Commit 6caddad6 by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Alexander Kryklia

Added ability to congiure a text input to be readonly. Changed the default width…

Added ability to congiure a text input to be readonly. Changed the default width and height of the graph to 300px and 300px respectively.
parent 46de7b2c
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ define('Graph', [], function () {
// If no dimensions are specified by the user, the graph have
// predefined dimensions.
width = 100;
height = 100;
width = 300;
height = 300;
// Get the user specified dimensions, if any.
if ($.isPlainObject(config.plot['dimensions']) === true) {
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ define('Inputs', [], function () {
function createInput(obj) {
var constName, constValue, spanEl, inputEl;
var constName, constValue, spanEl, inputEl, readOnly;
// The name of the constant is obj['@var']. If it is not specified,
// we will skip creating a text input for this constant.
......@@ -86,12 +86,34 @@ define('Inputs', [], function () {
// Set the current constant to the text input. It will be visible
// to the user.
// Before binding a 'change' event, we will check if this text
// input is specified as 'read only'.
// By default, this setting is false - the user can change the
// value in the text input.
readonly = false;
if (typeof obj['@readonly'] === 'string') {
if (obj['@readonly'] === 'true') {
readonly = true;
if (readonly === true) {
// In the case of a readonly config option, configure the text
// inputit as read-only, and NOT bind an event to it.
inputEl.attr('readonly', 'readonly');
// Bind a function to the 'change' event. Whenever the user changes
// the value of this text input, and presses 'enter' (or clicks
// somewhere else on the page), this event will be triggered, and
// our callback will be called.
inputEl.bind('change', inputOnChange);
} else { // readonly !== true
// Bind a function to the 'change' event. Whenever the user changes
// the value of this text input, and presses 'enter' (or clicks
// somewhere else on the page), this event will be triggered, and
// our callback will be called.
inputEl.bind('change', inputOnChange);
// Lets style the input element nicely. We will use the button()
// widget for this since there is no native widget for the text
......@@ -12,11 +12,7 @@ define('State', [], function () {
// This module defines and returns a factory constructor.
return State;
* function: State
// function: State
function State(gstId, config) {
var constants, c1, plotDiv;
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