- 07 Jul, 2015 1 commit
Matt Drayer committed
- 02 Jul, 2015 1 commit
* added generate certificates task and bok choy tests * added unit tests * changes based feedback and improved acceptance test * Change header text * changes based on feedback on 24/6 * added task_id to api output * fixed broken test * Remove "Instructor" from strings, per Docs team * Fixed flaky entrance exam test
Zia Fazal committed
- 23 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Diana Huang committed
- 16 Jun, 2015 2 commits
Afzal Wali committed
Added columns to the CC purchases report. (added Qty and Total Discount. Moved the Total Amount to the last index). Coupon code report.
Afzal Wali committed
- 08 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Diana Huang committed
- 06 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Sarina Canelake committed
- 04 Jun, 2015 1 commit
enroll in a course but have not signed up yet.
Tim Krones committed
- 03 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Muhammad Shoaib committed
- 02 Jun, 2015 4 commits
Diana Huang committed
Muhammad Shoaib committed
Andy Armstrong committed
amir-qayyum-arbisoft committed
- 22 May, 2015 1 commit
- added the abstract and concrete layers of enrollment report provider - created a celery task. -added the button in the e-commerce reports section added the enrollment data backend added the payment data and start writing the test cases. updated the code with the feedback suggestions and wrote some test cases. - all the downloadable reports are now visible in the ecommerce download section. Pending instructor tasks is also visible in the ecommerce section added the fields in the user profile information changed the report store configuration key added the new http endpoint for financial reports to add more permissions for finance_admin to access. fix quality issues added test cases to check csv content data rebased with master and resolved conflicts changed the log messages added the changes as per code clintonb suggestions during code review updated the test cases for the finance_admin decorator changes suggested by clinton. Created and moved Table level filters to the Custom Manager for the CourseEnrollment model. ecommerce.js file was loaded twice in the instructor_dashboard.js fixed the issues added the registration code column in the csv added the full gender in the csv file Update data sources and add display name translations for the report columns fix meta name Make sure the reports section does not appear on non whitelabel courses pylint fixes expand out enumerated values
Muhammad Shoaib committed
- 18 May, 2015 1 commit
Muhammad Shoaib committed
- 14 May, 2015 1 commit
Ned Batchelder committed
- 12 May, 2015 2 commits
Daniel Friedman committed
Daniel Friedman committed
- 11 Apr, 2015 3 commits
add doc strings; fix pep8 warning address some minor issues brought up by the code review process
Carlos de la Guardia committed -
Final official name is Custom Courses for EdX (CCX), rename all code to remove previous name. Rename the FEATURE constant used to identify this feature Rename the middleware for the CCX change rename the constant used for storing the current poc id on the session. rename the _PocContext threading local rename the override provider in all places where it is referenced `PersonalOnlineCoursesOverrideProvider` -> `CustomCoursesForEdxOverrideProvider` generally rename symbols from overrides.py to replace `poc` with `ccx` where possible without changing model names or attributes rename more symbols from poc to ccx rename util functions from app utils module general symbol renaming poc -> ccx in views.py and related url changes Rename the coach role wherever it is used. reword poc_coach to ccx_coach UI rename replace POC with CCX globally template context variable renamed rename poc_ to ccx_ in urls and all related locations (views, js, scss etc) remove pocs migrations Final massive renaming, including models. Re-built migration. cleaning up a few tailing references Fix reference typo in schedule template JS undo modifications made on the fly in test setup to ensure that our tests are properly isolated from the rest of the system tests. Fixes jazkarta/edx-platform#38 Clean up some leftover strings and comments fixing more strings and comments in python files fix a naming error in the schedule tab that was causing problems in deleting courseware items. Fixes jazkarta/edx-platform#36 updating tests and utility code to match changes in infrastructure from latest rebase
cewing committed -
This feature provides the ability to designate a "coach" who can create customized runs of an existing course, invite students to participate, and manage students through the run of the course. In this squashed commit we implement the initial scifi, add the 'POC Coach' course role, refine the scifi, add migrations for models, create POCs, enforce POC Coach role, provide panels for Coach Dashboard, set up rudimentary display of course outline, add and remove units, show/hide all units, and save schedule changes, set dates when adding units, edit dates on units already added and provide some tests. We also provide mechanisms for invitation and enrollment in a POC (to become CCX) and control the display of blocks to students in a POC.
Chris Rossi committed
- 06 Apr, 2015 1 commit
individual students, and a reimplementation of the individual due date feature. This work introduces an architecture, used with the 'authored_data' portion of LmsFieldData, which allows arbitrary field overrides to be made for fields that are part of the course content or settings (Mongo data). The basic architecture is extensible by means of writing and configuring arbitrary field override providers. One concrete implementation of a field override provider is provided which allows for overrides to be for individual students. This provider is then used as a basis for reimplementing the individual due date extensions feature as a proof of concept for the design. One can imagine writing override providers that provide overrides based on a student's membership in a cohort or other similar idea. This work is being done, in fact, to pave the way for the Personal Online Courses feature being developed by MIT, which will use an override provider very much long those lines.
Chris Rossi committed
- 03 Apr, 2015 1 commit
As some i18n features need ```ugettext``` or its shorcut ```_``` to be called on a non-string-literal, so the pylint check of ```translation-of-non-string``` should be explicitly disabled in such situations.
louyihua committed
- 23 Mar, 2015 4 commits
muzaffaryousaf committed -
Usman Khalid committed -
Move `Cohorts` section after `Membership` section
muhammad-ammar committed -
Muhammad Ammar committed
- 19 Mar, 2015 1 commit
zubair-arbi committed
- 17 Mar, 2015 2 commits
Ned Batchelder committed
TNL-1493 See https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TNL/User+API for details
Andy Armstrong committed
- 06 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Allow global staff to generate example certificates on the instructor dashboard. Allow global staff to enable/disable self-generated certificates for a course.
Will Daly committed
- 04 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/courseware/courses.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/api.py refined entrance exam student attempts reset Quality improvements 1/16 added rescore, delete state and task history functionality added unit tests for entrance exam reset attempts added unit tests for re scoring of entrance exam and task history improved test coverage Got rid of pep violation feedback changes and added jasmine test added more jasmine tests for Javascript changes added bok-choy tests for UI changes replaced input containing <p> tags with <label> Removed ee element assertions to avoid js error Added call to super.setUp() changes based on feedback on 2/18 Writing tests in JS instead of coffee script commit related to skip entrance exam 2/13 fixed bad-continuation quality error fixed broken bok-choy test changes based on feedback on 2/18 added js tests and removed coffee script tests fixed broken bok-choy and unit tests changes left while rebasing rephrase test titles do not need these libs changes based on feedback on 2/24 changes text which was left Changes based on feedback on 3/3
Zia Fazal committed
- 27 Feb, 2015 1 commit
stv committed
- 23 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/courseware/courses.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/api.py refined entrance exam student attempts reset added rescore, delete state and task history functionality
Zia Fazal committed
- 04 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Sarina Canelake committed
Omar Al-Ithawi committed
- 03 Feb, 2015 2 commits
ECOM-891: Allow tracking of invoice transactions. Authors: Awais Qureshi and Aamir Khan
Awais Qureshi committed -
These were found by the new pylint checker I wrote! :)
Ned Batchelder committed
- 30 Jan, 2015 1 commit
Makes logistration available at /login and /register as well as /accounts/login/ and /accounts/register/. In addition: - Adds support for redirect URLs in third party auth for combined login/registration page - Adds support for external auth on the combined login/registration page - Removes old login and registration acceptance tests - Adds deprecation warnings to old login and register views - Moves third party auth util to student_account - Adds exception for microsites (theming)
Renzo Lucioni committed
- 22 Jan, 2015 1 commit
updated the failed unit test case and removed the unnessary import
Chris Dodge committed