Commit 948c1bd8 by Renzo Lucioni Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13408 from edx/renzo/display-catalog-micromasters

Retrieve marketable MicroMasters from the catalog service
parents 3c162254 37523939
......@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@
"JWT_SECRET_KEY": "super-secret-key"
"BUCKET": "edx-grades",
"ROOT_PATH": "/tmp/edx-s3/grades",
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ class StubCatalogServiceHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler): # pylint: disable=miss
def do_GET(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-docstring
pattern_handlers = {
r'/api/v1/programs/$': self.get_programs,
r'/api/v1/course_runs/(?P<course_id>[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/?]+)/$': self.get_course_run,
......@@ -31,9 +32,16 @@ class StubCatalogServiceHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler): # pylint: disable=miss
return True
return None
def get_programs(self):
Stubs the catalog's programs endpoint.
programs = self.server.config.get('catalog.programs', [])
def get_course_run(self, course_id):
Stubs a catalog course run endpoint.
Stubs the catalog's course run endpoint.
course_run = self.server.config.get('course_run.{}'.format(course_id), [])
......@@ -13,6 +13,15 @@ class CatalogFixture(object):
Interface to set up mock responses from the Catalog stub server.
def install_programs(self, programs):
"""Set response data for the catalog's course run API."""
key = 'catalog.programs'
data={key: json.dumps(programs)},
def install_course_run(self, course_run):
"""Set response data for the catalog's course run API."""
key = 'catalog.{}'.format(course_run['key'])
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ class ProgramPageBase(ProgramsConfigMixin, CatalogConfigMixin, UniqueCourseTest)
super(ProgramPageBase, self).setUp()
self.programs = [catalog_factories.Program() for __ in range(3)]
self.course_run = catalog_factories.CourseRun(key=self.course_id)
......@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ class ProgramPageBase(ProgramsConfigMixin, CatalogConfigMixin, UniqueCourseTest)
ProgramsFixture().install_programs(programs, is_list=is_list)
def stub_catalog_api(self):
"""Stub out the catalog API's course run endpoint."""
"""Stub out the catalog API's program and course run endpoints."""
def auth(self, enroll=True):
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from flaky import flaky
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import LibraryLocator
from uuid import uuid4
from common.test.acceptance.fixtures.catalog import CatalogFixture, CatalogConfigMixin
from common.test.acceptance.fixtures.programs import ProgramsFixture, ProgramsConfigMixin
from import AutoAuthPage
from import LibraryEditPage
......@@ -68,18 +69,30 @@ class CreateLibraryTest(WebAppTest):
self.assertTrue(self.dashboard_page.has_library(name=name, org=org, number=number))
class DashboardProgramsTabTest(ProgramsConfigMixin, WebAppTest):
class DashboardProgramsTabTest(ProgramsConfigMixin, CatalogConfigMixin, WebAppTest):
Test the programs tab on the studio home page.
def setUp(self):
super(DashboardProgramsTabTest, self).setUp()
self.auth_page = AutoAuthPage(self.browser, staff=True)
self.dashboard_page = DashboardPageWithPrograms(self.browser)
def stub_programs_api(self):
"""Stub out the programs API with fake data."""
def stub_catalog_api(self):
"""Stub out the catalog API's program endpoint."""
def test_tab_is_disabled(self):
The programs tab and "new program" button should not appear at all
......@@ -96,7 +109,6 @@ class DashboardProgramsTabTest(ProgramsConfigMixin, WebAppTest):
via config. When the programs list is empty, a button should appear
that allows creating a new program.
......@@ -129,8 +141,6 @@ class DashboardProgramsTabTest(ProgramsConfigMixin, WebAppTest):
......@@ -145,7 +155,6 @@ class DashboardProgramsTabTest(ProgramsConfigMixin, WebAppTest):
The programs tab and "new program" button will not be available, even
when enabled via config, if the user is not global staff.
AutoAuthPage(self.browser, staff=False).visit()
......@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ from . import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^programs/$', views.program_listing, name='program_listing_view'),
# Matches paths like 'programs/123/' and 'programs/123/foo/', but not 'programs/123/foo/bar/'.
url(r'^programs/(?P<program_id>\d+)/[\w\-]*/?$', views.program_details, name='program_details_view'),
# Also accepts strings that look like UUIDs, to support retrieval of catalog-based MicroMasters.
url(r'^programs/(?P<program_id>[0-9a-f-]+)/[\w\-]*/?$', views.program_details, name='program_details_view'),
"""Learner dashboard views"""
import uuid
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import Http404
......@@ -6,6 +8,7 @@ from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from lms.djangoapps.learner_dashboard.utils import strip_course_id, FAKE_COURSE_KEY
from openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.utils import get_programs as get_catalog_programs, munge_catalog_program
from openedx.core.djangoapps.credentials.utils import get_programs_credentials
from openedx.core.djangoapps.programs.models import ProgramsApiConfig
from openedx.core.djangoapps.programs import utils
......@@ -43,7 +46,15 @@ def program_details(request, program_id):
if not programs_config.show_program_details:
raise Http404
program_data = utils.get_programs(request.user, program_id=program_id)
# If the ID is a UUID, the requested program resides in the catalog.
program_data = get_catalog_programs(request.user, uuid=program_id)
if program_data:
program_data = munge_catalog_program(program_data)
except ValueError:
program_data = utils.get_programs(request.user, program_id=program_id)
if not program_data:
raise Http404
"""Factories for generating fake catalog data."""
from uuid import uuid4
import factory
from factory.fuzzy import FuzzyText
class Organization(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing Organization resources from the catalog API.
class Meta(object):
model = dict
name = FuzzyText(prefix='Organization ')
key = FuzzyText(suffix='X')
class CourseRun(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing CourseRun resources from the catalog API.
......@@ -12,3 +25,48 @@ class CourseRun(factory.Factory):
key = FuzzyText(prefix='org/', suffix='/run')
marketing_url = FuzzyText(prefix='')
class Course(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing Course resources from the catalog API.
class Meta(object):
model = dict
title = FuzzyText(prefix='Course ')
key = FuzzyText(prefix='course+')
owners = [Organization()]
course_runs = [CourseRun() for __ in range(3)]
class BannerImage(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing BannerImage resources from the catalog API.
class Meta(object):
model = dict
url = FuzzyText(
class Program(factory.Factory):
Factory for stubbing Program resources from the catalog API.
class Meta(object):
model = dict
uuid = str(uuid4())
title = FuzzyText(prefix='Program ')
subtitle = FuzzyText(prefix='Subtitle ')
type = 'FooBar'
marketing_slug = FuzzyText(prefix='slug_')
authoring_organizations = [Organization()]
courses = [Course() for __ in range(3)]
banner_image = {
size: BannerImage() for size in ['large', 'medium', 'small', 'x-small']
"""Tests covering utilities for integrating with the catalog service."""
import uuid
import ddt
from django.test import TestCase
import mock
......@@ -16,6 +18,139 @@ UTILS_MODULE = 'openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.utils'
@mock.patch(UTILS_MODULE + '.get_edx_api_data')
# ConfigurationModels use the cache. Make every cache get a miss.
@mock.patch('config_models.models.cache.get', return_value=None)
class TestGetPrograms(mixins.CatalogIntegrationMixin, TestCase):
"""Tests covering retrieval of programs from the catalog service."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestGetPrograms, self).setUp()
self.user = UserFactory()
self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.type = 'FooBar'
self.catalog_integration = self.create_catalog_integration(cache_ttl=1)
def assert_contract(self, call_args, program_uuid=None, type=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Verify that API data retrieval utility is used correctly."""
args, kwargs = call_args
for arg in (self.catalog_integration, self.user, 'programs'):
self.assertIn(arg, args)
self.assertEqual(kwargs['resource_id'], program_uuid)
cache_key = '{base}.programs{type}'.format(
type='.' + type if type else ''
cache_key if self.catalog_integration.is_cache_enabled else None
self.assertEqual(kwargs['api']._store['base_url'], self.catalog_integration.internal_api_url) # pylint: disable=protected-access
querystring = {'marketable': 1}
if type:
querystring['type'] = type
self.assertEqual(kwargs['querystring'], querystring)
return args, kwargs
def test_get_programs(self, _mock_cache, mock_get_catalog_data):
programs = [factories.Program() for __ in range(3)]
mock_get_catalog_data.return_value = programs
data = utils.get_programs(self.user)
self.assertEqual(data, programs)
def test_get_one_program(self, _mock_cache, mock_get_catalog_data):
program = factories.Program()
mock_get_catalog_data.return_value = program
data = utils.get_programs(self.user, uuid=self.uuid)
self.assert_contract(mock_get_catalog_data.call_args, program_uuid=self.uuid)
self.assertEqual(data, program)
def test_get_programs_by_type(self, _mock_cache, mock_get_catalog_data):
programs = [factories.Program() for __ in range(2)]
mock_get_catalog_data.return_value = programs
data = utils.get_programs(self.user, type=self.type)
self.assert_contract(mock_get_catalog_data.call_args, type=self.type)
self.assertEqual(data, programs)
def test_programs_unavailable(self, _mock_cache, mock_get_catalog_data):
mock_get_catalog_data.return_value = []
data = utils.get_programs(self.user)
self.assertEqual(data, [])
def test_cache_disabled(self, _mock_cache, mock_get_catalog_data):
self.catalog_integration = self.create_catalog_integration(cache_ttl=0)
def test_config_missing(self, _mock_cache, _mock_get_catalog_data):
"""Verify that no errors occur if this method is called when catalog config is missing."""
data = utils.get_programs(self.user)
self.assertEqual(data, [])
class TestMungeCatalogProgram(TestCase):
"""Tests covering querystring stripping."""
catalog_program = factories.Program()
def test_munge_catalog_program(self):
munged = utils.munge_catalog_program(self.catalog_program)
expected = {
'id': self.catalog_program['uuid'],
'name': self.catalog_program['title'],
'subtitle': self.catalog_program['subtitle'],
'category': self.catalog_program['type'],
'marketing_slug': self.catalog_program['marketing_slug'],
'organizations': [
'display_name': organization['name'],
'key': organization['key']
} for organization in self.catalog_program['authoring_organizations']
'course_codes': [
'display_name': course['title'],
'key': course['key'],
'organization': {
'display_name': course['owners'][0]['name'],
'key': course['owners'][0]['key']
'run_modes': [
'course_key': run['key'],
'run_key': CourseKey.from_string(run['key']).run,
'mode_slug': 'verified'
} for run in course['course_runs']
} for course in self.catalog_program['courses']
'banner_image_urls': {
'w1440h480': self.catalog_program['banner_image']['large']['url'],
'w726h242': self.catalog_program['banner_image']['medium']['url'],
'w435h145': self.catalog_program['banner_image']['small']['url'],
'w348h116': self.catalog_program['banner_image']['x-small']['url'],
self.assertEqual(munged, expected)
@mock.patch(UTILS_MODULE + '.get_edx_api_data')
@mock.patch('config_models.models.cache.get', return_value=None)
class TestGetCourseRun(mixins.CatalogIntegrationMixin, TestCase):
"""Tests covering retrieval of course runs from the catalog service."""
def setUp(self):
......@@ -3,12 +3,114 @@ from urlparse import urlparse
from django.conf import settings
from edx_rest_api_client.client import EdxRestApiClient
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.models import CatalogIntegration
from openedx.core.lib.edx_api_utils import get_edx_api_data
from openedx.core.lib.token_utils import JwtBuilder
def create_catalog_api_client(user, catalog_integration):
"""Returns an API client which can be used to make catalog API requests."""
scopes = ['email', 'profile']
expires_in = settings.OAUTH_ID_TOKEN_EXPIRATION
jwt = JwtBuilder(user).build_token(scopes, expires_in)
return EdxRestApiClient(catalog_integration.internal_api_url, jwt=jwt)
def get_programs(user, uuid=None, type=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Retrieve marketable programs from the catalog service.
Keyword Arguments:
uuid (string): UUID identifying a specific program.
type (string): Filter programs by type (e.g., "MicroMasters" will only return MicroMasters programs).
list of dict, representing programs.
dict, if a specific program is requested.
catalog_integration = CatalogIntegration.current()
if catalog_integration.enabled:
api = create_catalog_api_client(user, catalog_integration)
cache_key = '{base}.programs{type}'.format(
type='.' + type if type else ''
querystring = {'marketable': 1}
if type:
querystring['type'] = type
return get_edx_api_data(
cache_key=cache_key if catalog_integration.is_cache_enabled else None,
return []
def munge_catalog_program(catalog_program):
"""Make a program from the catalog service look like it came from the programs service.
Catalog-based MicroMasters need to be displayed in the LMS. However, the LMS
currently retrieves all program data from the soon-to-be-retired programs service.
Consuming program data exclusively from the catalog service would have taken more time
than we had prior to the MicroMasters launch. This is a functional middle ground
introduced by ECOM-5460. Cleaning up this debt is tracked by ECOM-4418.
catalog_program (dict): The catalog service's representation of a program.
dict, imitating the schema used by the programs service.
return {
'id': catalog_program['uuid'],
'name': catalog_program['title'],
'subtitle': catalog_program['subtitle'],
'category': catalog_program['type'],
'marketing_slug': catalog_program['marketing_slug'],
'organizations': [
'display_name': organization['name'],
'key': organization['key']
} for organization in catalog_program['authoring_organizations']
'course_codes': [
'display_name': course['title'],
'key': course['key'],
'organization': {
# The Programs schema only supports one organization here.
'display_name': course['owners'][0]['name'],
'key': course['owners'][0]['key']
'run_modes': [
'course_key': run['key'],
'run_key': CourseKey.from_string(run['key']).run,
'mode_slug': 'verified'
} for run in course['course_runs']
} for course in catalog_program['courses']
'banner_image_urls': {
'w1440h480': catalog_program['banner_image']['large']['url'],
'w726h242': catalog_program['banner_image']['medium']['url'],
'w435h145': catalog_program['banner_image']['small']['url'],
'w348h116': catalog_program['banner_image']['x-small']['url'],
def get_course_run(course_key, user):
"""Get a course run's data from the course catalog service.
......@@ -22,10 +124,7 @@ def get_course_run(course_key, user):
catalog_integration = CatalogIntegration.current()
if catalog_integration.enabled:
scopes = ['email', 'profile']
expires_in = settings.OAUTH_ID_TOKEN_EXPIRATION
jwt = JwtBuilder(user).build_token(scopes, expires_in)
api = EdxRestApiClient(catalog_integration.internal_api_url, jwt=jwt)
api = create_catalog_api_client(user, catalog_integration)
data = get_edx_api_data(
......@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@ import pytz
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from lms.djangoapps.certificates import api as certificate_api
from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService
from openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.utils import get_run_marketing_url
from openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.utils import (
get_programs as get_catalog_programs,
from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview
from openedx.core.djangoapps.programs.models import ProgramsApiConfig
from openedx.core.lib.edx_api_utils import get_edx_api_data
......@@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ DEFAULT_ENROLLMENT_START_DATE = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
def get_programs(user, program_id=None):
"""Given a user, get programs from the Programs service.
Returned value is cached depending on user permissions. Staff users making requests
against Programs will receive unpublished programs, while regular users will only receive
published programs.
......@@ -43,6 +48,7 @@ def get_programs(user, program_id=None):
list of dict, representing programs returned by the Programs service.
dict, if a specific program is requested.
programs_config = ProgramsApiConfig.current()
......@@ -50,7 +56,15 @@ def get_programs(user, program_id=None):
# to see them displayed immediately.
cache_key = programs_config.CACHE_KEY if programs_config.is_cache_enabled and not user.is_staff else None
return get_edx_api_data(programs_config, user, 'programs', resource_id=program_id, cache_key=cache_key)
programs = get_edx_api_data(programs_config, user, 'programs', resource_id=program_id, cache_key=cache_key)
# Mix in munged MicroMasters data from the catalog.
if not program_id:
programs += [
munge_catalog_program(micromaster) for micromaster in get_catalog_programs(user, type='MicroMasters')
return programs
def get_programs_for_credentials(user, programs_credentials):
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