Commit 214734d1 by Xavier Antoviaque Committed by David Baumgold

vagrant: Set `$PROJECT_HOME` - `$BASE` was set to the default path

Yarko's `$BASE` patch has been merged and rewritten since
the original pull request was created, resulting in the `$BASE` being
incorrectly set to the default `/home/vagrant/edx_all` by the new code.
parent ee4b34b6
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ chown vagrant.vagrant /opt/edx
[[ -f ~vagrant/.bash_profile ]] && {
mv ~vagrant/.bash_profile ~vagrant/.bash_profile.bak
sudo -u vagrant -i bash -c "cd /opt/edx/edx-platform && ./scripts/ -ynq"
sudo -u vagrant -i bash -c "cd /opt/edx/edx-platform && PROJECT_HOME=/opt/edx ./scripts/ -ynq"
# Virtualenv - Always load ####################################################
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