1. 20 Oct, 2016 1 commit
  2. 14 Oct, 2016 1 commit
  3. 06 Oct, 2016 1 commit
  4. 30 Sep, 2016 3 commits
  5. 28 Sep, 2016 1 commit
  6. 23 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  7. 22 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  8. 15 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  9. 07 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  10. 09 May, 2016 1 commit
  11. 07 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  12. 04 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • - Add test content library XML. · 80fc91bf
      - Ensure that only a course import is saved to the draft branch and then
      published. A content library has only a single 'library' branch.
      - Add a fields parameter to the create_library call so the call has the
      correct number of parameters.
      - Add tests which import content libraries using different test methods
      and with different branch settings.
      - Add test which imports a content library and then exports it.
      - Use XBlock module version that supports XML-serialized String of None.
      - Add re-import of content library and equality comparison to test.
      - Allow get_items to be called on LibraryLocators.
      John Eskew committed
  13. 14 Jan, 2016 4 commits
  14. 13 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  15. 07 Jan, 2016 2 commits
    • Shrink images using trimage · 9daaa35d
       common/test/data/xml_dag/static/just_a_test.jpg    | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       .../test_microsite/images/background-image.jpg     | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       .../test_microsite/images/header-logo.png          | Bin 1215 -> 1212 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/locator_ubiquity.jpg       | Bin 51876 -> 47455 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/presplit.jpg               | Bin 43129 -> 38944 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/studio mapping.jpg         | Bin 48247 -> 43786 bytes
       .../enrollment_api/source/_static/homepage-bg.jpg  | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       docs/en_us/internal/test_pyramid.png               | Bin 24698 -> 17598 bytes
       .../platform_api/source/_static/homepage-bg.jpg    | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       .../shared/images/Announcement_subscriptions.png   | Bin 43413 -> 15474 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/backpack-logo.png   | Bin 2107 -> 1112 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/backpack-ui.png     | Bin 76558 -> 54810 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/bg-verified.png     | Bin 25152 -> 5169 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig1.png       | Bin 3852 -> 2099 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig2.png       | Bin 3695 -> 1990 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig3.png       | Bin 7315 -> 3721 bytes
       .../certificates/images/demo-user-profile.png      | Bin 61749 -> 40719 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/ico-honor.png       | Bin 59443 -> 35743 bytes
       .../certificates/images/ico-mozillaopenbadges.png  | Bin 3638 -> 1870 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/ico-verified.png    | Bin 59571 -> 35713 bytes
       lms/static/images/app/google_play_badge_45.png     | Bin 8913 -> 4548 bytes
       lms/static/images/bg-footer-divider.jpg            | Bin 416 -> 390 bytes
       lms/static/images/bg-texture.png                   | Bin 10028 -> 2092 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/FacebookIcon.png      | Bin 550 -> 333 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/GooglePlusIcon.png    | Bin 1286 -> 679 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 8cba4702
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/previous_pressed.png      | Bin 755 -> 665 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/previous_rest.png  | Bin 661 -> 572 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/zoomin_grouphover.png     | Bin 612 -> 496 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomin_hover.png   | Bin 608 -> 506 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomin_pressed.png | Bin 615 -> 515 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomin_rest.png | Bin 612 -> 496 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/zoomout_grouphover.png    | Bin 504 -> 397 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomout_hover.png  | Bin 559 -> 461 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/zoomout_pressed.png       | Bin 561 -> 458 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomout_rest.png   | Bin 504 -> 397 bytes
       common/test/data/aside/static/just_a_test.jpg      | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       common/test/data/badges/good.png                   | Bin 298 -> 91 bytes
       common/test/data/badges/large.png                  | Bin 431556 -> 429842 bytes
       common/test/data/badges/unbalanced.png             | Bin 232 -> 86 bytes
       .../static/images/course_image.jpg                 | Bin 12626 -> 12617 bytes
       .../static/images/professor-sandel.jpg             | Bin 453715 -> 447109 bytes
       .../Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 1.43.36 PM.png       | Bin 8733 -> 1525 bytes
       .../data/simple/static/images_course_image.jpg     | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       common/test/data/static/picture1.jpg               | Bin 10905 -> 6857 bytes
       common/test/data/static/picture2.jpg               | Bin 13598 -> 9739 bytes
       common/test/data/static/picture3.jpg               | Bin 14977 -> 9946 bytes
       common/test/data/toy/static/just_a_test.jpg        | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       common/test/data/uploads/Signature-0.png           | Bin 31182 -> 14473 bytes
       common/test/data/uploads/Signature-1.png           | Bin 31182 -> 14473 bytes
       common/test/data/uploads/larger_image.jpg          | Bin 1070335 -> 1053927 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
  16. 17 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  17. 11 Dec, 2015 3 commits
  18. 28 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  19. 02 Nov, 2015 2 commits
  20. 07 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  21. 24 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  22. 02 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  23. 01 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • New Feature: Certificates Web View · af7277cd
      - SOL-465: Initial implementation of certificates web view and signatories (names/titles)
      - SOL-718 Close button is working properly
      - SOL-801 Backbone Signatories Modeling
      - SOL-803 Underscore template: Editor (Add)
      - SOL-802 Signatories: Underscore template - Details
      - SOL-804 Signatories: Underscore template: Editor (Edit)
      - Add signatory delete Django view
      - SOL-805 Signatory editor (Delete)
      - Add Coffeescript router
      - SOL-716 Jasmine Tests
      - Added missing minified JS library
      - client side validation of signatory fields
      - SOL-390 signatories names
      - Remove obsolete extends Sass files
      - input maxlength limiting for signatory information
      - SOL-389: Course title override
      - SOL-466: Add capability to upload digitized signatures in Studio
      - ziafazal: fixed css for upload signature image
      - ziafazal: completed deletion of signature images
      - UX-1741: Add initial static rendering/styling for Open edX web certs
        * creating new global static dir
        * adding static version of edX UX pattern library assets
        * adding web certificates static assets
        * adding static (+abstracted) web certificates rendering
        * creating two tiers of rendering (base + distinguished)
        * providing sample assets for certificate rendering
        * supporting RTL layouts
        * adding certifcates assests to edX static asset pipeline
        * temporarily hiding the mozilla open badges share action
        * wiring print button to print view/page
        * fixup! addressing conflict artifact in valid cert template
        * fixup! adding missing %hd-subsection sass extend + components comment clean up
        * fixup! correcting pattern library .hd-4 font-weight value
      - SOL-468 Linked Student View for Web View Credential
      - SOL-467: Add capability to upload organization logos for certificates
      - SOL-391 / SOL-387: Signatory related info (assets) in certificates web view
      - kelketek: Fixes for static asset collection in certificate HTML view.
      - SOL-398 Web View: Public Access
      - mattdrayer: Post-merge branch stabilization
      - catong: Initial changes to Studio template and Help config file
      - ziafazal: Branch stabilizations
      - SOL-387: Display organization logo on LMS web view
      - talbs/mattdrayer: Branch Stabilizations
      - talbs: converting backpack action to use a button HTML element
      - talbs: revising placeholder assets + their rendering in cert view
      - mattdrayer: Username web view wireup
      - SOL-386 Certificate Mode Previews
      - SOL-905: Make organization logo and signatory signature uneditable
      - SOL-922: Improve test coverage
      - SOL-765: Add LinkedIn sharing
      - [marco] temporary styling adjustment to account for smaller linkedin share image / fake button
      - SOL-921: Address hardcoded template items
      - SOL-927: Deleting certificate should delete org logo image also
        * updated invalid template
        * removed hr
        * fix invalid certificate error
      - clrux: Add i18n to certificate templates and partials
      - mattdrayer: Pylint violations
      - SOL-920 Certificate Activation/Deactivation
      - mattdrayer: Added LMS support
      - SOL-932: Fix preview mode support in certificate view
      - SOL-934: Fixed bug reported and broken tests
      - SOL-935 removed the 'valid' word from web view title
      - talbs: RTL support updates/fixes
        * revising certificate type icon/name vertical alignment
        * removing unused older certificate template
        * revising styling for message/banner actions
        * abstracting accomplishment type to use course mode + adding in honor/verified-specific placeholders
      - mattdrayer: JSHint violations
      Matt Drayer committed
  24. 18 May, 2015 1 commit
    • Added a simple XBlockMixin for courseware licenses · 2159d341
      This allows course authors to choose between two difference licenses for their
      course content: All Rights Reserved, or Creative Commons. In the backend, XBlocks
      that wish to allow custom licenses need only inherit from LicenseMixin, which
      adds a `license` field as a string.
      License information is displayed in the Studio editor view, and just below the
      rendered XBlock in the LMS. In addition, if the course block itself has a custom
      license set, this license will display just below the main body of the page
      on courseware pages.
      This entire feature is gated behind the LICENSING feature flag.
      David Baumgold committed
  25. 11 May, 2015 1 commit
  26. 17 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  27. 15 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  28. 02 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  29. 31 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  30. 10 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  31. 02 Mar, 2015 1 commit