Commit fb595c89 by Ned Batchelder

Fix a number of incorrect translation string uses

These were found by the new pylint checker I wrote! :)
parent fd4ada25
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class GitExportError(Exception):
NO_EXPORT_DIR = _("GIT_REPO_EXPORT_DIR not set or path {0} doesn't exist, "
"please create it, or configure a different path with "
URL_BAD = _('Non writable git url provided. Expecting something like:'
URL_NO_AUTH = _('If using http urls, you must provide the username '
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
course_key = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(args[0])
except InvalidKeyError:
raise CommandError(_(GitExportError.BAD_COURSE))
raise CommandError(unicode(GitExportError.BAD_COURSE))
......@@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
options.get('rdir', None)
except git_export_utils.GitExportError as ex:
raise CommandError(_(ex.message))
raise CommandError(unicode(ex.message))
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ def _create_library(request):
except KeyError as error:
log.exception("Unable to create library - missing required JSON key.")
return JsonResponseBadRequest({
"ErrMsg": _("Unable to create library - missing required field '{field}'".format(field=error.message))
"ErrMsg": _("Unable to create library - missing required field '{field}'").format(field=error.message)
except InvalidKeyError as error:
log.exception("Unable to create library - invalid key.")
......@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ class CourseMetadata(object):
if hasattr(descriptor, key) and getattr(descriptor, key) != val:
key_values[key] = descriptor.fields[key].from_json(val)
except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
raise ValueError(_("Incorrect format for field '{name}'. {detailed_message}".format(
name=model['display_name'], detailed_message=err.message)))
raise ValueError(_("Incorrect format for field '{name}'. {detailed_message}").format(
name=model['display_name'], detailed_message=err.message))
return cls.update_from_dict(key_values, descriptor, user)
......@@ -80,10 +80,9 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Make '_' a no-op so we can scrape strings
_ = lambda text: text
"<a target='_blank'"
"<a target='_blank' "
"the edX LTI documentation</a>"
......@@ -122,7 +121,10 @@ class LTIFields(object):
"Enter the LTI ID for the external LTI provider. "
"This value must be the same LTI ID that you entered in the "
"LTI Passports setting on the Advanced Settings page."
"<br />See " + DOCS_ANCHOR_TAG + " for more details on this setting."
"<br />See {docs_anchor_open}the edX LTI documentation{anchor_close} for more details on this setting."
......@@ -132,7 +134,10 @@ class LTIFields(object):
"Enter the URL of the external tool that this component launches. "
"This setting is only used when Hide External Tool is set to False."
"<br />See " + DOCS_ANCHOR_TAG + " for more details on this setting."
"<br />See {docs_anchor_open}the edX LTI documentation{anchor_close} for more details on this setting."
......@@ -141,7 +146,10 @@ class LTIFields(object):
"Add the key/value pair for any custom parameters, such as the page your e-book should open to or "
"the background color for this component."
"<br />See " + DOCS_ANCHOR_TAG + " for more details on this setting."
"<br />See {docs_anchor_open}the edX LTI documentation{anchor_close} for more details on this setting."
open_in_a_new_page = Boolean(
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class SequenceFields(object):
is_entrance_exam = Boolean(
display_name=_("Is Entrance Exam"),
"Tag this course module as an Entrance Exam. " +
"Tag this course module as an Entrance Exam. "
"Note, you must enable Entrance Exams for this course setting to take effect."
......@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ class Courses(SysadminDashboardView):
# new, and pull is when it is being updated from the
# source.
return _('Unable to clone or pull repository. Please check '
'your url. Output was: {0!r}'.format(ex.output))
'your url. Output was: {0!r}').format(ex.output)
msg += u'<pre>{0}</pre>'.format(cmd_output)
if not os.path.exists(gdir):
......@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ class Courses(SysadminDashboardView):
# specific version of a courses content
msg += u'<p>{0}</p>'.format(
_('Successfully switched to branch: '
errlog = self.def_ms.errored_courses.get(cdir, '')
......@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ def register_and_enroll_students(request, course_id): # pylint: disable=too-man
except Exception as ex:
'username': username, 'email': email, 'response': _(type(ex).__name__)})
'username': username, 'email': email, 'response': type(ex).__name__})
# It's a new user, an email will be sent to each newly created user.
email_params['message'] = 'account_creation_and_enrollment'
......@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ def sale_validation(request, course_id):
obj_invoice = Invoice.objects.select_related('is_valid').get(id=invoice_number, course_id=course_id)
except Invoice.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseNotFound(_("Invoice number '{0}' does not exist.".format(invoice_number)))
return HttpResponseNotFound(_("Invoice number '{0}' does not exist.").format(invoice_number))
if event_type == "invalidate":
return invalidate_invoice(obj_invoice)
......@@ -1381,7 +1381,10 @@ class CertificateItem(OrderItem):
msg = u"Mode {mode} does not exist for {course_id}".format(mode=mode, course_id=course_id)
raise InvalidCartItem(_(msg))
raise InvalidCartItem(
_(u"Mode {mode} does not exist for {course_id}").format(mode=mode, course_id=course_id)
item, _created = cls.objects.get_or_create(
......@@ -1649,7 +1652,9 @@ class Donation(OrderItem):
if course is None:
msg = u"Could not find a course with the ID '{course_id}'".format(course_id=course_id)
raise CourseDoesNotExistException(_(msg))
raise CourseDoesNotExistException(
_(u"Could not find a course with the ID '{course_id}'").format(course_id=course_id)
return _(u"Donation for {course}").format(course=course.display_name)
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ class PDFInvoice(object):
y_pos = y_pos - font_size / 2 - vertical_padding
# Draw Order/Invoice No.
self.pdf.drawString(horizontal_padding_from_border, y_pos,
_(u'{id_label} # {item_id}'.format(id_label=id_label, item_id=self.item_id)))
_(u'{id_label} # {item_id}').format(id_label=id_label, item_id=self.item_id))
y_pos = y_pos - font_size / 2 - vertical_padding
# Draw Date
......@@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ def payment_accepted(params):
('decision', str)]:
if key not in params:
raise CCProcessorDataException(
_("The payment processor did not return a required parameter: {0}".format(key))
_("The payment processor did not return a required parameter: {0}").format(key)
valid_params[key] = key_type(params[key])
except ValueError:
raise CCProcessorDataException(
_("The payment processor returned a badly-typed value {0} for param {1}.".format(params[key], key))
_("The payment processor returned a badly-typed value {0} for param {1}.").format(params[key], key)
......@@ -187,8 +187,9 @@ def payment_accepted(params):
charged_amt = Decimal(params['ccAuthReply_amount'])
except InvalidOperation:
raise CCProcessorDataException(
_("The payment processor returned a badly-typed value {0} for param {1}.".format(
params['ccAuthReply_amount'], 'ccAuthReply_amount'))
_("The payment processor returned a badly-typed value {0} for param {1}.").format(
params['ccAuthReply_amount'], 'ccAuthReply_amount'
if charged_amt == order.total_cost and valid_params['orderCurrency'] == order.currency:
......@@ -198,9 +199,13 @@ def payment_accepted(params):
'order': order}
raise CCProcessorWrongAmountException(
_("The amount charged by the processor {0} {1} is different than the total cost of the order {2} {3}."
.format(charged_amt, valid_params['orderCurrency'],
order.total_cost, order.currency))
_("The amount charged by the processor {0} {1} is different than the total cost of the order {2} {3}.")
return {'accepted': False,
......@@ -400,10 +405,9 @@ REASONCODE_MAP.update(
Possible fix: retry with another form of payment
'233': _('General decline by the processor. Possible fix: retry with another form of payment'),
'234': dedent(_(
There is a problem with our CyberSource merchant configuration. Please let us know at {0}
'234': _(
"There is a problem with our CyberSource merchant configuration. Please let us know at {0}"
# reason code 235 only applies if we are processing a capture through the API. so we should never see it
'235': _('The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount.'),
'236': _('Processor Failure. Possible fix: retry the payment'),
......@@ -634,10 +634,9 @@ REASONCODE_MAP.update(
Possible fix: retry with another form of payment
'233': _('General decline by the processor. Possible fix: retry with another form of payment'),
'234': dedent(_(
There is a problem with the information in your CyberSource account. Please let us know at {0}
'234': _(
"There is a problem with the information in your CyberSource account. Please let us know at {0}"
'236': _('Processor Failure. Possible fix: retry the payment'),
'240': dedent(_(
......@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ def add_course_to_cart(request, course_id):
except CourseDoesNotExistException:
return HttpResponseNotFound(_('The course you requested does not exist.'))
except ItemAlreadyInCartException:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(_('The course {course_id} is already in your cart.'.format(course_id=course_id)))
return HttpResponseBadRequest(_('The course {course_id} is already in your cart.').format(course_id=course_id))
except AlreadyEnrolledInCourseException:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
_('You are already registered in course {course_id}.'.format(course_id=course_id)))
_('You are already registered in course {course_id}.').format(course_id=course_id))
# in case a coupon redemption code has been applied, new items should also get a discount if applicable.
order = paid_course_item.order
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ def use_code(request):
course_reg = CourseRegistrationCode.objects.get(code=code)
except CourseRegistrationCode.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseNotFound(_("Discount does not exist against code '{code}'.".format(code=code)))
return HttpResponseNotFound(_("Discount does not exist against code '{code}'.").format(code=code))
return use_registration_code(course_reg, request.user)
......@@ -432,18 +432,22 @@ def use_registration_code(course_reg, user):
if RegistrationCodeRedemption.is_registration_code_redeemed(course_reg):
log.warning("Registration code '{registration_code}' already used".format(registration_code=course_reg.code))
return HttpResponseBadRequest(_(
"Oops! The code '{registration_code}' you entered is either invalid or expired".format(
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
_("Oops! The code '{registration_code}' you entered is either invalid or expired").format(
cart = Order.get_cart_for_user(user)
cart_items = cart.find_item_by_course_id(course_reg.course_id)
except ItemNotFoundInCartException:
log.warning("Course item does not exist against registration code '{registration_code}'".format(
return HttpResponseNotFound(_(
"Code '{registration_code}' is not valid for any course in the shopping cart.".format(
return HttpResponseNotFound(
_("Code '{registration_code}' is not valid for any course in the shopping cart.").format(
applicable_cart_items = [
cart_item for cart_item in cart_items
......@@ -478,7 +482,7 @@ def use_coupon_code(coupons, user):
if not is_redemption_applied:
log.warning("Discount does not exist against code '{code}'.".format(code=coupons[0].code))
return HttpResponseNotFound(_("Discount does not exist against code '{code}'.".format(code=coupons[0].code)))
return HttpResponseNotFound(_("Discount does not exist against code '{code}'.").format(code=coupons[0].code))
return HttpResponse(
json.dumps({'response': 'success', 'coupon_code_applied': True}),
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