- 24 Feb, 2015 11 commits
Move internal documentation to the internal documentation directory
Ned Batchelder committed -
Use pip 6.0.8
David Baumgold committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
Convert README.md to README.rst
Ned Batchelder committed -
Wait for DOM to reflect the selected option.
Ben Patterson committed -
Adam/merge release into master
Adam committed -
MA-291 Allow API access without email activation.
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
Ben Patterson committed -
Adam Palay committed
Ned Batchelder committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
- 23 Feb, 2015 29 commits
Conflicts: common/djangoapps/student/models.py lms/djangoapps/bulk_email/tasks.py
Adam Palay committed -
Ziafazal/entrance exam management on instructor dashboard
Matt Drayer committed -
split up bulk email query for students and unenrolled course staff (TNL-...
Adam committed -
Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/courseware/courses.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/api.py refined entrance exam student attempts reset added rescore, delete state and task history functionality
Zia Fazal committed -
David Baumgold committed
Preserve enrollment_action and course_id querystring params in header 'Sign In' button
Will Daly committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Fix right margin of LinkedIn add-to-profile button
Will Daly committed -
Will Daly committed
Finish LinkedIn button
Will Daly committed -
Add client-side analytics event for LinkedIn Add to Profile button click. Add management command for generating certs for testing. Update styling of the certificate messages.
Will Daly committed -
Will Daly committed
Will Daly committed
Syed Hassan Raza committed
Calen Pennington committed
Rollback override of lazy definition loading for large courses.
John Eskew committed -
Will Daly committed
Convert enrollment already exists errors to success.
Akiva Leffert committed -
Adam Palay committed
TNL-716: Add possibility for notes creation via keyboard.
Anton Stupak committed -
Include middleware database queries in Django debug toolbar
Will Daly committed -
Pass 'lazy' parameter down properly into low-level definition caching. Adjust mongo call numbers in tests and add missing bulk_op wrapper. Avoids the loading of all definitions in a large course when only specific, filtered definitions are needed to be loaded for an endpoint.
John Eskew committed -
Calculator UI difficulit to access
ahsan-ul-haq committed -
Will Daly committed
Flakiness fix for cohort group selection TNL-1479
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Ahsan Ulhaq committed
Ben Patterson committed
CSS Background Image used for important link
ahsan-ul-haq committed