1. 26 Jun, 2013 2 commits
  2. 25 Jun, 2013 2 commits
  3. 24 Jun, 2013 1 commit
  4. 21 Jun, 2013 5 commits
  5. 20 Jun, 2013 14 commits
  6. 19 Jun, 2013 5 commits
    • Initialize MakoMiddleware manually during certificate grading runs. · e1b071be
      Without this, problems fail to load because they can't find how to
      render themselves, and the certificate generation grading run will
      get an inaccurately low count of the possible points a user could
      get (anything they didn't see will be omitted), inflating their
      grade during certificate calculation and making it inconsistent
      with their Progress page.
      David Ormsbee committed
    • The bulk of Shibboleth authentication for Stanford · 824fb9a3
      * The url '/shib-login/' interfaces with apache/mod_shib via
        request.META to handle shibboleth login and registrations
      * Courses can designate 'enrollment_domains' to limit enrollment
        to users with a linked ExternalAuthMap verified by a particular
        identity provider
      * Tests
      * Logging
       Changes to be committed:
      	new file:   common/djangoapps/external_auth/migrations/0001_initial.py
      	new file:   common/djangoapps/external_auth/migrations/__init__.py
      	new file:   common/djangoapps/external_auth/tests/test_shib.py
      	modified:   common/djangoapps/external_auth/views.py
      	modified:   common/djangoapps/student/views.py
      	modified:   common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/course_module.py
      	modified:   lms/djangoapps/courseware/access.py
      	modified:   lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/test_access.py
      	modified:   lms/envs/common.py
      	modified:   lms/envs/dev.py
      	modified:   lms/envs/test.py
      	modified:   lms/templates/courseware/course_about.html
      	modified:   lms/templates/dashboard.html
      	modified:   lms/templates/extauth_failure.html
      	modified:   lms/templates/navigation.html
      	modified:   lms/templates/register.html
      	modified:   lms/templates/signup_modal.html
      	modified:   lms/urls.py
      	renamed:    lms/wsgi_apache.py -> lms/wsgi_apache_lms.py
      Jason Bau committed
  7. 18 Jun, 2013 11 commits