- 02 Nov, 2015 11 commits
Bill DeRusha committed
Fix bugs in course unenroll popup
Sarina Canelake committed -
Having the messeges embedded into onclick attributes was fragile because it could break if the translated string contained special characters such as single quotes. Rather than trying to escape the special characters inside the onclick handler, move the translatable strings into separate h-escaped data attributes and interpolate the values in the (already existing) jQuery click handler rather than in the inline onclick handler. This makes the javascript code more consistent as well as fixes the problem where the popup would break if translation included single quotes.
Matjaz Gregoric committed -
The string is passed through the JS 'interpolate' function, which expects %()s style placeholders.
Matjaz Gregoric committed -
Hide Xblock due dates in studio for self-paced courses.
Peter Fogg committed -
Removed read-only fields from enrollment admin
Clinton Blackburn committed -
asadiqbal08/SOL-1292 Entrance Exam is not imported with an imported course
Matt Drayer committed -
Remove flaky flag from profile bok choy test
Christina Roberts committed -
Add a class to the course number in the page header to facilitate hiding it in a theme.
Sarina Canelake committed -
Peter Fogg committed
set max width for nav-account-user for long characters
Syed Hasan raza committed
- 03 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Syed Hassan Raza committed
- 02 Nov, 2015 5 commits
The read-only protection is more hassle than it's worth when testing locally and on stage. It's a solution to a problem we don't actually have, so I have reverted the changes.
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Updating edx-platform for XBlock#323
Awais Jibran committed -
Awais Jibran committed
asadiqbal committed
Merge pull request #10277 from edx/ahsan/ECOM-2338-adding-Messaging-and-text-improvements-unaffected-changes Reimplemented text changes for dashboard
Ahsan Ulhaq committed
- 31 Oct, 2015 3 commits
Egg name needs to match setup(name=..) to get installed properly
Ned Batchelder committed -
Sven Marnach committed
Ned Batchelder committed
- 30 Oct, 2015 20 commits
Block Cache framework (MA-1551)
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
cahrens committed -
Ahsan Ulhaq committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Upgrade segment.io and possibly improve its performance
Christina Roberts committed -
PR for discussing the right thing to do here.
Edward Zarecor committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Add SampleCourseFactory and ToyCourseFactory
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
TNL-3478 Cohort Membership race condition fix
Eric Fischer committed -
Marking flaky test
Eric Fischer committed -
Increase the test output timeout and quiet the pylint output.
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Move comments within the script block.
Christina Roberts committed -
Add the html and css changes required for XSeries
Awais Qureshi committed -
common.test.acceptance.tests.video.test_video_module.YouTubeVideoTest.test_video_component_stores_speed_correctly_for_multiple_videos is flaky, see for details.
Eric Fischer committed -
Ahsan Ulhaq committed
cahrens committed
By using the before_after library, we can force a race condition to reliably occur in the CohortMembership.save() method. This unit test will do just that, and ensure that our race-condition-handling code functions as it should.
Eric Fischer committed -
Updating previously-existing unit tests to function with the new CohortMembership model.
Eric Fischer committed -
The code changes needed to get CohortMembership functioning properly. The key of this change is twofold: first, CohortMemberships are unique per-user, per-course. This is enforced at the database level. Secondly, the updates are done using a select_for_update, which ensures atomicity.
Eric Fischer committed