1. 06 Jul, 2017 6 commits
  2. 29 Jun, 2017 1 commit
    • Fixing color contrast issues in Studio · 78ef8db4
      began changing colors in course content, files and uploads, and when creating a course
      finished fixing contrast issues on files and uploads page
      fixed advanced settings and issue with hovering in files and uploads
      fixed color issues in studio home page and when hovering
      fixed contrast in updates, pages, textbooks, and group configurations
      fixed issues when configuring a section of a course in course outline
      fixed hovering colors to make contrast more visible
      fixed colors on the green button
      Sarah Fischmann committed
  3. 12 Jun, 2017 1 commit
  4. 03 May, 2017 1 commit
  5. 22 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  6. 13 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  7. 01 Mar, 2017 2 commits
  8. 28 Jan, 2017 1 commit
  9. 25 Jan, 2017 1 commit
    • Disable changes to course code in re-run form · de569e45
      Disable (make read-only) the field for course code in the re-run form.  This will prevent creation of course runs with a different course code in the course key that are intended to stand for the same course in a program, which presents problems for the course catalog mapping process.
      Mike Dikan committed
  10. 04 Jan, 2017 1 commit
  11. 21 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  12. 15 Aug, 2016 1 commit
  13. 09 Aug, 2016 1 commit
  14. 03 Aug, 2016 1 commit
  15. 01 Aug, 2016 1 commit
  16. 22 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  17. 12 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  18. 09 May, 2016 1 commit
  19. 02 May, 2016 3 commits
  20. 30 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  21. 08 Apr, 2016 2 commits
    • Course Updates date validation · 2735fdc2
      TNL-4115. Previously, course updates (which are intended to be posted with
      dates, for sorting in the LMS) could be authored in studio with a valid
      date, nothing, or a random string as the "date" for the update. As there
      is no validation for this in studio, everything succeeded with no warning.
      However, the LMS has problems parsing some of these values, and barfs when
      loaded by learners.
      The fix does two big things:
      - gracefully handles invalid dates in LMS. These updates are now treated as
      having a date of today, for sorting purposes.
      - turns on validation in studio. Now, it is not only impossible to enter
      invalid dates in studio, but notifications will draw the course author's
      eye if any invalid updates were previously saved.
      Test additions for this commit:
      - unit test for LMS parsing
      - Jasmine test to confirm invalid dates cannot be set by the user
          -also adds event to setAndValidate instead of using a global object
      - fix for lettuce test
          -It is no longer valid to enter the string "January 1, 2013" as this test
          had been doing. Keyed-in entries must use MM/DD/YY format.
      Eric Fischer committed
  22. 28 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  23. 11 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  24. 01 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  25. 25 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  26. 04 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  27. 28 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  28. 16 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  29. 09 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  30. 08 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  31. 22 Sep, 2015 1 commit