- 26 Jun, 2013 7 commits
- 25 Jun, 2013 17 commits
Specify a different xcontent mongo db for the acceptance tests
Jay Zoldak committed -
Jay Zoldak committed
Don't mention edge in the subject line; use same message for edx and edg...
Christina Roberts committed -
Cleanup before adding external grader
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
Updated diff-cover to version 0.1.3 to fix a bug
Will Daly committed -
cahrens committed
Jonahstanley/make units parallel
Jonah Stanley committed -
Refactor a bit modx_dispatch
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed
Update CHANGELOG for per-student problem rescoring.
brianhw committed -
Will Daly committed
JonahStanley committed
Brian Wilson committed
Call event.preventDefault() on notification action buttons
David Baumgold committed -
But allow you to specify that the event should not be prevented
David Baumgold committed -
Fix unicode for errors on capa problems
Peter Baratta committed -
removes choiceresponse wiping after clicking Show Answer
Valera Rozuvan committed
- 24 Jun, 2013 16 commits
Enable per-student background tasks.
brianhw committed -
Brian Wilson committed
Fix acceptance tests expecting outdated CSS.
Peter Fogg committed -
Peter Fogg committed
Peter Baratta committed
Refactor Advanced Settings page to use Backbone notifications.
Peter Fogg committed -
Changed to subclassing django's PasswordResetForm and overriding clean_password() instead of copy/paste. Less lines to worry about for diff-cover this way =)
Jason Bau committed -
Backbone notifications secondary actions
David Baumgold committed -
Jason Bau committed
Peter Fogg committed
Jason Bau committed
Change width of labels for multiple-choice capa problems to width of text, not 100%
Jason Bau committed -
Handle secondary actions on notifications either specified as a single object, or as a list of objects. Under the hood, the initialize method converts a single object to a list containing a single object.
David Baumgold committed -
Ned/pylint fixes
Ned Batchelder committed -
Previously the "saved" view was never hidden, even after more data was edited. So if one field was saved successfully and then another was not, we would find ourselves in the unfortunate situation of seeing both views at once, leading to much confusion.
Peter Fogg committed -
Peter Fogg committed