- 30 Oct, 2014 1 commit
Daniel Friedman committed
- 22 Oct, 2014 21 commits
Fix dump course structure when element metadata uses opaque keys.
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
Tests for conditional content (split_test module).
Christina Roberts committed -
Make sure that during the serialization, all opaque keys and their references and serialized using the `unicode` function. AN-3821
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
cahrens committed -
Maintenance page: Serving Fonts through Platform Assets
Anton Stupak committed -
Update opaque_keys to new release
Don Mitchell committed -
Add command line command to create course in either split or mongo
Don Mitchell committed -
Testeng/rebase upstream
clytwynec committed -
polesye committed
update latex problem data (TNL-264)
Adam committed -
Muhammad Ammar committed -
Ben Patterson committed
Muhammad Ammar committed -
Ben Patterson committed
Ben Patterson committed
Ben Patterson committed
Minh Tue Vo committed
Minh Tue Vo committed
Minh Tue Vo committed
Ben Patterson committed
Ben Patterson committed
- 21 Oct, 2014 18 commits
Adam Palay committed
Fix command line migrator
Don Mitchell committed -
Don Mitchell committed -
Add wait to fix flaky tests.
Ben Patterson committed -
Update screenshots to show updated text under Advanced Settings discussion blackout period
Carol Tong committed -
Make release script suggest a release page on openedx.atlassian.net
David Baumgold committed -
David Baumgold committed
Ben Patterson committed
Don Mitchell committed
Updated max attempts advanced settings help string
Mark Hoeber committed -
srpearce committed -
Don Mitchell committed
GIT URL should not be a deprecated setting (TNL-396).
Oleg Marshev committed -
Oleg Marshev committed
Fixed screen reader issues.
Waheed Ahmed committed -
Merge pull request #5612 from edx/waheed/tnl89-add-missing-required-states-for-video--progress-slider Added three missing required states for video progress slider.
Waheed Ahmed committed -
TNL-568 TNL-588 TNL-595
Waheed Ahmed committed -
Waheed Ahmed committed