Commit 46de7b2c by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Alexander Kryklia

Added config options for number of points and xrange - start, end, step.

parent 4265bf17
......@@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
define('Graph', [], function () {
return Graph;
function Graph(gstId, config, state) {
var plotDiv, dataSeries, functions, xaxis, yaxis;
logme('config:', config);
var plotDiv, dataSeries, functions, xaxis, yaxis, xrange;
plotDiv = $('#' + gstId + '_plot');
......@@ -19,6 +17,7 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
state.bindUpdatePlotEvent(plotDiv, onUpdatePlot);
......@@ -30,27 +29,25 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
function setGraphDimensions() {
var dimObj, width, height;
var dimObj, width, height, tempInt;
// If no dimensions are specified by the user, the graph have
// predefined dimensions.
width = 300;
height = 300;
width = 100;
height = 100;
// Get the user specified dimensions, if any.
if ($.isPlainObject(config.plot['dimensions']) === true) {
dimObj = config.plot['dimensions'];
if (dimObj.hasOwnProperty('@width') === true) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(dimObj['@width'], 10)) === false) {
width = parseInt(dimObj['@width'], 10);
tempInt = parseInt(dimObj['@width'], 10);
if (isNaN(tempInt) === false) {
width = tempInt;
if (dimObj.hasOwnProperty('@height') === true) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(dimObj['@height'], 10)) === false) {
height = parseInt(dimObj['@height'], 10);
tempInt = parseInt(dimObj['@height'], 10);
if (isNaN(tempInt) === false) {
height = tempInt;
......@@ -84,9 +81,6 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
function processTicks(ticksStr, ticksObj) {
var ticksBlobs, min, tickSize, max;
logme('Processing ticks. Ticks string is: [' + ticksStr + ']');
logme('Original ticks object:', ticksObj);
ticksBlobs = ticksStr.split(',');
if (ticksBlobs.length !== 3) {
......@@ -116,8 +110,42 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
if (ticksObj.tickSize * 2 >= ticksObj.max - ticksObj.min) {
ticksObj.tickSize = (ticksObj.max - ticksObj.min) / 10.0;
function setGraphXRange() {
var xRangeStr, xRangeBlobs, tempNum;
xrange = {
'start': 0,
'end': 30,
'step': 0.1
if (typeof config.plot['xrange'] === 'string') {
xRangeStr = config.plot['xrange'];
xRangeBlobs = xRangeStr.split(',');
logme('Modified ticks object:', ticksObj);
if (xRangeBlobs.length === 2) {
tempNum = parseFloat(xRangeBlobs[0]);
if (isNaN(tempNum) === false) {
xrange.start = tempNum;
tempNum = parseFloat(xRangeBlobs[1]);
if (isNaN(tempNum) === false) {
xrange.end = tempNum;
if (typeof config.plot['num_points'] === 'string') {
tempNum = parseInt(config.plot['num_points'], 10);
if (isNaN(tempNum) === false) {
xrange.step = (xrange.end - xrange.start) / tempNum;
......@@ -242,7 +270,7 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
function generateData() {
var c0, c1, functionObj, seriesObj, dataPoints, constValues, x, y;
var c0, functionObj, seriesObj, dataPoints, constValues, x, y;
constValues = state.getAllConstantValues();
......@@ -254,8 +282,7 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
seriesObj = {};
dataPoints = [];
for (c1 = 0; c1 < 30; c1 += 1) {
x = c1;
for (x = xrange.start; x <= xrange.end; x += xrange.step) {
// Push the 'x' variable to the end of the parameter array.
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