Commit fd18165b by muhammad-ammar

Merge pull request #3682 from edx/ammar/bok-choy-video-tests-batch9

Bok-Choy Video Tests Batch9
parents f17e0bc1 d9fe111c
......@@ -195,3 +195,14 @@ class CourseNavPage(PageObject):
Clean HTML of sequence titles, stripping out span tags and returning the first line.
return self.REMOVE_SPAN_TAG_RE.sub('', element.get_attribute('innerHTML')).strip().split('\n')[0]
def go_to_sequential_position(self, sequential_position):
Within a section/subsection navigate to the sequential position specified by `sequential_position`.
sequential_position (int): position in sequential bar
sequential_position_css = '#tab_{0}'.format(sequential_position - 1)
......@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ CSS_CLASS_NAMES = {
'video_init': '.is-initialized',
'video_time': 'div.vidtime',
'video_display_name': '.vert h2',
'captions_lang_list': '.langs-list li'
'captions_lang_list': '.langs-list li',
'video_speed': '.speeds .value'
......@@ -354,6 +355,20 @@ class VideoPage(PageObject):
speed_selector = self.get_element_selector(video_display_name, 'li[data-speed="{speed}"] a'.format(speed=speed))
def get_speed(self, video_display_name=None):
Get current video speed value.
video_display_name (str or None): Display name of a Video.
str: speed value
speed_selector = self.get_element_selector(video_display_name, CSS_CLASS_NAMES['video_speed'])
return self.q(css=speed_selector).text[0]
def click_player_button(self, button, video_display_name=None):
Click on `button`.
......@@ -701,11 +716,12 @@ class VideoPage(PageObject):
def _wait_for(self, check_func, desc, result=False, timeout=200):
Calls the method provided as an argument until the return value is not False.
Calls the method provided as an argument until the Promise satisfied or BrokenPromise
check_func (callable): Function that accepts no arguments and returns a boolean indicating whether the promise is fulfilled.
desc (str): Description of the Promise, used in log messages.
result (bool): Indicates whether we need a results from Promise or not
timeout (float): Maximum number of seconds to wait for the Promise to be satisfied before timing out.
......@@ -756,3 +772,44 @@ class VideoPage(PageObject):
js_code = "$('{seek_selector}').data('video-player-state').videoPlayer.onSlideSeek({{time: {seek_time}}})".format(
seek_selector=seek_selector, seek_time=seek_time)
def reload_page(self):
Reload/Refresh the current video page.
def duration(self, video_display_name=None):
Extract video duration.
video_display_name (str or None): Display name of a Video.
str: duration in format min:sec
selector = self.get_element_selector(video_display_name, CSS_CLASS_NAMES['video_time'])
# The full time has the form "0:32 / 3:14" elapsed/duration
all_times = self.q(css=selector).text[0]
duration_str = all_times.split('/')[1]
return duration_str.strip()
def wait_for_position(self, position, video_display_name=None):
Wait until current will be equal to `position`.
position (str): position we wait for.
video_display_name (str or None): Display name of a Video.
lambda: self.position(video_display_name) == position,
'Position is {position}'.format(position=position)
......@@ -222,12 +222,11 @@ class VideoBaseTest(UniqueCourseTest):
return metadata
def open_video(self, video_display_name):
def go_to_sequential_position(self, position):
Navigate to sequential specified by `video_display_name`
:param video_display_name (str): Sequential Title
......@@ -525,6 +524,189 @@ class YouTubeVideoTest(VideoBaseTest):'en')
self.assertIn('Hi, welcome to Edx.',
def test_multiple_videos_in_sequentials_load_and_work(self):
Scenario: Multiple videos in sequentials all load and work, switching between sequentials
Given it has videos "A,B" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential
And videos "E,F" in "Youtube" mode in position "2" of sequential
self.verticals = [
[{'display_name': 'A'}, {'display_name': 'B'}], [{'display_name': 'C'}, {'display_name': 'D'}]
tab1_video_names = ['A', 'B']
tab2_video_names = ['C', 'D']
def execute_video_steps(video_names):
Execute video steps
for video_name in video_names:'play', video_name)
self.assertIn(, ['playing', 'buffering'])'pause', video_name)
# go to video
# go to second sequential position
# go back to first sequential position
# we are again playing tab 1 videos to ensure that switching didn't broke some video functionality.
def test_video_component_stores_speed_correctly_for_multiple_videos(self):
Scenario: Video component stores speed correctly when each video is in separate sequential
Given I have a video "A" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential
And a video "B" in "Youtube" mode in position "2" of sequential
And a video "C" in "HTML5" mode in position "3" of sequential
self.verticals = [
[{'display_name': 'A'}], [{'display_name': 'B'}],
[{'display_name': 'C', 'metadata': self.metadata_for_mode('html5')}]
# select the "2.0" speed on video "A"
# select the "0.50" speed on video "B"
# open video "C"
# check if video "C" should start playing at speed "0.75"
self.assertEqual(, '0.75x')
# open video "A"
# check if video "A" should start playing at speed "2.0"
self.assertEqual(, '2.0x')
# reload the page
# open video "A"
# check if video "A" should start playing at speed "2.0"
self.assertEqual(, '2.0x')
# select the "1.0" speed on video "A"'1.0')
# open video "B"
# check if video "B" should start playing at speed "0.50"
self.assertEqual(, '0.50x')
# open video "C"
# check if video "C" should start playing at speed "1.0"
self.assertEqual(, '1.0x')
def test_video_has_correct_transcript(self):
Scenario: Youtube video has correct transcript if fields for other speeds are filled
Given it has a video in "Youtube" mode
And I have uploaded multiple transcripts
And I make sure captions are opened
Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
And I select the "1.50" speed
And I reload the page with video
Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
And I see duration "1:56"
self.assets.extend(['', ''])
data = {'sub': 'OEoXaMPEzfM', 'youtube_id_1_5': 'b7xgknqkQk8'}
self.metadata = self.metadata_for_mode('youtube', additional_data=data)
# go to video
self.assertIn('Hi, welcome to Edx.','1.50')
self.assertIn('Hi, welcome to Edx.',
self.assertTrue(, '1.56')
def test_video_position_stored_correctly_wo_seek(self):
Scenario: Video component stores position correctly when page is reloaded
Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode
Then the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode
And I click video button "play""
Then I wait until video reaches at position "0.05"
And I click video button "pause"
And I reload the page with video
And I click video button "play""
And I click video button "pause"
Then video slider should be Equal or Greater than "0:05"
self.assertGreaterEqual(int(':')[1]), 5)
def test_video_position_stored_correctly_with_seek(self):
Scenario: Video component stores position correctly when page is reloaded
Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode
Then the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode
And I click video button "play""
And I click video button "pause"
Then I seek video to "0:10" position
And I click video button "play""
And I click video button "pause"
And I reload the page with video
Then video slider should be Equal or Greater than "0:10"
self.assertGreaterEqual(int(':')[1]), 10)
class YouTubeHtml5VideoTest(VideoBaseTest):
""" Test YouTube HTML5 Video Player """
......@@ -3,68 +3,6 @@ Feature: LMS.Video component
As a student, I want to view course videos in LMS
# 1
Scenario: Multiple videos in sequentials all load and work, switching between sequentials
Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And it has a video "A" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential
And a video "B" in "HTML5" mode in position "1" of sequential
And a video "C" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential
And a video "D" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential
And a video "E" in "Youtube" mode in position "2" of sequential
And a video "F" in "Youtube" mode in position "2" of sequential
And a video "G" in "Youtube" mode in position "2" of sequential
And I open the section with videos
Then video "A" should start playing at speed "1.0"
And I select the "2.0" speed on video "B"
And I select the "2.0" speed on video "C"
And I select the "2.0" speed on video "D"
When I open video "E"
Then video "E" should start playing at speed "2.0"
And I select the "1.0" speed on video "F"
And I select the "1.0" speed on video "G"
When I open video "A"
Then video "A" should start playing at speed "2.0"
# 2
Scenario: Video component stores speed correctly when each video is in separate sequence
Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
And it has a video "A" in "Youtube" mode in position "1" of sequential
And a video "B" in "Youtube" mode in position "2" of sequential
And a video "C" in "HTML5" mode in position "3" of sequential
And I open the section with videos
And I select the "2.0" speed on video "A"
And I select the "0.50" speed on video "B"
When I open video "C"
Then video "C" should start playing at speed "0.75"
When I open video "A"
Then video "A" should start playing at speed "2.0"
And I reload the page with video
When I open video "A"
Then video "A" should start playing at speed "2.0"
And I select the "1.0" speed on video "A"
When I open video "B"
Then video "B" should start playing at speed "0.50"
When I open video "C"
Then video "C" should start playing at speed "1.0"
# 9
# Scenario: Youtube video has correct transcript if fields for other speeds are filled
# Given I am registered for the course "test_course"
# And I have a "" transcript file in assets
# And I have a "" transcript file in assets
# And it has a video in "Youtube" mode:
# | sub | youtube_id_1_5 |
# | OEoXaMPEzfM | b7xgknqkQk8 |
# And I make sure captions are opened
# Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# And I select the "1.50" speed
# And I reload the page with video
# Then I see "Hi, welcome to Edx." text in the captions
# The 1:56 time is the duration from metadata. 1:54 time is the duration reported
# by the video API once the video starts playing. The next step is correct because
# "1:56" is the duration in the VCR timer before the video plays.
# And I see duration "1:56"
# 3
Scenario: Verify that each video in each sub-section includes a transcript for non-Youtube countries
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And I am registered for the course "test_course"
......@@ -140,15 +78,3 @@ Feature: LMS.Video component
# Then I select the "1.25" speed
# And I click video button "pause"
# And I click on caption line "2", video module shows elapsed time "4"
# 31 Disabled 4/8/14 after intermittent failures in master
#Scenario: Video component stores position correctly when page is reloaded
# Given the course has a Video component in "Youtube" mode
# When the video has rendered in "Youtube" mode
# And I click video button "play"
# And I click video button "pause"
# Then I seek video to "0:10" position
# And I click video button "play"
# And I click video button "pause"
# And I reload the page with video
# Then I see video slider at "0:10" position
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