1. 05 Sep, 2013 1 commit
    • vagrant: Add flag to ensure install is completed at least once · 0a5b6826
      The provisioning script used to check for the existence of the
      `/opt/edx/node_modules` folder to decide if the installation has already
      been completed. However, since additional instructions were executed
      by the installer afterwards, any installation error (eg. download
      timeouts on low quality connections) happening between the creation of
      that folder and the end of the installation wouldn't be recovered from
      on the next vagrant instance boot.
      Xavier Antoviaque committed
  2. 21 Jul, 2013 1 commit
    • Fixes for `vagrant up` · 3991711e
        - check actual IP;
        - only init machine first time, just as native installations;
        - add .bash_profile to permissions fixup;
        - cleanup excessive newlines in making .bash_profile;
        - include admin & debugging use;
        - info about re-initializing VM & manually running create-dev-env.sh;
        - add django admin & debug_toolbar setting info
      Yarko Tymciurak committed
  3. 12 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  4. 10 Jul, 2013 7 commits