Commit 77032067 by Brian Wilson

Refactor test_views from test_api. Pull out pending_tasks.js.

parent c2aadbfb
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def get_running_instructor_tasks(course_id):
# exclude states that are "ready" (i.e. not "running", e.g. failure, success, revoked):
for state in READY_STATES:
instructor_tasks = instructor_tasks.exclude(task_state=state)
return instructor_tasks
return instructor_tasks.order_by('-id')
def get_instructor_task_history(course_id, problem_url, student=None):
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ def submit_delete_problem_state_for_all_students(request, course_id, problem_url
using i4x-type notation.
ItemNotFoundException is raised if the problem doesn't exist, or AlreadyRunningError
if the particular problem is already being deleted.
if the particular problem's state is already being deleted.
This method makes sure the InstructorTask entry is committed.
When called from any view that is wrapped by TransactionMiddleware,
......@@ -186,11 +186,7 @@ def get_status_from_instructor_task(instructor_task):
'message': returned for failed and revoked tasks.
'traceback': optional, returned if task failed and produced a traceback.
If task doesn't exist, returns None.
If task has been REVOKED, the InstructorTask entry will be updated in
persistent storage as a side effect.
status = {}
if instructor_task.task_output is not None:
......@@ -231,7 +227,7 @@ def encode_problem_and_student_input(problem_url, student=None):
task_key_stub = "{student}_{problem}".format(, problem=problem_url)
task_input = {'problem_url': problem_url}
task_key_stub = "{student}_{problem}".format(student="", problem=problem_url)
task_key_stub = "_{problem}".format(problem=problem_url)
# create the key value by using MD5 hash:
task_key = hashlib.md5(task_key_stub).hexdigest()
......@@ -102,17 +102,25 @@ class InstructorTask(models.Model):
def create_output_for_success(returned_result):
"""Converts successful result to output format"""
Converts successful result to output format.
Raises a ValueError exception if the output is too long.
# In future, there should be a check here that the resulting JSON
# will fit in the column. In the meantime, just return an exception.
json_output = json.dumps(returned_result)
if len(json_output) > 1023:
raise ValueError("Length of task output is too long: {0}".format(json_output))
return json_output
def create_output_for_failure(exception, traceback_string):
Converts failed result inofrmation to output format.
Converts failed result information to output format.
Traceback information is truncated or not included if it would result in an output string
that would not fit in the database. If the output is still too long, then the
that would not fit in the database. If the output is still too long, then the
exception message is also truncated.
Truncation is indicated by adding "..." to the end of the value.
......@@ -143,5 +151,5 @@ class InstructorTask(models.Model):
def create_output_for_revoked():
"""Creates standard message to store in output format for revoked tasks."""
return json.dumps({'message': 'Task revoked before running'})
"""Creates standard message to store in output format for revoked tasks."""
return json.dumps({'message': 'Task revoked before running'})
......@@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ def update_problem_module_state(entry_id, update_fcn, action_name, filter_fcn,
if xmodule_instance_args is not None:
xmodule_instance_args['task_id'] = task_id
# now that we have an entry we can try to catch failures:
# Now that we have an entry we can try to catch failures:
task_progress = None
# check that the task_id submitted in the InstructorTask matches the current task
# Check that the task_id submitted in the InstructorTask matches the current task
# that is running.
request_task_id = _get_current_task()
if task_id != request_task_id:
......@@ -230,10 +230,17 @@ def update_problem_module_state(entry_id, update_fcn, action_name, filter_fcn,
raise UpdateProblemModuleStateError(message)
# now do the work:
# Now do the work:
with dog_stats_api.timer('instructor_tasks.module.time.overall', tags=['action:{name}'.format(name=action_name)]):
task_progress = _perform_module_state_update(course_id, module_state_key, student_ident, update_fcn,
action_name, filter_fcn, xmodule_instance_args)
# If we get here, we assume we've succeeded, so update the InstructorTask entry in anticipation.
# But we do this within the try, in case creating the task_output causes an exception to be
# raised.
entry.task_output = InstructorTask.create_output_for_success(task_progress)
entry.task_state = SUCCESS
except Exception:
# try to write out the failure to the entry before failing
_, exception, traceback = exc_info()
......@@ -244,11 +251,6 @@ def update_problem_module_state(entry_id, update_fcn, action_name, filter_fcn,
# if we get here, we assume we've succeeded, so update the InstructorTask entry in anticipation:
entry.task_output = json.dumps(task_progress)
entry.task_state = SUCCESS
# log and exit, returning task_progress info as task result:
fmt = 'Finishing task "{task_id}": course "{course_id}" problem "{state_key}": final: {progress}', course_id=course_id, state_key=module_state_key, progress=task_progress))
Integration Test for LMS instructor-initiated background tasks
Runs tasks on answers to course problems to validate that code
paths actually work.
Base test classes for LMS instructor-initiated background tasks
import logging
import json
from uuid import uuid4
from mock import Mock
from celery.states import SUCCESS, FAILURE
from django.test.testcases import TestCase
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test.utils import override_settings
......@@ -21,23 +21,85 @@ from student.tests.factories import CourseEnrollmentFactory, UserFactory
from courseware.model_data import StudentModule
from courseware.tests.tests import LoginEnrollmentTestCase, TEST_DATA_MONGO_MODULESTORE
from instructor_task.api_helper import encode_problem_and_student_input
from instructor_task.models import PROGRESS, QUEUING
from instructor_task.tests.factories import InstructorTaskFactory
from instructor_task.views import instructor_task_status
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TEST_COURSE_NAME = 'Test Course'
TEST_COURSE_ID = 'edx/1.23x/test_course'
TEST_FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'task failed horribly'
OPTION_1 = 'Option 1'
OPTION_2 = 'Option 2'
class InstructorTaskTestCase(TestCase):
Tests API and view methods that involve the reporting of status for background tasks.
def setUp(self):
self.student = UserFactory.create(username="student", email="")
self.instructor = UserFactory.create(username="instructor", email="")
self.problem_url = InstructorTaskTestCase.problem_location("test_urlname")
def problem_location(problem_url_name):
Create an internal location for a test problem.
return "i4x://{org}/{number}/problem/{problem_url_name}".format(org='edx',
def _create_entry(self, task_state=QUEUING, task_output=None, student=None):
"""Creates a InstructorTask entry for testing."""
task_id = str(uuid4())
progress_json = json.dumps(task_output) if task_output is not None else None
task_input, task_key = encode_problem_and_student_input(self.problem_url, student)
instructor_task = InstructorTaskFactory.create(course_id=TEST_COURSE_ID,
return instructor_task
def _create_failure_entry(self):
"""Creates a InstructorTask entry representing a failed task."""
# view task entry for task failure
progress = {'message': TEST_FAILURE_MESSAGE,
return self._create_entry(task_state=FAILURE, task_output=progress)
def _create_success_entry(self, student=None):
"""Creates a InstructorTask entry representing a successful task."""
return self._create_progress_entry(student, task_state=SUCCESS)
def _create_progress_entry(self, student=None, task_state=PROGRESS):
"""Creates a InstructorTask entry representing a task in progress."""
progress = {'attempted': 3,
'updated': 2,
'total': 5,
'action_name': 'rescored',
return self._create_entry(task_state=task_state, task_output=progress, student=student)
class InstructorTaskTestCase(LoginEnrollmentTestCase, ModuleStoreTestCase):
class InstructorTaskModuleTestCase(LoginEnrollmentTestCase, ModuleStoreTestCase):
Base test class for InstructorTask-related tests that require
the setup of a course and problem.
the setup of a course and problem in order to access StudentModule state.
course = None
current_user = None
......@@ -68,14 +130,13 @@ class InstructorTaskTestCase(LoginEnrollmentTestCase, ModuleStoreTestCase):
def login_username(self, username):
"""Login the user, given the `username`."""
if self.current_user != username:
self.login(InstructorTaskTestCase.get_user_email(username), "test")
self.login(InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.get_user_email(username), "test")
self.current_user = username
def _create_user(self, username, is_staff=False):
"""Creates a user and enrolls them in the test course."""
email = InstructorTaskTestCase.get_user_email(username)
UserFactory.create(username=username, email=email, is_staff=is_staff)
thisuser = User.objects.get(username=username)
email = InstructorTaskModuleTestCase.get_user_email(username)
thisuser = UserFactory.create(username=username, email=email, is_staff=is_staff)
return thisuser
......@@ -102,9 +163,9 @@ class InstructorTaskTestCase(LoginEnrollmentTestCase, ModuleStoreTestCase):
def define_option_problem(self, problem_url_name):
"""Create the problem definition so the answer is Option 1"""
factory = OptionResponseXMLFactory()
factory_args = {'question_text': 'The correct answer is Option 1',
'options': ['Option 1', 'Option 2'],
'correct_option': 'Option 1',
factory_args = {'question_text': 'The correct answer is {0}'.format(OPTION_1),
'options': [OPTION_1, OPTION_2],
'correct_option': OPTION_1,
'num_responses': 2}
problem_xml = factory.build_xml(**factory_args)
......@@ -115,9 +176,9 @@ class InstructorTaskTestCase(LoginEnrollmentTestCase, ModuleStoreTestCase):
def redefine_option_problem(self, problem_url_name):
"""Change the problem definition so the answer is Option 2"""
factory = OptionResponseXMLFactory()
factory_args = {'question_text': 'The correct answer is Option 2',
'options': ['Option 1', 'Option 2'],
'correct_option': 'Option 2',
factory_args = {'question_text': 'The correct answer is {0}'.format(OPTION_2),
'options': [OPTION_1, OPTION_2],
'correct_option': OPTION_2,
'num_responses': 2}
problem_xml = factory.build_xml(**factory_args)
location = InstructorTaskTestCase.problem_location(problem_url_name)
......@@ -131,7 +192,8 @@ class InstructorTaskTestCase(LoginEnrollmentTestCase, ModuleStoreTestCase):
def get_task_status(self, task_id):
def get_task_status(task_id):
"""Use api method to fetch task status, using mock request."""
mock_request = Mock()
mock_request.REQUEST = {'task_id': task_id}
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def instructor_task_status(request):
'message': on complete tasks, status message reporting on final progress,
or providing exception message if failed. For tasks in progress,
indicates the current progress.
'succeeded': on complete tasks or tasks in progress, indicates if the
'succeeded': on complete tasks or tasks in progress, boolean value indicates if the
task outcome was successful: did it achieve what it set out to do.
This is in contrast with a successful task_state, which indicates that the
task merely completed.
......@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ def get_task_completion_info(instructor_task):
log.warning(fmt.format(instructor_task.task_id, instructor_task.task_output))
return (succeeded, "No progress status information available")
action_name = task_output.get('action_name')
num_attempted = task_output.get('attempted')
num_updated = task_output.get('updated')
num_total = task_output.get('total')
action_name = task_output['action_name']
num_attempted = task_output['attempted']
num_updated = task_output['updated']
num_total = task_output['total']
student = None
// Define an InstructorTaskProgress object for updating a table on the instructor
// dashboard that shows the current background tasks that are currently running
// for the instructor's course. Any tasks that were running when the page is
// first displayed are passed in as instructor_tasks, and populate the "Pending Instructor
// Task" table. The InstructorTaskProgress is bound to this table, and periodically
// polls the LMS to see if any of the tasks has completed. Once a task is complete,
// it is not included in any further polling.
(function() {
var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
this.InstructorTaskProgress = (function() {
function InstructorTaskProgress(element) {
this.update_progress = __bind(this.update_progress, this);
this.get_status = __bind(this.get_status, this);
this.element = element;
this.entries = $(element).find('.task-progress-entry')
if (window.queuePollerID) {
// Hardcode the initial delay before the first refresh to one second:
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(this.get_status, 1000);
InstructorTaskProgress.prototype.$ = function(selector) {
return $(selector, this.element);
InstructorTaskProgress.prototype.update_progress = function(response) {
var _this = this;
// Response should be a dict with an entry for each requested task_id,
// with a "task-state" and "in_progress" key and optionally a "message"
// and a "task_progress.duration" key.
var something_in_progress = false;
for (task_id in response) {
var task_dict = response[task_id];
// find the corresponding entry, and update it:
entry = $(_this.element).find('[data-task-id="' + task_id + '"]');
var duration_value = (task_dict.task_progress && task_dict.task_progress.duration_ms
&& Math.round(task_dict.task_progress.duration_ms/1000)) || 'unknown';
var progress_value = task_dict.message || '';
// if the task is complete, then change the entry so it won't
// be queried again. Otherwise set a flag.
if (task_dict.in_progress === true) {
something_in_progress = true;
} else {'inProgress', "False")
// if some entries are still incomplete, then repoll:
// Hardcode the refresh interval to be every five seconds.
// TODO: allow the refresh interval to be set. (And if it is disabled,
// then don't set the timeout at all.)
if (something_in_progress) {
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(_this.get_status, 5000);
} else {
delete window.queuePollerID;
InstructorTaskProgress.prototype.get_status = function() {
var _this = this;
var task_ids = [];
// Construct the array of ids to get status for, by
// including the subset of entries that are still in progress.
this.entries.each(function(idx, element) {
var task_id = $(element).data('taskId');
var in_progress = $(element).data('inProgress');
if (in_progress="True") {
// Make call to get status for these ids.
// Note that the keyname here ends up with "[]" being appended
// in the POST parameter that shows up on the Django server.
// TODO: add error handler.
var ajax_url = '/instructor_task_status/';
var data = {'task_ids': task_ids };
$.post(ajax_url, data).done(this.update_progress);
return InstructorTaskProgress;
// once the page is rendered, create the progress object
var instructorTaskProgress;
$(document).ready(function() {
instructorTaskProgress = new InstructorTaskProgress($('#task-progress-wrapper'));
......@@ -9,112 +9,9 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/vendor/jquery-jvectormap-1.1.1/jquery-jvectormap-1.1.1.min.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/vendor/jquery-jvectormap-1.1.1/jquery-jvectormap-world-mill-en.js')}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/course_groups/cohorts.js')}"></script>
%if instructor_tasks is not None:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Define an InstructorTaskProgress object for updating a table on the instructor
// dashboard that shows the current background tasks that are currently running
// for the instructor's course. Any tasks that were running when the page is
// first displayed are passed in as instructor_tasks, and populate the "Pending Instructor
// Task" table. The InstructorTaskProgress is bound to this table, and periodically
// polls the LMS to see if any of the tasks has completed. Once a task is complete,
// it is not included in any further polling.
(function() {
var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
this.InstructorTaskProgress = (function() {
function InstructorTaskProgress(element) {
this.update_progress = __bind(this.update_progress, this);
this.get_status = __bind(this.get_status, this);
this.element = element;
this.entries = $(element).find('.task-progress-entry')
if (window.queuePollerID) {
// Hardcode the initial delay before the first refresh to one second:
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(this.get_status, 1000);
InstructorTaskProgress.prototype.$ = function(selector) {
return $(selector, this.element);
InstructorTaskProgress.prototype.update_progress = function(response) {
var _this = this;
// Response should be a dict with an entry for each requested task_id,
// with a "task-state" and "in_progress" key and optionally a "message"
// and a "task_progress.duration" key.
var something_in_progress = false;
for (task_id in response) {
var task_dict = response[task_id];
// find the corresponding entry, and update it:
entry = $(_this.element).find('[data-task-id="' + task_id + '"]');
var duration_value = (task_dict.task_progress && task_dict.task_progress.duration_ms
&& Math.round(task_dict.task_progress.duration_ms/1000)) || 'unknown';
var progress_value = task_dict.message || '';
// if the task is complete, then change the entry so it won't
// be queried again. Otherwise set a flag.
if (task_dict.in_progress === true) {
something_in_progress = true;
} else {'inProgress', "False")
// if some entries are still incomplete, then repoll:
// Hardcode the refresh interval to be every five seconds.
// TODO: allow the refresh interval to be set. (And if it is disabled,
// then don't set the timeout at all.)
if (something_in_progress) {
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(_this.get_status, 5000);
} else {
delete window.queuePollerID;
InstructorTaskProgress.prototype.get_status = function() {
var _this = this;
var task_ids = [];
// Construct the array of ids to get status for, by
// including the subset of entries that are still in progress.
this.entries.each(function(idx, element) {
var task_id = $(element).data('taskId');
var in_progress = $(element).data('inProgress');
if (in_progress="True") {
// Make call to get status for these ids.
// Note that the keyname here ends up with "[]" being appended
// in the POST parameter that shows up on the Django server.
// TODO: add error handler.
var ajax_url = '/instructor_task_status/';
var data = {'task_ids': task_ids };
$.post(ajax_url, data).done(this.update_progress);
return InstructorTaskProgress;
// once the page is rendered, create the progress object
var instructorTaskProgress;
$(document).ready(function() {
instructorTaskProgress = new InstructorTaskProgress($('#task-progress-wrapper'));
<script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url('js/pending_tasks.js')}"></script>>
<%include file="/courseware/course_navigation.html" args="active_page='instructor'" />
......@@ -304,7 +201,7 @@ function goto( mode)
Specify a particular problem in the course here by its url:
<input type="text" name="problem_for_all_students" size="60">
<input type="text" name="problem_for_all_students" size="60">
You may use just the "urlname" if a problem, or "modulename/urlname" if not.
......@@ -360,7 +257,7 @@ function goto( mode)
%if instructor_access:
You may also delete the entire state of a student for the specified module:
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Delete student state for module">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Delete student state for module">
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