Commit 5110480d by raeeschachar Committed by Ben Patterson

Fixed test fields on my public profile

parent faa7f544
......@@ -133,7 +133,9 @@ class FieldsMixin(object):
if 'mode-placeholder' in field_classes or 'mode-display' in field_classes:
if field_id == 'bio':
self.q(css='.u-field-bio > .wrapper-u-field')
bio_field_selector = '.u-field-bio > .wrapper-u-field'
self.wait_for_element_visibility(bio_field_selector, 'Bio field is visible')
self.browser.execute_script("$('" + bio_field_selector + "').click();")
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ class LearnerProfileTestMixin(EventsTestMixin):
profile_page.value_for_dropdown_field('language_proficiencies', 'English')
profile_page.value_for_dropdown_field('country', 'United Arab Emirates')
profile_page.set_value_for_textarea_field('bio', 'Nothing Special')
# Waits here for text to appear/save on bio field
def visit_profile_page(self, username, privacy=None):
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