- 05 Jun, 2013 1 commit
dcadams committed
- 04 Jun, 2013 10 commits
dcadams committed
dcadams committed
Fix bug STUD-103. The url base for about page links needs to be www.edx....
Christina Roberts committed -
Studio - Advanced Component Icon
Brian Talbot committed -
Brian Talbot committed
Fix/btalbot/edx.org accessibility
Brian Talbot committed -
Brian Talbot committed
edx.org - revises login and register graphical banner images to include higher contrast between type and imagery
Brian Talbot committed -
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
- 03 Jun, 2013 24 commits
cahrens committed
Fix bug STUD-103. The url base for about page links needs to be www.edx.org for Drupal site, vs. LMS_BASE which is used for Studio. Note that the complete URL is still not correct, but a redirect exists to take it to the new location.
cahrens committed -
Ned/move loncapa etc into sandbox
Ned Batchelder committed -
Install steps - Fixes syntax of `update_templates` django command
James Tauber committed -
Jonahstanley/add more tests
Jonah Stanley committed -
Preprocess assets as Django management command
Nate Hardison committed -
Added requirement for pip>=1.3
Will Daly committed -
Using `task()` reopens the definition of the task, and all we really need to do is get a reference to the task itself to invoke it.
Nate Hardison committed -
The :browse_jasmine_<system> and :phantomjs_jasmine_<system> tasks depend on the :assets task, which needs to receive both :system and :env arguments. Therefore, new tasks (:browse_jasmine and :phantomjs_jasmine) are created that do take :system and :env args. The old :browse_jasmine_<system> and :phantomjs_jasmine_<system> tasks now wrap the new tasks, passing in <system> as an argument and 'jasmine' (for :env, since it's hardcoded to 'jasmine' in django_for_jasmine()).
Nate Hardison committed -
The LMS/CMS server startup depends on the :assets task, which needs to receive :system and :env arguments. Since the existing server startup tasks didn't take a :system argument, a new command called :runserver is created that does take :system, :env, and :options arguments. The old server startup tasks are adjusted to wrap the one :runserver task that does all of the heavy lifting.
Nate Hardison committed -
Rather than directly invoke command-line Python (and Mako) from the assets Rakefile, or call an external Python script, use a Django management command to preprocess all asset template files. An "asset template file" is defined as a static asset file with a file extension indicating that it needs to be run through a template engine prior to Sass/CoffeeScript compilation or packaging with other assets. The preprocess_assets management command will look through all of the files listed in the `STATICFILES_DIRS`, preprocessing each as needed. Preprocessing strips off the special template file extension, creating a new file in the process. Currently, the only variable accessible in an asset template file is the `THEME_NAME`, defined in the settings.
Nate Hardison committed -
JonahStanley committed
Will Daly committed
Add partial credit for foldit
jkarni committed -
Julian Arni committed
I accidently had show_answer instead of showanswer. This error was hidden by a previous default of showanswer=always.
JonahStanley committed -
Julian Arni committed
Dependency installation fixes for Debian/Ubuntu
Slater-Victoroff committed -
JonahStanley committed
JonahStanley committed
Peter fogg/no autoplay studio
Peter Fogg committed -
Peter Fogg committed
Change help button text, fixing LMS-319
Victor Shnayder committed -
Remove test_ike.py, Ike says we don't need it, and it looks like a test.
Ned Batchelder committed
- 02 Jun, 2013 5 commits
hides latex compiler in settings tab by making previously specific css s...
Christina Roberts committed -
Added videoalpha to advanced components in component.py file.
chrisndodge committed -
Chris Dodge committed
[STUD-177] Fix/cdodge/bad link in activation page
chrisndodge committed -
hides latex compiler in settings tab by making previously specific css sibling selector general enough to find and hide the appropriate div
marco committed