- 23 Jun, 2016 1 commit
For XBlocks that used their static.public resources in the rendered output -- for example, a link to a bundled image -- those URLs would be treated as course assets using the '/static/' prefix trick, and thus, rewritten. These rewritten URLs don't work because they aren't course assets. When course content authors are creating their courses, we provide them a special shorthand way of writing URLs that reference assets they have uploaded to the course. If they uploaded a file called my-lil-pony.mp4, and they wanted to provide a link to it when users view the course, they would use /static/my-lil-pony.mp4. This special prefix -- /static/ -- signals to the static_replace middleware that it's a course asset and we should write /static/my-lil-pony.mp4 to a URL that properly references the asset based on the course ID, and things like the configured asset CDN, etc. Thus, the URL /static/my-lil-pony.mp4 gets turned into something like: /assets/courseware/<md5hash>/asset-v1:edX+Demo+2016T1+type@asset+block/my-lil-pony.mp4 when viewed in the courseware. Now, we also serve actual static assets from a prefix of /static/. This is stuff like our JavaScript and CSS, and the JS/CSS/etc of XBlocks/XModules. These paths look like: /static/js/lms-main_vendor.46d6a8c02600.js or /static/xblock/resources/xmodule.vertical_block/public/js/vertical_student_view.43727a907769.js Normally, these paths are caught by nginx, before they reach the LMS, and are served straight from the filesystem. However, if you were to have one of these paths in your course content, the static_replace middleware would see the /static/ at the front and immediately think it's a course asset, and would dutifully rewrite the URL to something like: /assets/courseware/<md5hash>/asset-v1:edX+Demo+2016T1+type@asset+block/static_xblock_resources_xmodule.vertical_block_public_js_vertical_student_view.43727a907769.js which is not a course asset, and so it will always fail to load. Long story short, I changed the static_replace middleware to specifically check to see if the path being matched starts with /static/xblock/, and if so, it keeps the original instead of rewriting it.
Toby Lawrence committed
- 21 Jun, 2016 13 commits
Merge pull request #12768 from edx/alasdair/ECOM-4224-certificate-messaging-for-program-course-cards Front End for certificates
Renzo Lucioni committed -
SOL-1844 Upgrade edx-proctoring to 0.12.20
Douglas Hall committed -
Eric Fischer committed
Part of ECOM-4224.
AlasdairSwan committed -
Change topic name truncation.
Diana Huang committed -
Use the UI Toolkit's spec helpers
Andy Armstrong committed -
Douglas Hall committed
Andy Armstrong committed
Diana Huang committed
Link program listing cards to detail pages
Renzo Lucioni committed -
Mark the invalidation entry as inactive If support user re-generates the cert.
Awais Qureshi committed -
Douglas Hall committed -
Awais committed
- 20 Jun, 2016 15 commits
When program detail pages are enabled, cards on the listing page will link to their respective detail pages. Includes extensive cleanup of program listing tests. ECOM-4227.
Renzo Lucioni committed -
Don't auto-update during Karma test runs
Andy Armstrong committed -
Andy Armstrong committed
Added 'unusable_password' argument to 'manage_user' management command
kylecrawshaw committed -
Kyle Crawshaw committed
Convert XBlock runtime code from CoffeeScript
Andy Armstrong committed -
Bumping version of a11y custom ruleset
Chris committed -
WL-515 Update Activate Account message page
Matt Drayer committed -
Jenkins concurrent unit tests
Calen Pennington committed -
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Ibrahim committed
asadiqbal committed
- 19 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Andy Armstrong committed
- 17 Jun, 2016 10 commits
Converting views/tabs.coffee in the cms to js
Andy Armstrong committed -
Add VAL "Duplicate" status
Gregory Martin committed -
Chris Rodriguez committed
Bumping bok-choy to pick up a11y changes
Chris committed -
replace references to settings.PLATFORM_NAME in edx-platform with the…
Douglas Hall committed -
Added CSV catalog downloads
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Ibrahim committed
WL-531 Pass purchase_workflow parameter through to post-FinishAuth views
Douglas Hall committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed