Commit f17e0bc1 by David Baumgold

Merge pull request #3704 from louyihua/localization-fix

i18n: Make .underscore files translatable
parents 31274a52 7df6f3e2
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import os.path
import logging
import sys
import argparse
import copy
from path import path
from polib import pofile
......@@ -84,6 +85,9 @@ def main(verbosity=1):
make_djangojs_cmd = makemessages + ' -d djangojs --extension js'
execute(make_djangojs_cmd, working_directory=BASE_DIR, stderr=stderr)
# Extract and megre strings from underscore files
# makemessages creates 'django.po'. This filename is hardcoded.
# Rename it to django-partial.po to enable merging into django.po later.
......@@ -135,6 +139,76 @@ def main(verbosity=1):
def extract_and_merge_underscore():
source_msgs_dir = CONFIGURATION.source_messages_dir
# Extract strings from .underscore file by using grep and sed into
# a temp file 'underscore.po'. It is done by the following steps:
# 1. Extract all the patterns of gettext('...') or gettext("...")
# using grep's regexp "gettext\([\'\"][^\(\)]+\)", and grep will
# return each occurence as "<filename>:<line number>:<string>"
# 2. Replace all the single quotes in grep's output into double quotes
# by using two consequent sed's regexps s/\(\'/\(\"/ and s/\'\)/\"\)/
# 3. Replace the starting './' of each line into '#: ' to make the filename
# looks like occurrence string already in .po files, by using sed's
# regexp s/^\.[/]/#\:\ /
# 4. Replace the first occurence of ':gettext(' (which is always the matched
# string returned by grep) into '\nmsgid ' by using sed's regexp
# s/\:gettext\(/\\nmsgid\ /
# 5. Replace the last occurence of ')' by '\nmsgstr ""\n' by using sed's
# regexp s/\)$/\\nmsgstr\ \"\"\\n/
# For example, if step 1 returns a string like the following line:
# ./cms/templates/js/edit-textbook.underscore:25:gettext("Save")
# Then after steps 2 - 5, it will be converted into the following three lines:
# #: cms/templates/js/edit-textbook.underscore:25
# msgid "Save"
# msgstr ""
extract_underscore_cmd = 'find -name *.underscore -exec {step1_cmd} \\; '\
'| {step2_cmd_1} | {step2_cmd_2} | {step3_cmd} '\
'| {step4_cmd} | {step5_cmd} > {output}'
extract_underscore_cmd = extract_underscore_cmd.format(
step1_cmd='grep -HnoE "gettext\\([\\\'\\"][^\\(\\)]+\\)" \'{}\'',
step2_cmd_1='sed s/\\(\\\'/\\(\\"/',
step2_cmd_2='sed s/\\\'\\)/\\"\\)/',
step3_cmd='sed s/^\\.[/]/#\\:\\ /',
step4_cmd='sed s/\\:gettext\\(/\\\\nmsgid\\ /',
step5_cmd='sed s/\\)$/\\\\nmsgstr\\ \\"\\"\\\\n/',
execute(extract_underscore_cmd, working_directory=BASE_DIR)
# Construct a dictionary by using the string as key and occurrence as value
# from underscore.po. This dictionary is used for merging later
underscore_po = pofile(source_msgs_dir.joinpath('underscore.po'))
underscore_po_occurrences = {}
for msg in underscore_po:
if msg.msgid in underscore_po_occurrences:
if msg.occurrences[0] not in underscore_po_occurrences[msg.msgid]:
underscore_po_occurrences[msg.msgid] = msg.occurrences
# The temp file can be safely deleted
# Merge the messages into djangojs.po
djangojs_po = pofile(source_msgs_dir.joinpath('djangojs.po'))
# Step 1:
# Append new occurrences from .underscore files for the strings already in djangojs.po
for msg in djangojs_po:
msg.occurrences.extend(underscore_po_occurrences.pop(msg.msgid, []))
# Step 2:
# Append all the remaining strings into djangojs.po
for msgid in underscore_po_occurrences:
msg = copy.deepcopy(djangojs_po[0])
msg.msgid = msgid
msg.occurrences = underscore_po_occurrences[msgid]
def fix_header(po):
Replace default headers with edX headers
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