1. 14 Jan, 2016 6 commits
  2. 13 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  3. 08 Jan, 2016 12 commits
  4. 07 Jan, 2016 21 commits
    • Merge pull request #11170 from edx/jsa/programs-app-username · 8d3fe518
      add username to program app config attrs in DOM.
      Jim Abramson committed
    • Merge pull request #10878 from mitocw/refactor/aq/move_code_from_view · 91be959b
      CCX app refactoring. Moved some code to utils.py from views.py
      Peter Pinch committed
    • Merge pull request #11154 from ovnicraft/patch-2 · 56207946
      Remove duplicate import
      David Baumgold committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · bd7e4dd3
       lms/static/images/wmd-buttons-transparent.png       | Bin 9698 -> 7046 bytes
       lms/static/images/wmd-buttons.png                   | Bin 7465 -> 5970 bytes
       .../credit_notifications/edx-logo-header.png        | Bin 1894 -> 1225 bytes
       .../ebe754f90bc88acf8ec6a1d27b87f743_120.jpg        | Bin 3168 -> 2752 bytes
       .../ebe754f90bc88acf8ec6a1d27b87f743_30.jpg         | Bin 957 -> 648 bytes
       .../ebe754f90bc88acf8ec6a1d27b87f743_50.jpg         | Bin 1362 -> 1048 bytes
       .../ebe754f90bc88acf8ec6a1d27b87f743_500.jpg        | Bin 15852 -> 13940 bytes
       .../f0d065035a5c4d32df318fbc54138765_120.jpg        | Bin 3168 -> 2752 bytes
       .../f0d065035a5c4d32df318fbc54138765_30.jpg         | Bin 957 -> 648 bytes
       .../f0d065035a5c4d32df318fbc54138765_50.jpg         | Bin 1362 -> 1048 bytes
       .../f0d065035a5c4d32df318fbc54138765_500.jpg        | Bin 15852 -> 13940 bytes
       themes/edge.edx.org/lms/static/images/logo.png      | Bin 7465 -> 4574 bytes
       themes/edx.org/cms/static/images/studio-logo.png    | Bin 4782 -> 4779 bytes
       themes/edx.org/lms/static/images/logo-large.png     | Bin 4581 -> 3367 bytes
       themes/edx.org/lms/static/images/logo.png           | Bin 1244 -> 1184 bytes
       .../lms/static/images/profiles/default_120.png      | Bin 6398 -> 3252 bytes
       .../lms/static/images/profiles/default_30.png       | Bin 993 -> 522 bytes
       .../lms/static/images/profiles/default_50.png       | Bin 2068 -> 1035 bytes
       .../lms/static/images/profiles/default_500.png      | Bin 91560 -> 0 bytes
       themes/red-theme/lms/static/images/logo.png         | Bin 909 -> 559 bytes
       20 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 0dfb9870
       lms/static/images/linkedin_add_to_profile.png    | Bin 139290 -> 1320 bytes
       lms/static/images/logo-large.png                 | Bin 20342 -> 8447 bytes
       lms/static/images/logo.png                       | Bin 4243 -> 885 bytes
       lms/static/images/opencourseware.png             | Bin 13203 -> 11395 bytes
       lms/static/images/openedx-logo-tag-dark.png      | Bin 2539 -> 1624 bytes
       lms/static/images/openedx-logo-tag-light.png     | Bin 2702 -> 1776 bytes
       lms/static/images/openedx-logo-tag.png           | Bin 2596 -> 1607 bytes
       lms/static/images/pencils.jpg                    | Bin 30064 -> 25607 bytes
       lms/static/images/play.png                       | Bin 2966 -> 1729 bytes
       lms/static/images/problem-editor-icons.png       | Bin 2307 -> 2304 bytes
       lms/static/images/profiles/default_120.png       | Bin 2690 -> 1133 bytes
       lms/static/images/profiles/default_30.png        | Bin 576 -> 274 bytes
       lms/static/images/profiles/default_50.png        | Bin 1023 -> 449 bytes
       lms/static/images/profiles/default_500.png       | Bin 17594 -> 5671 bytes
       lms/static/images/search-icon.png                | Bin 1195 -> 423 bytes
       lms/static/images/show-hide-discussion-icon.png  | Bin 1610 -> 771 bytes
       lms/static/images/small-header-home-icon.png     | Bin 1128 -> 276 bytes
       lms/static/images/social/google-plus-sharing.png | Bin 1161 -> 1046 bytes
       lms/static/images/textbook/textbook-left.png     | Bin 783 -> 705 bytes
       lms/static/images/textbook/textbook-right.png    | Bin 822 -> 690 bytes
       lms/static/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png    | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       lms/static/images/vcert-ribbon-s.png             | Bin 4843 -> 3147 bytes
       lms/static/images/verified-ribbon.png            | Bin 1791 -> 751 bytes
       lms/static/images/white-error-icon.png           | Bin 1107 -> 344 bytes
       lms/static/images/wiki-icons.png                 | Bin 2410 -> 1464 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · d3da2585
       .../images/bulk_email/GooglePlusIcon_gray.png       | Bin 680 -> 678 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/LinkedInIcon.png       | Bin 751 -> 417 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/MeetupIcon.png         | Bin 1283 -> 679 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/MeetupIcon_gray.png    | Bin 685 -> 678 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/TwitterIcon.png        | Bin 998 -> 517 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/TwitterIcon_gray.png   | Bin 518 -> 515 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/VKontakteIcon.png      | Bin 2480 -> 1272 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/VKontakteIcon_gray.png | Bin 3099 -> 3092 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/YoutubeIcon.png        | Bin 1964 -> 1856 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/YoutubeIcon_gray.png   | Bin 1961 -> 1878 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/edXHeaderImage.jpg     | Bin 25814 -> 24906 bytes
       lms/static/images/bullet-closed.png                 | Bin 230 -> 191 bytes
       lms/static/images/bullet-open.png                   | Bin 219 -> 188 bytes
       lms/static/images/default-badges/honor.png          | Bin 20814 -> 13316 bytes
       lms/static/images/default-badges/professional.png   | Bin 21855 -> 14603 bytes
       lms/static/images/default-badges/verified.png       | Bin 21855 -> 14603 bytes
       lms/static/images/edx-theme/edx-logo-77x36.png      | Bin 5139 -> 3674 bytes
       lms/static/images/green-pointer.png                 | Bin 3474 -> 887 bytes
       lms/static/images/homepage-hero-video-thumb.jpg     | Bin 4537 -> 4517 bytes
       lms/static/images/honor-ribbon.png                  | Bin 5956 -> 4251 bytes
       lms/static/images/icon-sm-professional.png          | Bin 2892 -> 1883 bytes
       lms/static/images/icon-sm-verified.png              | Bin 3247 -> 776 bytes
       lms/static/images/icon-sm-xseries-white.png         | Bin 706 -> 475 bytes
       lms/static/images/large-white-error-icon.png        | Bin 1800 -> 951 bytes
       lms/static/images/link-icon.png                     | Bin 326 -> 296 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 9daaa35d
       common/test/data/xml_dag/static/just_a_test.jpg    | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       .../test_microsite/images/background-image.jpg     | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       .../test_microsite/images/header-logo.png          | Bin 1215 -> 1212 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/locator_ubiquity.jpg       | Bin 51876 -> 47455 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/presplit.jpg               | Bin 43129 -> 38944 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/studio mapping.jpg         | Bin 48247 -> 43786 bytes
       .../enrollment_api/source/_static/homepage-bg.jpg  | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       docs/en_us/internal/test_pyramid.png               | Bin 24698 -> 17598 bytes
       .../platform_api/source/_static/homepage-bg.jpg    | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       .../shared/images/Announcement_subscriptions.png   | Bin 43413 -> 15474 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/backpack-logo.png   | Bin 2107 -> 1112 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/backpack-ui.png     | Bin 76558 -> 54810 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/bg-verified.png     | Bin 25152 -> 5169 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig1.png       | Bin 3852 -> 2099 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig2.png       | Bin 3695 -> 1990 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig3.png       | Bin 7315 -> 3721 bytes
       .../certificates/images/demo-user-profile.png      | Bin 61749 -> 40719 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/ico-honor.png       | Bin 59443 -> 35743 bytes
       .../certificates/images/ico-mozillaopenbadges.png  | Bin 3638 -> 1870 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/ico-verified.png    | Bin 59571 -> 35713 bytes
       lms/static/images/app/google_play_badge_45.png     | Bin 8913 -> 4548 bytes
       lms/static/images/bg-footer-divider.jpg            | Bin 416 -> 390 bytes
       lms/static/images/bg-texture.png                   | Bin 10028 -> 2092 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/FacebookIcon.png      | Bin 550 -> 333 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/GooglePlusIcon.png    | Bin 1286 -> 679 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 8cba4702
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/previous_pressed.png      | Bin 755 -> 665 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/previous_rest.png  | Bin 661 -> 572 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/zoomin_grouphover.png     | Bin 612 -> 496 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomin_hover.png   | Bin 608 -> 506 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomin_pressed.png | Bin 615 -> 515 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomin_rest.png | Bin 612 -> 496 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/zoomout_grouphover.png    | Bin 504 -> 397 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomout_hover.png  | Bin 559 -> 461 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/zoomout_pressed.png       | Bin 561 -> 458 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/zoomout_rest.png   | Bin 504 -> 397 bytes
       common/test/data/aside/static/just_a_test.jpg      | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       common/test/data/badges/good.png                   | Bin 298 -> 91 bytes
       common/test/data/badges/large.png                  | Bin 431556 -> 429842 bytes
       common/test/data/badges/unbalanced.png             | Bin 232 -> 86 bytes
       .../static/images/course_image.jpg                 | Bin 12626 -> 12617 bytes
       .../static/images/professor-sandel.jpg             | Bin 453715 -> 447109 bytes
       .../Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 1.43.36 PM.png       | Bin 8733 -> 1525 bytes
       .../data/simple/static/images_course_image.jpg     | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       common/test/data/static/picture1.jpg               | Bin 10905 -> 6857 bytes
       common/test/data/static/picture2.jpg               | Bin 13598 -> 9739 bytes
       common/test/data/static/picture3.jpg               | Bin 14977 -> 9946 bytes
       common/test/data/toy/static/just_a_test.jpg        | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       common/test/data/uploads/Signature-0.png           | Bin 31182 -> 14473 bytes
       common/test/data/uploads/Signature-1.png           | Bin 31182 -> 14473 bytes
       common/test/data/uploads/larger_image.jpg          | Bin 1070335 -> 1053927 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · ae283f6a
       .../vendor/ova/catch/img/expandableIcon_Arrow.png   | Bin 3002 -> 2085 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/catch/img/fish.jpg      | Bin 11572 -> 11482 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/catch/img/geolocation_icon.png    | Bin 740 -> 624 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/catch/img/groups_icon.png  | Bin 747 -> 624 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/catch/img/privacy_icon.png | Bin 635 -> 538 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/catch/img/shareControls.png       | Bin 9691 -> 7624 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/catch/img/share_icon.png   | Bin 655 -> 520 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/fullpage_grouphover.png    | Bin 698 -> 584 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/fullpage_hover.png  | Bin 831 -> 723 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/fullpage_pressed.png       | Bin 817 -> 709 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/fullpage_rest.png   | Bin 698 -> 584 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/home_grouphover.png | Bin 672 -> 565 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/home_hover.png   | Bin 737 -> 631 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/home_pressed.png | Bin 741 -> 645 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/home_rest.png    | Bin 672 -> 565 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/newan_grouphover.png       | Bin 746 -> 641 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/newan_hover.png  | Bin 815 -> 710 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/newan_pressed.png   | Bin 828 -> 721 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/newan_rest.png   | Bin 746 -> 641 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/next_grouphover.png | Bin 656 -> 574 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/next_hover.png   | Bin 753 -> 667 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/next_pressed.png | Bin 752 -> 666 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/images/next_rest.png    | Bin 656 -> 574 bytes
       .../js/vendor/ova/images/previous_grouphover.png    | Bin 661 -> 572 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/images/previous_hover.png  | Bin 755 -> 667 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · dade7f49
       .../gwt/chrome/images/ie6/vborder_blue_shadow.png     | Bin 144 -> 130 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/ie6/vborder_gray_shadow.png     | Bin 148 -> 131 bytes
       .../capa/jsme/gwt/chrome/images/splitPanelThumb.png   | Bin 308 -> 220 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/valuespinner/bg_textbox.png     | Bin 193 -> 87 bytes
       .../static/js/capa/jsme/gwt/chrome/images/vborder.png | Bin 188 -> 125 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsme/gwt/chrome/images/vborder_ie6.png    | Bin 201 -> 110 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/circles.png    | Bin 1492 -> 974 bytes
       .../capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/circles_ie6.png   | Bin 432 -> 358 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/corner.png     | Bin 1140 -> 709 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/corner_ie6.png | Bin 412 -> 328 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/hborder.png    | Bin 1995 -> 1205 bytes
       .../capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/hborder_ie6.png   | Bin 706 -> 607 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/thumb_horz.png | Bin 222 -> 113 bytes
       .../jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/thumb_vertical.png     | Bin 231 -> 119 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/vborder.png    | Bin 298 -> 182 bytes
       .../capa/jsmolcalc/gwt/clean/images/vborder_ie6.png   | Bin 189 -> 136 bytes
       .../js/vendor/markitup/sets/wiki/images/clean.png     | Bin 667 -> 544 bytes
       .../vendor/markitup/sets/wiki/images/list-bullet.png  | Bin 344 -> 312 bytes
       .../vendor/markitup/sets/wiki/images/list-numeric.png | Bin 357 -> 319 bytes
       .../js/vendor/markitup/sets/wiki/images/preview.png   | Bin 537 -> 536 bytes
       .../js/vendor/markitup/skins/simple/images/handle.png | Bin 258 -> 130 bytes
       .../js/vendor/markitup/skins/simple/images/menu.png   | Bin 27151 -> 169 bytes
       .../vendor/markitup/skins/simple/images/submenu.png   | Bin 240 -> 170 bytes
       common/static/js/vendor/ova/catch/img/closeIcon.png   | Bin 1114 -> 550 bytes
       .../static/js/vendor/ova/catch/img/expandableIcon.png | Bin 1279 -> 621 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 9a7443bf
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/thumb_horz.png     | Bin 222 -> 113 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/thumb_vertical.png | Bin 231 -> 119 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/vborder.png        | Bin 298 -> 182 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/vborder_ie6.png    | Bin 189 -> 136 bytes
       .../jsme/40BAF81124143A595056A9CCA0E9DBBA.cache.png   | Bin 2890 -> 2795 bytes
       .../images/button/menu-button-arrow-disabled.png      | Bin 173 -> 109 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/button/menu-button-arrow.png    | Bin 173 -> 109 bytes
       .../images/button/split-button-arrow-active.png       | Bin 280 -> 222 bytes
       .../images/button/split-button-arrow-disabled.png     | Bin 185 -> 125 bytes
       .../chrome/images/button/split-button-arrow-focus.png | Bin 185 -> 125 bytes
       .../chrome/images/button/split-button-arrow-hover.png | Bin 185 -> 125 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/button/split-button-arrow.png   | Bin 185 -> 125 bytes
       .../chrome/images/combobox/arrow-down-disabled.png    | Bin 170 -> 104 bytes
       .../jsme/gwt/chrome/images/combobox/arrow-down.png    | Bin 170 -> 104 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/combobox/ellipsis-disabled.png  | Bin 165 -> 108 bytes
       .../capa/jsme/gwt/chrome/images/combobox/ellipsis.png | Bin 166 -> 100 bytes
       .../static/js/capa/jsme/gwt/chrome/images/corner.png  | Bin 1181 -> 750 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsme/gwt/chrome/images/corner_ie6.png     | Bin 397 -> 314 bytes
       .../jsme/gwt/chrome/images/glasspanel/blue_ridge.png  | Bin 263 -> 96 bytes
       .../static/js/capa/jsme/gwt/chrome/images/hborder.png | Bin 1591 -> 808 bytes
       .../js/capa/jsme/gwt/chrome/images/hborder_ie6.png    | Bin 970 -> 815 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/ie6/corner_dialog_topleft.png   | Bin 213 -> 162 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/ie6/corner_dialog_topright.png  | Bin 258 -> 226 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/ie6/hborder_blue_shadow.png     | Bin 150 -> 133 bytes
       .../gwt/chrome/images/ie6/hborder_gray_shadow.png     | Bin 153 -> 136 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · ed12c61d
       .../static/images/capa/vsepr/T-shaped-3D-balls.png | Bin 57074 -> 53926 bytes
       .../images/capa/vsepr/Tetrahedral-3D-balls.png     | Bin 53631 -> 48796 bytes
       .../static/images/capa/vsepr/Trigonal-3D-balls.png | Bin 56071 -> 51879 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Trigonal-bipyramidal-3D-balls.png   | Bin 47683 -> 43395 bytes
       .../images/capa/vsepr/Trigonal-planar-stick.png    | Bin 89521 -> 69265 bytes
       common/static/images/hd.png                        | Bin 364 -> 355 bytes
       common/static/images/high_pass_filter.png          | Bin 48150 -> 26132 bytes
       common/static/images/ico-tinymce-code.png          | Bin 337 -> 228 bytes
       common/static/images/ml_grading_icon.png           | Bin 405 -> 379 bytes
       common/static/images/partially-correct-icon.png    | Bin 1141 -> 1047 bytes
       common/static/images/peer_grading_icon.png         | Bin 610 -> 472 bytes
       common/static/images/placeholder-faculty.png       | Bin 9137 -> 9130 bytes
       common/static/images/placeholder-image.png         | Bin 2312412 -> 1930682 bytes
       .../static/images/sequence-nav/list-finished.png   | Bin 1063 -> 139 bytes
       .../static/images/sequence-nav/list-unfinished.png | Bin 1070 -> 142 bytes
       .../static/images/sequence-nav/list-unstarted.png  | Bin 1067 -> 142 bytes
       common/static/images/sequence-nav/next-icon.png    | Bin 1079 -> 264 bytes
       .../static/images/sequence-nav/previous-icon.png   | Bin 1062 -> 256 bytes
       common/static/images/voltage_divider.png           | Bin 27331 -> 13855 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/circles.png     | Bin 1492 -> 974 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/circles_ie6.png | Bin 432 -> 358 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/corner.png      | Bin 1140 -> 709 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/corner_ie6.png  | Bin 412 -> 328 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/hborder.png     | Bin 1995 -> 1205 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/hborder_ie6.png | Bin 706 -> 607 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 1a97c72f
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E2-3D-balls.png  | Bin 80754 -> 74749 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E3-3D-balls.png  | Bin 79137 -> 73373 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX3E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 65304 -> 58931 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX3E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 63627 -> 57952 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX3E2-3D-balls.png  | Bin 67530 -> 63447 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX4E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 52642 -> 47395 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX4E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 76179 -> 70045 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX4E2-3D-balls.png  | Bin 87475 -> 80027 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX5E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 72517 -> 65354 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX5E2-3D-balls.png  | Bin 81700 -> 74925 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX6E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 58834 -> 52799 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX6E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 65374 -> 60540 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX7E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 57532 -> 52260 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX8E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 72760 -> 66708 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX9E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 70859 -> 64089 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/Bent-3D-balls.png   | Bin 62092 -> 56501 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/Linear-3D-balls.png | Bin 44902 -> 42863 bytes
       .../images/capa/vsepr/Octahedral-3D-balls.png       | Bin 62223 -> 56735 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Pentagonal-bipyramidal-3D-balls.png  | Bin 61456 -> 55610 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Pentagonal-planar-3D-balls.png       | Bin 72626 -> 65949 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Pentagonal-pyramidal-3D-balls.png    | Bin 71485 -> 64805 bytes
       .../static/images/capa/vsepr/Pyramidal-3D-balls.png | Bin 63322 -> 58066 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/Seesaw-3D-balls.png | Bin 66832 -> 61761 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Square-antiprismatic-3D-balls.png    | Bin 88977 -> 80249 bytes
       .../images/capa/vsepr/Square-planar-3D-balls.png    | Bin 71351 -> 65996 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · dbffd5d6
       common/static/css/vendor/slickgrid/images/help.png  | Bin 345 -> 334 bytes
       .../static/css/vendor/slickgrid/images/stripes.png  | Bin 1125 -> 88 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png           | Bin 180 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png          | Bin 178 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png          | Bin 105 -> 97 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png | Bin 101 -> 86 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png       | Bin 260 -> 136 bytes
       .../ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png       | Bin 251 -> 136 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png          | Bin 178 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png          | Bin 105 -> 97 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_gloss-wave_35_f6a828_500x100.png   | Bin 3762 -> 1756 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_228ef1_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ef8c08_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ffd27a_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       common/static/images/arrow-left.png                 | Bin 1062 -> 256 bytes
       common/static/images/arrow-right.png                | Bin 1079 -> 264 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 32790 -> 30318 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 61843 -> 57213 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 9265dc00
       cms/static/images/bg-micro-stripes.png              | Bin 117 -> 102 bytes
       cms/static/images/choice-example.png                | Bin 2751 -> 1544 bytes
       cms/static/images/drag-handles.png                  | Bin 954 -> 103 bytes
       cms/static/images/explanation-example.png           | Bin 4772 -> 4671 bytes
       cms/static/images/header-example.png                | Bin 6639 -> 385 bytes
       cms/static/images/hiw-feature1.png                  | Bin 67031 -> 66798 bytes
       cms/static/images/hiw-feature2.png                  | Bin 17027 -> 16408 bytes
       cms/static/images/hiw-feature3.png                  | Bin 15092 -> 14775 bytes
       cms/static/images/large-video-icon.png              | Bin 234 -> 128 bytes
       cms/static/images/multi-example.png                 | Bin 2875 -> 1519 bytes
       cms/static/images/number-example.png                | Bin 1430 -> 515 bytes
       cms/static/images/preview-lms-staticpages.png       | Bin 61450 -> 53417 bytes
       cms/static/images/problem-editor-icons.png          | Bin 2307 -> 2304 bytes
       cms/static/images/search-icon.png                   | Bin 1196 -> 423 bytes
       cms/static/images/select-example.png                | Bin 1961 -> 1006 bytes
       cms/static/images/string-example.png                | Bin 1458 -> 574 bytes
       cms/static/images/studio-logo.png                   | Bin 4243 -> 885 bytes
       cms/static/images/thumb-hiw-feature1.png            | Bin 16516 -> 16311 bytes
       cms/static/images/thumb-hiw-feature2.png            | Bin 12956 -> 12821 bytes
       cms/static/images/thumb-hiw-feature3.png            | Bin 16616 -> 16395 bytes
       common/static/css/vendor/ova/video-js.fw.png        | Bin 78899 -> 74914 bytes
       .../css/vendor/pdfjs/images/loading-small.png       | Bin 7402 -> 613 bytes
       .../css/vendor/pdfjs/images/loading-small@2x.png    | Bin 16131 -> 1324 bytes
       .../secondaryToolbarButton-documentProperties.png   | Bin 403 -> 402 bytes
       .../css/vendor/slickgrid/images/drag-handle.png     | Bin 1130 -> 94 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Merge pull request #11161 from edx/asadiqbal08/WL-270 · 3d30bb11
      WL-270 used gettext in javascript files
      Matt Drayer committed
    • Merge pull request #11156 from edx/asadiqbal08/WL-268 · 388a5dc7
      WL-268 String Internationalization
      Matt Drayer committed