Commit 07c8e4ac by srpearce

Merge pull request #3553 from edx/sylvia/docs/DOC-294

Update LTI settings information
parents 7830e3f0 b8b92b9c
......@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ May, 2014
- Change
* - 05/06/14
- Expanded the :ref:`Grades` chapter to include a topic on interpreting the score histograms for problems.
* -
- Updated :ref:`LTI Component` to reflect changes to the Studio UI.
* - 05/02/14
- Updated :ref:`Drag and Drop` information
April, 2014
......@@ -13,17 +13,18 @@ based on the `IMS Global Learning Tools
Interoperability <>`_
version 1.1.1 specifications.
You can use an LTI component in two ways.
You can use an LTI component in several ways.
- You can add external LTI content that is displayed only, such as
- You can add external LTI content that is displayed only, such as
textbook content that doesn’t require a student response.
- You can add external LTI content that requires a student response. An
- You can add external LTI content that requires a student response. An
external provider will grade student responses.
- You can use the component as a placeholder for syncing with an external grading system.
For example, the following LTI component incorporates a Cerego tool that students interact with.
.. image:: /Images/LTIExample.png
:alt: Cerebro LTI component example
:alt: Cerego LTI component example
Before you create an LTI component from an external LTI provider in a
unit, you need the following information.
......@@ -67,23 +68,20 @@ Step 1. Add LTI to the Advanced Modules Policy Key
#. On the **Settings** menu, click **Advanced Settings**.
#. On the **Advanced Settings** page, locate the **Manual Policy
Definition** section, and then locate the **advanced_modules**
#. On the **Advanced Settings** page, locate the **advanced_modules**
policy key (this key is at the top of the list).
.. image:: /Images/AdvancedModulesEmpty.png
:alt: Image of the advanced_modules key in the Advanced Settings page
#. Under **Policy Value**, place your cursor between the brackets, and
then enter **“lti”**. Make sure to include the quotation marks, but
then enter ``“lti”``. Make sure to include the quotation marks, but
not the period.
.. image:: /Images/LTIPolicyKey.png
:alt: Image of the advanced_modules key in the Advanced Settings page, with the LTI value added
:width: 500
:alt: Image of the advanced_modules key in the Advanced Settings page, with the LTI value added
**Note** If the **Policy Value** field already contains text, place your
cursor directly after the closing quotation mark for the final item, and
then enter a comma followed by **“lti”** (make sure that you include the
then enter a comma followed by ``“lti”`` (make sure that you include the
quotation marks).
#. At the bottom of the page, click **Save Changes**.
......@@ -138,59 +136,52 @@ Step 3. Add the LTI Component to a Unit
#. In the unit where you want to create the problem, click **Advanced**
under **Add New Component**, and then click **LTI**.
#. In the component that appears, click **Edit**.
#. In the component editor, set the options that you want. See the table
below for a description of each option.
#. In the component editor, specify the settings that you want. See :ref:`LTI Component Settings` for a description of each setting.
#. Click **Save**.
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 80
:header-rows: 1
* - `Setting`
- Description
* - `Display Name`
- Specifies the name of the problem. This name appears above the problem and in
the course ribbon at the top of the page in the courseware.
* - `custom_parameters`
- Enables you to add one or more custom parameters. For example, if you've added an
e-book, a custom parameter may include the page that your e-book should open to.
You could also use a custom parameter to set the background color of the LTI component.
Every custom parameter has a key and a value. You must add the key and value in the following format.
For example, a custom parameter may resemble the following.
To add a custom parameter, click **Add**.
* - `graded`
- Indicates whether the grade for the problem counts towards student's total grade. By
default, this value is set to **False**.
* - `has_score`
- Specifies whether the problem has a numerical score. By default, this value
is set to **False**.
* - `launch_url`
- Lists the URL that Studio sends to the external LTI provider so that the provider
can send back students' grades. This setting is only used if **graded** is set to
* - `lti_id`
- Specifies the LTI ID for the external LTI provider. This value must be the same
LTI ID that you entered on the **Advanced Settings** page.
* - `open_in_a_new_page`
- Indicates whether the problem opens in a new page. If you set this value to **True**,
the student clicks a link that opens the LTI content in a new window. If you set
this value to **False**, the LTI content opens in an IFrame in the current page.
* - `weight`
- Specifies the number of points possible for the problem. By default, if an
external LTI provider grades the problem, the problem is worth 1 point, and
a student’s score can be any value between 0 and 1.
For more information about problem weights and computing point scores, see :ref:`Problem Weight`.
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.. _LTI Component settings:
LTI Component Settings
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 80
:header-rows: 1
* - Setting
- Description
* - Custom Parameters
- Enables you to add one or more custom parameters. For example, if you've added an e-book, you can set a custom parameter that opens the e-book to a specific page. You could also use a custom parameter to set the background color of the LTI component.
Every custom parameter has a key and a value. You must add the key and value in the following format.
For example, a custom parameter may resemble the following.
To add a custom parameter, click **Add**.
* - Display Name
- Specifies the name of the problem. This name appears above the problem and in the course ribbon at the top of the page in the courseware. Analytics reports may also use the display name to identify this component.
* - Hide External Tool
- Indicates whether you want to launch an external tool or to use this component as a placeholder for syncing with an external grading system. If you set the value to **True**, Studio hides the **Launch** button and any IFrames for this component. By default, this value is set to **False**.
* - LTI ID
- Specifies the LTI ID for the external LTI provider. This value must be the same LTI ID that you entered on the **Advanced Settings** page.
- Specifies the URL of the external tool that this component launches. This setting is applicable when **Hide External Tool** is set to False.
* - Open in New Page
- Indicates whether the problem opens in a new page. If you set this value to **True**, the student clicks a link that opens the LTI content in a new window. If you set this value to **False**, the LTI content opens in an IFrame in the current page. This setting is applicable when **Hide External Tool** is set to False.
* - Scored
- Indicates whether the LTI component receives a numerical score from the external LTI system. By default, this value is set to **False**.
* - Weight
- Specifies the number of points possible for the problem. By default, if an external LTI provider grades the problem, the problem is worth 1 point, and a student’s score can be any value between 0 and 1. This setting is applicable when **Scored** is set to **True**.
For more information about problem weights and computing point scores, see :ref:`Problem Weight`.
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