Commit ade863e9 by Sarina Canelake

Remove CMS Course Checklists feature

parent c14c146d
Feature: CMS.Course checklists
Scenario: A course author sees checklists defined by edX
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
When I select Checklists from the Tools menu
Then I see the four default edX checklists
Scenario: A course author can mark tasks as complete
Given I have opened Checklists
Then I can check and uncheck tasks in a checklist
And I reload the page
Then the tasks are correctly selected
# There are issues getting link to be active in browsers other than chrome
Scenario: A task can link to a location within Studio
Given I have opened Checklists
When I select a link to the course outline
Then I am brought to the course outline page
And I press the browser back button
Then I am brought back to the course outline in the correct state
# There are issues getting link to be active in browsers other than chrome
Scenario: A task can link to a location outside Studio
Given I have opened Checklists
When I select a link to help page
Then I am brought to the help page in a new window
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
from lettuce import world, step
from import assert_true, assert_equal
from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
############### ACTIONS ####################
@step('I select Checklists from the Tools menu$')
def i_select_checklists(step):
link_css = 'li.nav-course-tools-checklists a'
@step('I have opened Checklists$')
def i_have_opened_checklists(step):
step.given('I have opened a new course in Studio')
step.given('I select Checklists from the Tools menu')
@step('I see the four default edX checklists$')
def i_see_default_checklists(step):
checklists = world.css_find('.checklist-title')
assert_equal(4, len(checklists))
assert_true(checklists[0].text.endswith('Getting Started With Studio'))
assert_true(checklists[1].text.endswith('Draft a Rough Course Outline'))
assert_true(checklists[2].text.endswith("Explore edX\'s Support Tools"))
assert_true(checklists[3].text.endswith('Draft Your Course About Page'))
@step('I can check and uncheck tasks in a checklist$')
def i_can_check_and_uncheck_tasks(step):
# Use the 2nd checklist as a reference
verifyChecklist2Status(0, 7, 0)
toggleTask(1, 0)
verifyChecklist2Status(1, 7, 14)
toggleTask(1, 3)
verifyChecklist2Status(2, 7, 29)
toggleTask(1, 6)
verifyChecklist2Status(3, 7, 43)
toggleTask(1, 3)
verifyChecklist2Status(2, 7, 29)
@step('the tasks are correctly selected$')
def tasks_correctly_selected(step):
verifyChecklist2Status(2, 7, 29)
# verify that task 7 is still selected by toggling its checkbox state and making sure that it deselects
toggleTask(1, 6)
verifyChecklist2Status(1, 7, 14)
@step('I select a link to the course outline$')
def i_select_a_link_to_the_course_outline(step):
clickActionLink(1, 0, 'Edit Course Outline')
@step('I am brought to the course outline page$')
def i_am_brought_to_course_outline(step):
assert world.is_css_present('body.view-outline')
assert_equal(1, len(
@step('I am brought back to the course outline in the correct state$')
def i_am_brought_back_to_course_outline(step):
step.given('I see the four default edX checklists')
# In a previous step, we selected (1, 0) in order to click the 'Edit Course Outline' link.
# Make sure the task is still showing as selected (there was a caching bug with the collection).
verifyChecklist2Status(1, 7, 14)
@step('I select a link to help page$')
def i_select_a_link_to_the_help_page(step):
clickActionLink(2, 0, 'Visit Studio Help')
@step('I am brought to the help page in a new window$')
def i_am_brought_to_help_page_in_new_window(step):
step.given('I see the four default edX checklists')
windows =
assert_equal(2, len(windows))
assert_equal('', world.browser.url)
############### HELPER METHODS ####################
def verifyChecklist2Status(completed, total, percentage):
def verify_count(driver):
statusCount = world.css_find('#course-checklist1 .status-count').first
return statusCount.text == str(completed)
except StaleElementReferenceException:
return False
assert_equal(str(total), world.css_find('#course-checklist1 .status-amount').first.text)
# Would like to check the CSS width, but not sure how to do that.
assert_equal(str(percentage), world.css_find('#course-checklist1 .viz-checklist-status-value .int').first.text)
def toggleTask(checklist, task):
world.css_click('#course-checklist' + str(checklist) + '-task' + str(task))
# TODO: figure out a way to do this in phantom and firefox
# For now we will mark the scenerios that use this method as skipped
def clickActionLink(checklist, task, actionText):
# text will be empty initially, wait for it to populate
def verify_action_link_text(driver):
actualText = world.css_text('#course-checklist' + str(checklist) + ' a', index=task)
if actualText == actionText:
return True
# toggle checklist item to make sure that the link button is showing
toggleTask(checklist, task)
return False
world.css_click('#course-checklist' + str(checklist) + ' a', index=task)
......@@ -1510,7 +1510,6 @@ class ContentStoreTest(ContentStoreTestCase, XssTestMixin):
......@@ -1694,7 +1693,6 @@ class ContentStoreTest(ContentStoreTestCase, XssTestMixin):
self.assertEqual(course.textbooks, [])
self.assertIn('GRADER', course.grading_policy)
self.assertIn('GRADE_CUTOFFS', course.grading_policy)
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(course.checklists), 4)
# by fetching
fetched_course =
......@@ -1703,8 +1701,6 @@ class ContentStoreTest(ContentStoreTestCase, XssTestMixin):
self.assertEqual(course.start, fetched_course.start)
self.assertEqual(fetched_course.start, fetched_item.start)
self.assertEqual(course.textbooks, fetched_course.textbooks)
# is this test too strict? i.e., it requires the dicts to be ==
self.assertEqual(course.checklists, fetched_course.checklists)
def test_image_import(self):
"""Test backwards compatibilty of course image."""
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
# Disable warnings about import from wildcard
# All files below declare exports with __all__
from .assets import *
from .checklist import *
from .component import *
from .course import *
from .entrance_exam import *
import json
import copy
from util.json_request import JsonResponse
from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods
from django.views.decorators.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from contentstore.utils import reverse_course_url
from student.auth import has_course_author_access
from xmodule.course_module import CourseDescriptor
from django.utils.translation import ugettext
__all__ = ['checklists_handler']
@require_http_methods(("GET", "POST", "PUT"))
def checklists_handler(request, course_key_string, checklist_index=None):
The restful handler for checklists.
html: return html page for all checklists
json: return json representing all checklists. checklist_index is not supported for GET at this time.
json: updates the checked state for items within a particular checklist. checklist_index is required.
course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_key_string)
if not has_course_author_access(request.user, course_key):
raise PermissionDenied()
course_module = modulestore().get_course(course_key)
json_request = 'application/json' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'application/json')
if request.method == 'GET':
# If course was created before checklists were introduced, copy them over
# from the template.
if not course_module.checklists:
course_module.checklists = CourseDescriptor.checklists.default
expanded_checklists = expand_all_action_urls(course_module)
if json_request:
return JsonResponse(expanded_checklists)
handler_url = reverse_course_url('checklists_handler', course_key)
return render_to_response('checklists.html',
'handler_url': handler_url,
# context_course is used by analytics
'context_course': course_module,
'checklists': expanded_checklists
elif json_request:
# Can now assume POST or PUT because GET handled above.
if checklist_index is not None and 0 <= int(checklist_index) < len(course_module.checklists):
index = int(checklist_index)
persisted_checklist = course_module.checklists[index]
modified_checklist = json.loads(request.body)
# Only thing the user can modify is the "checked" state.
# We don't want to persist what comes back from the client because it will
# include the expanded action URLs (which are non-portable).
for item_index, item in enumerate(modified_checklist.get('items')):
persisted_checklist['items'][item_index]['is_checked'] = item['is_checked']
# seeming noop which triggers kvs to record that the metadata is
# not default
course_module.checklists = course_module.checklists
expanded_checklist = expand_checklist_action_url(course_module, persisted_checklist)
return JsonResponse(localize_checklist_text(expanded_checklist))
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
("Could not save checklist state because the checklist index "
"was out of range or unspecified."),
return HttpResponseNotFound()
def expand_all_action_urls(course_module):
Gets the checklists out of the course module and expands their action urls.
Returns a copy of the checklists with modified urls, without modifying the persisted version
of the checklists.
expanded_checklists = []
for checklist in course_module.checklists:
expanded_checklists.append(localize_checklist_text(expand_checklist_action_url(course_module, checklist)))
return expanded_checklists
def expand_checklist_action_url(course_module, checklist):
Expands the action URLs for a given checklist and returns the modified version.
The method does a copy of the input checklist and does not modify the input argument.
expanded_checklist = copy.deepcopy(checklist)
urlconf_map = {
"ManageUsers": "course_team_handler",
"CourseOutline": "course_handler",
"SettingsDetails": "settings_handler",
"SettingsGrading": "grading_handler",
for item in expanded_checklist.get('items'):
action_url = item.get('action_url')
if action_url in urlconf_map:
item['action_url'] = reverse_course_url(urlconf_map[action_url],
return expanded_checklist
def localize_checklist_text(checklist):
Localize texts for a given checklist and returns the modified version.
The method does an in-place operation so the input checklist is modified directly.
# Localize checklist name
checklist['short_description'] = ugettext(checklist['short_description']) # pylint: disable=translation-of-non-string
# Localize checklist items
for item in checklist.get('items'):
item['short_description'] = ugettext(item['short_description']) # pylint: disable=translation-of-non-string
item['long_description'] = ugettext(item['long_description']) # pylint: disable=translation-of-non-string
item['action_text'] = ugettext(item['action_text']) # pylint: disable=translation-of-non-string
return checklist
""" Unit tests for checklist methods in """
from contentstore.utils import reverse_course_url
from contentstore.views.checklist import expand_checklist_action_url
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
import json
from contentstore.tests.utils import CourseTestCase
class ChecklistTestCase(CourseTestCase):
""" Test for checklist get and put methods. """
def setUp(self):
""" Creates the test course. """
super(ChecklistTestCase, self).setUp()
self.course = CourseFactory.create(org='mitX', number='333', display_name='Checklists Course')
self.checklists_url = self.get_url()
def get_url(self, checklist_index=None):
url_args = {'checklist_index': checklist_index} if checklist_index else None
return reverse_course_url('checklists_handler',, kwargs=url_args)
def get_persisted_checklists(self):
""" Returns the checklists as persisted in the modulestore. """
return modulestore().get_item(self.course.location).checklists
def compare_checklists(self, persisted, request):
Handles url expansion as possible difference and descends into guts
self.assertEqual(persisted['short_description'], request['short_description'])
expanded_checklist = expand_checklist_action_url(self.course, persisted)
for pers, req in zip(expanded_checklist['items'], request['items']):
self.assertEqual(pers['short_description'], req['short_description'])
self.assertEqual(pers['long_description'], req['long_description'])
self.assertEqual(pers['is_checked'], req['is_checked'])
self.assertEqual(pers['action_url'], req['action_url'])
self.assertEqual(pers['action_text'], req['action_text'])
self.assertEqual(pers['action_external'], req['action_external'])
def test_get_checklists(self):
""" Tests the get checklists method and URL expansion. """
response = self.client.get(self.checklists_url)
self.assertContains(response, "Getting Started With Studio")
# Verify expansion of action URL happened.
self.assertContains(response, 'course_team/mitX/333/Checklists_Course')
# Verify persisted checklist does NOT have expanded URL.
checklist_0 = self.get_persisted_checklists()[0]
self.assertEqual('ManageUsers', get_action_url(checklist_0, 0))
payload = response.content
# Now delete the checklists from the course and verify they get repopulated (for courses
# created before checklists were introduced).
self.course.checklists = None
# Save the changed `checklists` to the underlying KeyValueStore before updating the modulestore
self.assertEqual(self.get_persisted_checklists(), None)
response = self.client.get(self.checklists_url)
self.assertEqual(payload, response.content)
def test_get_checklists_html(self):
""" Tests getting the HTML template for the checklists page). """
response = self.client.get(self.checklists_url, HTTP_ACCEPT='text/html')
self.assertContains(response, "Getting Started With Studio")
# The HTML generated will define the handler URL (for use by the Backbone model).
self.assertContains(response, self.checklists_url)
def test_update_checklists_no_index(self):
""" No checklist index, should return all of them. """
returned_checklists = json.loads(self.client.get(self.checklists_url).content)
# Verify that persisted checklists do not have expanded action URLs.
# compare_checklists will verify that returned_checklists DO have expanded action URLs.
pers = self.get_persisted_checklists()
self.assertEqual('CourseOutline', get_first_item(pers[1]).get('action_url'))
for pay, resp in zip(pers, returned_checklists):
self.compare_checklists(pay, resp)
def test_update_checklists_index_ignored_on_get(self):
""" Checklist index ignored on get. """
update_url = self.get_url(1)
returned_checklists = json.loads(self.client.get(update_url).content)
for pay, resp in zip(self.get_persisted_checklists(), returned_checklists):
self.compare_checklists(pay, resp)
def test_update_checklists_post_no_index(self):
""" No checklist index, will error on post. """
response =
self.assertContains(response, 'Could not save checklist', status_code=400)
def test_update_checklists_index_out_of_range(self):
""" Checklist index out of range, will error on post. """
update_url = self.get_url(100)
response =
self.assertContains(response, 'Could not save checklist', status_code=400)
def test_update_checklists_index(self):
""" Check that an update of a particular checklist works. """
update_url = self.get_url(1)
payload = self.course.checklists[1]
self.assertEqual('CourseOutline', get_first_item(payload).get('action_url'))
get_first_item(payload)['is_checked'] = True
returned_checklist = json.loads(self.client.ajax_post(update_url, payload).content)
persisted_checklist = self.get_persisted_checklists()[1]
# Verify that persisted checklist does not have expanded action URLs.
# compare_checklists will verify that returned_checklist DOES have expanded action URLs.
self.assertEqual('CourseOutline', get_first_item(persisted_checklist).get('action_url'))
self.compare_checklists(persisted_checklist, returned_checklist)
def test_update_checklists_delete_unsupported(self):
""" Delete operation is not supported. """
update_url = self.get_url(100)
response = self.client.delete(update_url)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 405)
def test_expand_checklist_action_url(self):
Tests the method to expand checklist action url.
def test_expansion(checklist, index, stored, expanded):
Tests that the expected expanded value is returned for the item at the given index.
Also verifies that the original checklist is not modified.
self.assertEqual(get_action_url(checklist, index), stored)
expanded_checklist = expand_checklist_action_url(self.course, checklist)
self.assertEqual(get_action_url(expanded_checklist, index), expanded)
# Verify no side effect in the original list.
self.assertEqual(get_action_url(checklist, index), stored)
test_expansion(self.course.checklists[0], 0, 'ManageUsers', '/course_team/mitX/333/Checklists_Course')
test_expansion(self.course.checklists[1], 1, 'CourseOutline', '/course/mitX/333/Checklists_Course')
test_expansion(self.course.checklists[2], 0, '', '')
def get_first_item(checklist):
""" Returns the first item from the checklist. """
return checklist['items'][0]
def get_action_url(checklist, index):
Returns the action_url for the item at the specified index in the given checklist.
return checklist['items'][index]['action_url']
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ class CourseMetadata(object):
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
modules: getModulesList([
define(["backbone", "underscore", "js/models/checklist"],
function(Backbone, _, ChecklistModel) {
var ChecklistCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : ChecklistModel,
parse: function(response) {
function( element, idx ) { = idx;
return response;
// Disable caching so the browser back button will work (checklists have links to other
// places within Studio).
fetch: function (options) {
options.cache = false;
return, options);
return ChecklistCollection;
'jquery', 'js/collections/checklist', 'js/views/checklist'
], function($, ChecklistCollection, ChecklistView) {
'use strict';
return function (handlerUrl) {
var checklistCollection = new ChecklistCollection(),
checklistCollection.url = handlerUrl;
editor = new ChecklistView({
el: $('.course-checklists'),
collection: checklistCollection
checklistCollection.fetch({reset: true});
define(["js/views/baseview", "underscore", "jquery"], function(BaseView, _, $) {
var ChecklistView = BaseView.extend({
// takes CMS.Models.Checklists as model
events : {
'click .course-checklist .checklist-title' : "toggleChecklist",
'click .course-checklist .task input' : "toggleTask",
'click a[rel="external"]' : "popup"
initialize : function() {
var self = this;
this.template = this.loadTemplate('checklist');
reset: true,
complete: function() {
render: function() {
// catch potential outside call before template loaded
if (!this.template) return this;
var self = this;
function(checklist, index) {
self.$el.append(self.renderTemplate(checklist, index));
return this;
renderTemplate: function (checklist, index) {
var checklistItems = checklist.attributes['items'];
var itemsChecked = 0;
function(checklist) {
if (checklist['is_checked']) {
itemsChecked +=1;
var percentChecked = Math.round((itemsChecked/checklistItems.length)*100);
return this.template({
checklistIndex : index,
checklistShortDescription : checklist.attributes['short_description'],
items: checklistItems,
itemsChecked: itemsChecked,
percentChecked: percentChecked});
toggleChecklist : function(e) {
toggleTask : function (e) {
var self = this;
var completed = 'is-completed';
var $checkbox = $(;
var $task = $checkbox.closest('.task');
var checklist_index = $'checklist');
var task_index = $'task');
var model =;
model.attributes.items[task_index].is_checked = $task.hasClass(completed);{},
success : function() {
var updatedTemplate = self.renderTemplate(model, checklist_index);
analytics.track('Toggled a Checklist Task', {
'course': course_location_analytics,
'task': model.attributes.items[task_index].short_description,
'state': model.attributes.items[task_index].is_checked
popup: function(e) {
return ChecklistView;
......@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
@import 'views/unit';
@import 'views/container';
@import 'views/users';
@import 'views/checklists';
@import 'views/textbooks';
@import 'views/export-git';
@import 'views/group-configuration';
......@@ -368,12 +368,10 @@ body.course.view-certificates .nav-course-settings-certificates,
// course tools
body.course.view-import .nav-course-tools .title,
body.course.view-export .nav-course-tools .title,
body.course.view-checklists .nav-course-tools .title,
body.course.view-export-git .nav-course-tools .title,
body.course.view-import .nav-course-tools-import,
body.course.view-export .nav-course-tools-export,
body.course.view-checklists .nav-course-tools-checklists,
body.course.view-export-git .nav-course-tools-export-git,
// content library settings
// Studio - Course Settings
// ====================
.view-checklists {
.content-primary, .content-supplementary {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
.content-primary {
@extend .ui-col-wide;
// checklists - general
.course-checklist {
@extend %ui-window;
margin: 0 0 ($baseline*2) 0;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
// visual status
.viz-checklist-status {
@extend %cont-text-hide;
@include size(100%,($baseline/4));
position: relative;
display: block;
margin: 0;
background: $gray-l4;
.viz-checklist-status-value {
@include transition(width $tmg-s2 ease-in-out .25s);
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 0%;
height: ($baseline/4);
background: $green;
.int {
@extend %cont-text-sr;
// header/title
header {
@include clearfix();
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 1px $shadow-l1;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-l3;
padding: $baseline ($baseline*1.5);
.checklist-title {
@include transition(color $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0s);
width: flex-grid(6, 9);
margin: 0;
@include margin-right(flex-gutter());
@include float(left);
.ui-toggle-expansion {
@include transition(all $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0s);
@extend %t-action1;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
@include margin-right($baseline/2);
color: $gray-l4;
&.is-selectable {
@extend %ui-fake-link;
&:hover {
color: $blue;
.ui-toggle-expansion {
color: $blue;
.checklist-status {
@extend %t-copy-sub1;
width: flex-grid(3, 9);
@include float(right);
margin-top: ($baseline/2);
@include text-align(right);
color: $gray-l2;
.fa-check-square-o {
@extend %t-icon4;
display: inline-block;
margin-left: ($baseline/2);
color: $gray-l4;
.status-count {
@extend %t-copy-base;
@extend %t-strong;
margin-left: ($baseline/4);
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
color: $gray-d3;
.status-amount {
@extend %t-copy-base;
@extend %t-strong;
margin-left: ($baseline/4);
color: $gray-d3;
// checklist actions
.course-checklist-actions {
@include clearfix();
@include transition(border $tmg-f2 ease-in-out .25s);
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px $shadow-l1;
border-top: 1px solid $gray-l2;
padding: $baseline ($baseline*1.5);
background: $gray-l4;
.action-primary {
@include green-button();
@include float(left);
.fa-plus {
@extend %t-icon7;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
.action-secondary {
@include grey-button();
@extend %t-action3;
@extend %t-regular;
@include float(right);
.fa-trash-o {
@extend %t-icon7;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
// state - collapsed
&.is-collapsed {
header {
box-shadow: none;
.checklist-title {
.ui-toggle-expansion {
@include transform(rotate(-90deg));
@include transform-origin(50% 50%);
.list-tasks {
height: 0;
// state - completed
&.is-completed {
.viz-checklist-status {
.viz-checklist-status-value {
width: 100%;
header {
.checklist-title, .fa-caret-down {
color: $green;
.checklist-status {
.status-count, .status-amount, .fa-check-square-o {
color: $green;
// state - not available
.is-not-available {
// list of tasks
.list-tasks {
height: auto;
overflow: hidden;
.task {
@include transition(background $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0s, border $tmg-f3 ease-in-out 0s);
@include clearfix();
position: relative;
border-top: 1px solid $white;
border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-l5;
padding: $baseline ($baseline*1.5);
background: $white;
opacity: 1.0;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
border-bottom: none;
.task-input {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: text-top;
@include float(left);
margin-top: ($baseline/2);
@include margin-right(flex-gutter());
.task-details {
@extend %t-strong;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: text-top;
@include float(left);
width: flex-grid(6,9);
.task-name {
@include transition(color $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0s);
@extend %ui-fake-link;
vertical-align: baseline;
margin-bottom: 0;
.task-description {
@extend %t-copy-sub1;
@include transition(color $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0s);
color: $gray-l2;
.task-support {
@extend %t-copy-sub2;
@include transition(opacity $tmg-f2 ease-in-out 0s);
opacity: 0.0;
pointer-events: none;
.task-actions {
@include transition(opacity $tmg-f2 ease-in-out $tmg-f2);
@include clearfix();
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
@include float(right);
width: flex-grid(2,9);
margin: ($baseline/2) 0 0 flex-gutter();
opacity: 0.0;
pointer-events: none;
text-align: right;
.action-primary {
@extend %btn-primary-blue;
@extend %t-action3;
.action-secondary {
@extend %t-action4;
margin-top: ($baseline/2);
// state - hover
&:hover {
background: $blue-l5;
border-bottom-color: $blue-l4;
border-top-color: $blue-l4;
opacity: 1.0;
.task-details {
.task-support {
opacity: 1.0;
pointer-events: auto;
.task-actions {
opacity: 1.0;
pointer-events: auto;
// state - completed
&.is-completed {
background: $gray-l6;
border-top-color: $gray-l5;
border-bottom-color: $gray-l5;
.task-name {
color: $gray-l2;
.task-actions {
.action-primary {
@extend %btn-secondary-blue;
@extend %t-action3;
&:hover {
background: $gray-l5;
border-bottom-color: $gray-l4;
border-top-color: $gray-l4;
.task-details {
.content-supplementary {
@extend .ui-col-narrow;
<%inherit file="base.html" />
<%def name="online_help_token()"><% return "checklist" %></%def>
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
<%block name="title">${_("Course Checklists")}</%block>
<%block name="bodyclass">is-signedin course view-checklists</%block>
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
<%block name="header_extras">
% for template_name in ["checklist"]:
<script type="text/template" id="${template_name}-tpl">
<%static:include path="js/${template_name}.underscore" />
% endfor
<%block name="requirejs">
require(["js/factories/checklists"], function (ChecklistsFactory) {
<%block name="content">
<div class="wrapper-mast wrapper">
<header class="mast has-actions has-subtitle">
<h1 class="page-header">
<small class="subtitle">${_("Tools")}</small>
<span class="sr">&gt; </span>${_("Course Checklists")}
<div class="wrapper-content wrapper">
<section class="content">
<article class="content-primary" role="main">
<form id="course-checklists" class="course-checklists" method="post" action="">
<h2 class="title title-3 sr">${_("Current Checklists")}</h2>
<aside class="content-supplementary" role="complementary">
<div class="bit">
<h3 class="title title-3">${_("What are course checklists?")}</h3>
${_("Course checklists are tools to help you understand and keep track of all the steps necessary to get your course ready for students.")}
${_("Any changes you make to these checklists are saved automatically and are immediately visible to other course team members.")}
<div class="bit">
<h3 class="title title-3">${_("{studio_name} checklists").format(studio_name=settings.STUDIO_SHORT_NAME)}</h3>
<nav class="nav-page checklists-current">
% for checklist in checklists:
<li class="nav-item">
<a rel="view" href="${'#course-checklist' + str(loop.index)}">${checklist['short_description']}</a>
% endfor
<% var allChecked = itemsChecked == items.length; %>
<% if (allChecked) { %>
class="course-checklist is-completed"
<% } else { %>
<% } %>
id="<%= 'course-checklist' + checklistIndex %>">
<span class="viz viz-checklist-status"><span class="viz value viz-checklist-status-value" style="width: <%= percentChecked %>%;">
<%= _.template(
// Translators: The {pct_sign} here represents the percent sign, i.e., '%'
// in many languages. This is used to avoid Transifex's misinterpreting of
// '% o'. The percent sign is also translatable as a standalone string.
gettext("{number}{pct_sign} of checklists completed"),
// Translators: This is the percent sign. It will be used to represent a
// percent value out of 100, e.g. "58%" means "58/100".
{number: '<span class="int">' + percentChecked + '</span>', pct_sign: gettext('%')},
{interpolate: /\{(.+?)\}/g}
<h3 class="checklist-title title-2 is-selectable" title="Collapse/Expand this Checklist">
<i class="icon fa fa-caret-down ui-toggle-expansion"></i>
<%= checklistShortDescription %></h3>
<span class="checklist-status status">
<%= gettext("Tasks Completed:") %> <span class="status-count"><%= itemsChecked %></span>/<span class="status-amount"><%= items.length %></span>
<i class="icon fa fa-check-square-o"></i>
<ul class="list list-tasks">
<% var taskIndex = 0; %>
<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>
<% var checked = item['is_checked']; %>
<% if (checked) { %>
class="task is-completed"
<% } else { %>
<% } %>
<% var taskId = 'course-checklist' + checklistIndex + '-task' + taskIndex; %>
<input type="checkbox" class="task-input" data-checklist="<%= checklistIndex %>" data-task="<%= taskIndex %>"
name="<%= taskId %>" id="<%= taskId %>"
<% if (checked) { %>
<% } %>
<label class="task-details" for="<%= taskId %>">
<h4 class="task-name title title-3"><%= item['short_description'] %></h4>
<p class="task-description"><%= item['long_description'] %></p>
<% if (item['action_text'] !== '' && item['action_url'] !== '') { %>
<ul class="list-actions task-actions">
<li class="action-item">
<a href="<%= item['action_url'] %>" class="action action-primary"
<% if (item['action_external']) { %>
rel="external" title="<%= gettext("This link will open in a new browser window/tab") %>"
<% } %>
><%= item['action_text'] %></a>
<% } %>
<% taskIndex+=1; }) %>
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
course_key =
index_url = reverse('contentstore.views.course_handler', kwargs={'course_key_string': unicode(course_key)})
checklists_url = reverse('contentstore.views.checklists_handler', kwargs={'course_key_string': unicode(course_key)})
course_team_url = reverse('contentstore.views.course_team_handler', kwargs={'course_key_string': unicode(course_key)})
assets_url = reverse('contentstore.views.assets_handler', kwargs={'course_key_string': unicode(course_key)})
textbooks_url = reverse('contentstore.views.textbooks_list_handler', kwargs={'course_key_string': unicode(course_key)})
......@@ -113,9 +112,6 @@
<div class="wrapper wrapper-nav-sub">
<div class="nav-sub">
<li class="nav-item nav-course-tools-checklists">
<a href="${checklists_url}">${_("Checklists")}</a>
<li class="nav-item nav-course-tools-import">
<a href="${import_url}">${_("Import")}</a>
......@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ urlpatterns += patterns(
url(r'^course_rerun/{}$'.format(settings.COURSE_KEY_PATTERN), 'course_rerun_handler', name='course_rerun_handler'),
url(r'^container/{}$'.format(settings.USAGE_KEY_PATTERN), 'container_handler'),
url(r'^checklists/{}/(?P<checklist_index>\d+)?$'.format(settings.COURSE_KEY_PATTERN), 'checklists_handler'),
url(r'^orphan/{}$'.format(settings.COURSE_KEY_PATTERN), 'orphan_handler'),
url(r'^assets/{}/{}?$'.format(settings.COURSE_KEY_PATTERN, settings.ASSET_KEY_PATTERN), 'assets_handler'),
url(r'^import/{}$'.format(COURSELIKE_KEY_PATTERN), 'import_handler'),
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class XmlParserMixin(object):
# Used for storing xml attributes between import and export, for roundtrips
metadata_to_export_to_policy = ('discussion_topics', 'checklists')
metadata_to_export_to_policy = ('discussion_topics',)
def _get_metadata_from_xml(xml_object, remove=True):
Course checklists page.
from .course_page import CoursePage
class ChecklistsPage(CoursePage):
Course Checklists page.
url_path = "checklists"
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='body.view-checklists').present
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from bok_choy.web_app_test import WebAppTest
from import AssetIndexPage
from import AutoAuthPage
from import ChecklistsPage
from import CourseUpdatesPage
from import PagesPage
from import ExportCoursePage, ImportCoursePage
......@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ class CoursePagesTest(StudioCourseTest):
self.pages = [
clz(self.browser, self.course_info['org'], self.course_info['number'], self.course_info['run'])
for clz in [
AssetIndexPage, ChecklistsPage, CourseUpdatesPage,
AssetIndexPage, CourseUpdatesPage,
PagesPage, ExportCoursePage, ImportCoursePage, CourseTeamPage, CourseOutlinePage, SettingsPage,
AdvancedSettingsPage, GradingPage, TextbooksPage
......@@ -38,164 +38,5 @@
"video/Welcome": {
"display_name": "Welcome"
"checklists": [
"short_description": "Getting Started With Studio",
"items": [
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Add Course Team Members",
"action_url": "ManageUsers",
"action_text": "Edit Course Team",
"is_checked": true,
"long_description": "Grant your collaborators permission to edit your course so you can work together."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Set Important Dates for Your Course",
"action_url": "SettingsDetails",
"action_text": "Edit Course Details &amp; Schedule",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Establish your course's student enrollment and launch dates on the Schedule and Details page."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Draft Your Course's Grading Policy",
"action_url": "SettingsGrading",
"action_text": "Edit Grading Settings",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Set up your assignment types and grading policy even if you haven't created all your assignments."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Explore the Other Studio Checklists",
"action_url": "",
"action_text": "",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Discover other available course authoring tools, and find help when you need it."
"short_description": "Draft a Rough Course Outline",
"items": [
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Create Your First Section and Subsection",
"action_url": "CourseOutline",
"action_text": "Edit Course Outline",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Use your course outline to build your first Section and Subsection."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Set Section Release Dates",
"action_url": "CourseOutline",
"action_text": "Edit Course Outline",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Specify the release dates for each Section in your course. Sections become visible to students on their release dates."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Designate a Subsection as Graded",
"action_url": "CourseOutline",
"action_text": "Edit Course Outline",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Set a Subsection to be graded as a specific assignment type. Assignments within graded Subsections count toward a student's final grade."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Reordering Course Content",
"action_url": "CourseOutline",
"action_text": "Edit Course Outline",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Use drag and drop to reorder the content in your course."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Renaming Sections",
"action_url": "CourseOutline",
"action_text": "Edit Course Outline",
"is_checked": true,
"long_description": "Rename Sections by clicking the Section name from the Course Outline."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Deleting Course Content",
"action_url": "CourseOutline",
"action_text": "Edit Course Outline",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Delete Sections, Subsections, or Units you don't need anymore. Be careful, as there is no Undo function."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Add an Instructor-Only Section to Your Outline",
"action_url": "CourseOutline",
"action_text": "Edit Course Outline",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Some course authors find using a section for unsorted, in-progress work useful. To do this, create a section and set the release date to the distant future."
"short_description": "Explore edX's Support Tools",
"items": [
"action_external": true,
"short_description": "Explore the Studio Help Forum",
"action_url": "",
"action_text": "Visit Studio Help",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Access the Studio Help forum from the menu that appears when you click your user name in the top right corner of Studio."
"action_external": true,
"short_description": "Enroll in edX 101",
"action_url": "",
"action_text": "Register for edX 101",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Register for edX 101, edX's primer for course creation."
"action_external": true,
"short_description": "Download the Studio Documentation",
"action_url": "",
"action_text": "Download Documentation",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Download the searchable Studio reference documentation in PDF form."
"short_description": "Draft Your Course About Page",
"items": [
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Draft a Course Description",
"action_url": "SettingsDetails",
"action_text": "Edit Course Schedule &amp; Details",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Courses on edX have an About page that includes a course video, description, and more. Draft the text students will read before deciding to enroll in your course."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Add Staff Bios",
"action_url": "SettingsDetails",
"action_text": "Edit Course Schedule &amp; Details",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Showing prospective students who their instructor will be is helpful. Include staff bios on the course About page."
"action_external": false,
"short_description": "Add Course FAQs",
"action_url": "SettingsDetails",
"action_text": "Edit Course Schedule &amp; Details",
"is_checked": false,
"long_description": "Include a short list of frequently asked questions about your course."
"action_external": false, "short_description": "Add Course Prerequisites", "action_url": "SettingsDetails", "action_text": "Edit Course Schedule &amp; Details", "is_checked": false, "long_description": "Let students know what knowledge and/or skills they should have before they enroll in your course."}]
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ from xblock.fields import Scope
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
FILTER_LIST = ['xml_attributes', 'checklists']
INHERITED_FILTER_LIST = ['children', 'xml_attributes', 'checklists']
FILTER_LIST = ['xml_attributes']
INHERITED_FILTER_LIST = ['children', 'xml_attributes']
class Command(BaseCommand):
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