaz Gregoric committed
- 11 Sep, 2016 2 commits
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
- 10 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
- 09 Sep, 2016 10 commits
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Ensure usage keys have course run in locators.
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
J. Cliff Dyer committed -
Optimize Subsection Grades update
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
TNL-5457: Performance enhancements for Discussions API.
Robert Raposa committed -
- Default to with_responses=False, except when required. - Clean up search call unused params.
Robert Raposa committed -
Fix width of 'Load More' button in Discussions
Brian Jacobel committed -
Update xblock-poll dependency to v1.2.
Tim Krones committed -
Fix bug where new posts were not assigned a topic ID and would fail to post
Brian Jacobel committed
- 08 Sep, 2016 14 commits
Brian Jacobel committed
Persistent Grade being saved for individual problems
Cliff Dyer committed -
* First take at forcing a subsection's grade to update when a signal is sent that a problem's score has changed * Refactor signal handler connection. * Expand bokchoy tests to cover progress page * Add some grading unit tests TNL-5394 TNL-5364
Eric Fischer committed -
Brian Jacobel committed
Pass Sailthru campaign id cookie to ecommerce
PaulWattenberger committed -
[ENT-13] Make SSO providers optionally hidden
Jesse Shapiro committed -
Brian Jacobel committed -
Jesse Shapiro committed
TNL-5404: Default to not requesting responses when grabbing a single thread.
Robert Raposa committed -
PaulWattenberger committed
Retrieve marketable MicroMasters from the catalog service
Renzo Lucioni committed -
Remove duplicate-id rule for a11y discussions
Mushtaq Ali committed -
Complete the LMS help link - add it to edx.org theme, adjust Sass styling for the theme and for pattern library pages
Peter Desjardins committed -
Adjusted Sass for the doc-link so that it will work in pattern library pages and also in the edx.org theme. Added the documentation link to the edx.org theme header.
Peter Desjardins committed