- 07 Jan, 2016 1 commit
The refresh model in the staff grading form changed. Also add a "scrollToTop" call when continuing grading.
cahrens committed
- 23 Dec, 2015 1 commit
cahrens committed
- 22 Dec, 2015 6 commits
Full staff grading UI
Christina Roberts committed -
Includes fixing my previous work on the staff assessment test to use the required flow, not the override. Also refactors full workflow tests and adds a new one to include a required staff grading step.
Eric Fischer committed -
Andy Armstrong committed
Part 2 (TNL-3493)
cahrens committed -
Andy Armstrong committed
cahrens committed
- 17 Dec, 2015 2 commits
Minor doc tweak
Eric Fischer committed -
Per offline conversation with @catong, changing some wording in the user visible string for editing ORA assessment steps.
Eric Fischer committed
- 16 Dec, 2015 30 commits
Doc updates staff grading in Studio
Eric Fischer committed -
Updating a user-facing string to include staff grading. Also updating some dangerously outdated documentation in code that was unearthed during PR review.
Eric Fischer committed -
Able to enable full staff grading from studio, save without errors, and view the staff grading step as expected from LMS. Includes: -template additions, staff grading disabled by default -fetching real staff requirements -javascript to hook into the python backend -changing some default assumptions about assessment types -modifications to validation -small bugfix for scroll behaviorwith validation alert. -updates to existing unit tests -additional validation, serialization, and javascript tests -fix for staff requirements bug (no more duble-unpacking) -updates the bundled studio js file -moving StaffWorkflow initilization to api's on_init() method -acceptance tests (lms) -addition of "Staff Assessment Section" to test course for bokchoy tests -renaming `requirements` to `<type>_requirements` in assessment apis
Eric Fischer committed -
cahrens committed -
cahrens committed
Andy Armstrong committed -
Diana Huang committed
Diana Huang committed
cahrens committed -
Diana Huang committed
Previously, api.update_from_assessments() would call model. update_from_assessments(), then api._serialized_with_details(reqs), which would duplicate the update work we *just* did as part of getting the status. Now, update() and get_details() are totally seperate operations, and _serialized_with_details() is a read-only method that does not need to have requirements passed in. I've also standardized student_training and peer, the two assessment types that do *not* auto-complete on None requirements, to return False if None, and error out if passed {}. This is to allow staff_assess to pass None to indicate "Update thyself, if you don't depend on requirements" to the other step types. Also adding test_requirements_changed(), to confirm that workflows are updated when requirements change, even though thoe requirements are no longer explicitly passed to the getter.
Eric Fischer committed -
Diana Huang committed
Fairly simple test, should help to provide some extra peace of mind.
Eric Fischer committed -
Diana Huang committed
I misunderstood what was happening in my cursory investigation earlier - all that needs to change here is the type of exception being caught.
Eric Fischer committed -
cahrens committed
cahrens committed
cahrens committed -
Add a test to verify that it is working as expected.
Diana Huang committed -
Andy Armstrong committed
Staff assessments can now mark workflow as being done, with proper handling for blocking workflows (such as peer), to hide a score if the submitter has not yet fulfilled their obligations. Includes tests. Also contains a tiny bugfix for a previously unexecuted codepath.
Eric Fischer committed -
This test is trying to confirm behavior when an api cannot be loaded. It is no longer possible for an AssessmentWorkflow to have been created without going through __init__(), so the latter part of this test is now trying to confirm assumptions about an impossible state. I recommend we just remove it.
Eric Fischer committed -
Eric Fischer committed
Eric Fischer committed
Andy Armstrong committed -
Even when the icon is updated to fa, nothing happens when the icon is clicked. TNL-3799
cahrens committed -
cahrens committed
cahrens committed
Andy Armstrong committed
cahrens committed