Commit 1001b315 by Nate Hardison

Preprocess assets as Django management command

Rather than directly invoke command-line Python (and Mako) from the
assets Rakefile, or call an external Python script, use a Django
management command to preprocess all asset template files.

An "asset template file" is defined as a static asset file with a
file extension indicating that it needs to be run through a template
engine prior to Sass/CoffeeScript compilation or packaging with other
assets. The preprocess_assets management command will look through
all of the files listed in the `STATICFILES_DIRS`, preprocessing each
as needed. Preprocessing strips off the special template file
extension, creating a new file in the process.

Currently, the only variable accessible in an asset template file is
the `THEME_NAME`, defined in the settings.
parent 4bc27b93
......@@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
# For asset pipelining
Preprocess templatized asset files, enabling asset authors to use
Python/Django inside of Sass and CoffeeScript. This preprocessing
will happen before the invocation of the asset compiler (currently
handled by the asset Rakefile).
For this to work, assets need to be named with the appropriate
template extension (e.g., .mako for Mako templates). Currently Mako
is the only template engine supported.
import os
from import NoArgsCommand
from django.conf import settings
from mako.template import Template
class Command(NoArgsCommand):
Basic management command to preprocess asset template files.
help = "Preprocess asset template files to ready them for compilation."
def handle_noargs(self, **options):
Walk over all of the static files directories specified in the
settings file, looking for asset template files (indicated by
a file extension like .mako).
for staticfiles_dir in getattr(settings, "STATICFILES_DIRS", []):
# Cribbed from the django-staticfiles app at:
if isinstance(staticfiles_dir, (list, tuple)):
prefix, staticfiles_dir = staticfiles_dir
# Walk over the current static files directory tree,
# preprocessing files that have a template extension.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(staticfiles_dir):
for filename in files:
outfile, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
# We currently only handle Mako templates
if extension == ".mako":
self.__preprocess(os.path.join(root, filename),
os.path.join(root, outfile))
def __context(self):
Return a dict that contains all of the available context
variables to the asset template.
# TODO: do we need to include anything else?
# TODO: do this with the django-settings-context-processor
return { "THEME_NAME" : getattr(settings, "THEME_NAME", None) }
def __preprocess(self, infile, outfile):
Run `infile` through the Mako template engine, storing the
result in `outfile`.
with open(outfile, "w") as _outfile:
......@@ -662,6 +662,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
# For asset pipelining
......@@ -6,30 +6,6 @@ if USE_CUSTOM_THEME
THEME_SASS = File.join(THEME_ROOT, "static", "sass")
# Run the specified file through the Mako templating engine, providing
# the ENV_TOKENS to the templating context.
def preprocess_with_mako(filename)
# simple command-line invocation of Mako engine
# cdodge: the .gsub() are used to translate true->True and false->False to make the generated
# python actually valid python. This is just a short term hack to unblock the release train
# until a real fix can be made by people who know this better
mako = "from mako.template import Template;" +
"print Template(filename=\"#{filename}\")" +
# Total hack. It works because a Python dict literal has
# the same format as a JSON object.
# strip off the .mako extension
output_filename = filename.chomp(File.extname(filename))
# just pipe from stdout into the new file, exiting on failure, 'w') do |file|
file.write(`python -c '#{mako}'`)
exit_code = $?.to_i
abort "#{mako} failed with #{exit_code}" if exit_code.to_i != 0
def xmodule_cmd(watch=false, debug=false)
xmodule_cmd = 'xmodule_assets common/static/xmodule'
if watch
......@@ -84,11 +60,12 @@ namespace :assets do
desc "Compile all assets in debug mode"
multitask :debug
desc "Preprocess all static assets that have the .mako extension"
task :preprocess do
# Run assets through the Mako templating engine. Right now we
# just hardcode the asset filenames.
desc "Preprocess all templatized static asset files"
task :preprocess, [:system, :env] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:system => "lms", :env => "dev")
sh(django_admin(args.system, args.env, "preprocess_assets")) do |ok, status|
abort "asset preprocessing failed!" if !ok
desc "Watch all assets for changes and automatically recompile"
......@@ -138,7 +115,6 @@ namespace :assets do
multitask :sass => 'assets:xmodule'
namespace :sass do
# In watch mode, sass doesn't immediately compile out of date files,
......@@ -153,16 +129,25 @@ namespace :assets do
# This task does the real heavy lifting to gather all of the static
# assets. We want people to call it via the wrapper below, so we
# don't provide a description so that it won't show up in rake -T.
task :gather_assets, [:system, :env] => :assets do |t, args|
sh("#{django_admin(args.system, args.env, 'collectstatic', '--noinput')} > /dev/null") do |ok, status|
if !ok
abort "collectstatic failed!"
[:lms, :cms].each do |system|
# Per environment tasks
environments(system).each do |env|
# This task wraps the one above, since we need the system and
# env arguments to be passed to all dependent tasks.
desc "Compile coffeescript and sass, and then run collectstatic in the specified environment"
task "#{system}:gather_assets:#{env}" => :assets do
sh("#{django_admin(system, env, 'collectstatic', '--noinput')} > /dev/null") do |ok, status|
if !ok
abort "collectstatic failed!"
task "#{system}:gather_assets:#{env}" do
task(:gather_assets).invoke(system, env)
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