Commit 39024a7f by Don Mitchell

Grading mostly working

parent 50d7e616
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from django.test.client import Client
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from cms.djangoapps.models.settings.course_details import CourseDetails,\
import json
from common.djangoapps.util import converters
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class CourseDetailsTestCase(TestCase):
def test_encoder(self):
details = CourseDetails.fetch(self.course_location)
jsondetails = json.dumps(details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder)
jsondetails = json.dumps(details, cls=CourseSettingsEncoder)
jsondetails = json.loads(jsondetails)
self.assertTupleEqual(Location(jsondetails['course_location']), self.course_location, "Location !=")
# Note, start_date is being initialized someplace. I'm not sure why b/c the default will make no sense.
......@@ -164,23 +164,22 @@ class CourseDetailsViewTest(TestCase):
def alter_field(self, url, details, field, val):
details[field] = val
jsondetails = json.dumps(details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder)
jsondetails = json.dumps(details, cls=CourseSettingsEncoder)
resp =, jsondetails)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(resp), details, field + val)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(resp.content), details.__dict__, field + val)
def test_update_and_fetch(self):
details = CourseDetails.fetch(self.course_location)
details_loc = self.course_location.dict().copy()
details_loc['section'] = 'details'
resp = self.client.get(reverse('contentstore.views.get_course_settings', kwargs=self.course_location.dict()))
resp = self.client.get(reverse('course_settings', kwargs={'org' :, 'course' : self.course_location.course,
'name' : }))
self.assertContains(resp, '<li><a href="#" class="is-shown" data-section="details">Course Details</a></li>', status_code=200, html=True)
# resp s/b json from here on
url = reverse('contentstore.views.course_settings_updates', kwargs=details_loc)
url = reverse('course_settings', kwargs={'org' :, 'course' : self.course_location.course,
'name' :, 'section' : 'details' })
resp = self.client.get(url)
jsondetails = json.dumps(details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder)
self.assertDictEqual(resp, jsondetails, "virgin get")
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(resp.content), details.__dict__, "virgin get")
self.alter_field(url, details, 'start_date', time.time() * 1000)
self.alter_field(url, details, 'start_date', time.time() * 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24)
......@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ import time
from contentstore import course_info_model
from contentstore.utils import get_modulestore
from cms.djangoapps.models.settings.course_details import CourseDetails,\
from cms.djangoapps.models.settings.course_grading import CourseGradingModel
# to install PIL on MacOSX: 'easy_install'
......@@ -955,7 +956,7 @@ def get_course_settings(request, org, course, name):
return render_to_response('settings.html', {
'active_tab': 'settings-tab',
'context_course': course_module,
'course_details' : json.dumps(course_details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder)
'course_details' : json.dumps(course_details, cls=CourseSettingsEncoder)
......@@ -963,7 +964,7 @@ def get_course_settings(request, org, course, name):
def course_settings_updates(request, org, course, name, section):
restful CRUD operations on course_info updates. This differs from get_course_settings by communicating purely
restful CRUD operations on course settings. This differs from get_course_settings by communicating purely
through json (not rendering any html) and handles section level operations rather than whole page.
org, course: Attributes of the Location for the item to edit
......@@ -971,14 +972,42 @@ def course_settings_updates(request, org, course, name, section):
if section == 'details':
manager = CourseDetails
elif section == 'grading':
manager = CourseGradingModel
else: return
if request.method == 'GET':
# Cannot just do a get w/o knowing the course name :-(
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(manager.fetch(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name])), cls=CourseDetailsEncoder),
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(manager.fetch(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name])), cls=CourseSettingsEncoder),
elif request.method == 'POST': # post or put, doesn't matter.
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(manager.update_from_json(request.POST), cls=CourseSettingsEncoder),
def course_grader_updates(request, org, course, name, grader_index=None):
restful CRUD operations on course_info updates. This differs from get_course_settings by communicating purely
through json (not rendering any html) and handles section level operations rather than whole page.
org, course: Attributes of the Location for the item to edit
if request.method == 'POST' and 'HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE' in request.META:
real_method = request.META['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE']
real_method = request.method
if real_method == 'GET':
# Cannot just do a get w/o knowing the course name :-(
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(CourseGradingModel.fetch_grader(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name]), grader_index)),
elif real_method == "DELETE":
# ??? Shoudl this return anything? Perhaps success fail?
CourseGradingModel.delete_grader(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name]), grader_index)
elif request.method == 'POST': # post or put, doesn't matter.
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(manager.update_from_json(request.POST), cls=CourseDetailsEncoder),
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(CourseGradingModel.update_grader_from_json(Location(['i4x', org, course, 'course',name]), request.POST)),
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from json.encoder import JSONEncoder
import time
from contentstore.utils import get_modulestore
from util.converters import jsdate_to_time, time_to_date
from cms.djangoapps.models.settings import course_grading
class CourseDetails:
def __init__(self, location):
......@@ -131,10 +132,11 @@ class CourseDetails:
# Could just generate and return a course obj w/o doing any db reads, but I put the reads in as a means to confirm
# it persisted correctly
return CourseDetails.fetch(course_location)
class CourseDetailsEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
# TODO move to a more general util? Is there a better way to do the isinstance model check?
class CourseSettingsEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, CourseDetails):
if isinstance(obj, CourseDetails) or isinstance(obj, course_grading.CourseGradingModel):
return obj.__dict__
elif isinstance(obj, Location):
return obj.dict()
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from contentstore.utils import get_modulestore
import datetime
import re
from common.djangoapps.util import converters
import time
class CourseGradingModel:
Basically a DAO and Model combo for CRUD operations pertaining to grading policy.
def __init__(self, course_descriptor):
self.course_location = course_descriptor.location
self.graders = [CourseGradingModel.jsonize_grader(i, grader) for i, grader in enumerate(course_descriptor.raw_grader)] # weights transformed to ints [0..100]
self.grade_cutoffs = course_descriptor.grade_cutoffs
self.grace_period = CourseGradingModel.convert_set_grace_period(course_descriptor)
def fetch(cls, course_location):
Fetch the course details for the given course from persistence and return a CourseDetails model.
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
model = cls(descriptor)
return model
def fetch_grader(course_location, index):
Fetch the course's nth grader
Returns an empty dict if there's no such grader.
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
# # ??? it would be good if these had the course_location in them so that they stand alone sufficiently
# # but that would require not using CourseDescriptor's field directly. Opinions?
# FIXME how do I tell it to ignore index? Is there another iteration mech I should use?
if len(descriptor.raw_grader) > index:
return CourseGradingModel.jsonize_grader(index, descriptor.raw_grader[index])
# return empty model
return {
"id" : index,
"type" : "",
"min_count" : 0,
"drop_count" : 0,
"short_label" : None,
"weight" : 0
def fetch_cutoffs(course_location):
Fetch the course's grade cutoffs.
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
return descriptor.grade_cutoffs
def fetch_grace_period(course_location):
Fetch the course's default grace period.
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
return {'grace_period' : CourseGradingModel.convert_set_grace_period(descriptor) }
def update_from_json(jsondict):
Decode the json into CourseGradingModel and save any changes. Returns the modified model.
Probably not the usual path for updates as it's too coarse grained.
course_location = jsondict['course_location']
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
graders_parsed = [CourseGradingModel.parse_grader(jsonele) for jsonele in jsondict['graders']]
descriptor.raw_grader = graders_parsed
descriptor.grade_cutoffs = jsondict['grade_cutoffs']
get_modulestore(course_location).update_item(course_location, descriptor.definition['data'])
CourseGradingModel.update_grace_period_from_json(course_location, jsondict['grace_period'])
return CourseGradingModel.fetch(course_location)
def update_grader_from_json(course_location, grader):
Create or update the grader of the given type (string key) for the given course. Returns the modified
grader which is a full model on the client but not on the server (just a dict)
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
# # ??? it would be good if these had the course_location in them so that they stand alone sufficiently
# # but that would require not using CourseDescriptor's field directly. Opinions?
# parse removes the id; so, grab it before parse
index = grader.get('id', None)
grader = CourseGradingModel.parse_grader(grader)
if index < len(descriptor.raw_grader):
descriptor.raw_grader[index] = grader
get_modulestore(course_location).update_item(course_location, descriptor.definition['data'])
return grader
def update_cutoffs_from_json(course_location, cutoffs):
Create or update the grade cutoffs for the given course. Returns sent in cutoffs (ie., no extra
db fetch).
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
descriptor.grade_cutoffs = cutoffs
get_modulestore(course_location).update_item(course_location, descriptor.definition['data'])
return cutoffs
def update_grace_period_from_json(course_location, graceperiodjson):
Update the course's default grace period.
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
if not isinstance(graceperiodjson, dict):
graceperiodjson = {'grace_period' : graceperiodjson}
grace_time = converters.jsdate_to_time(graceperiodjson['grace_period'])
# NOTE: this does not handle > 24 hours
grace_rep = time.strftime("%H hours %M minutes %S seconds", grace_time)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
descriptor.metadata['graceperiod'] = grace_rep
get_modulestore(course_location).update_metadata(course_location, descriptor.metadata)
return graceperiodjson
def delete_grader(course_location, index):
Delete the grader of the given type from the given course.
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
if index < len(descriptor.raw_grader):
del descriptor.raw_grader[index]
get_modulestore(course_location).update_item(course_location, descriptor.definition['data'])
# NOTE cannot delete cutoffs. May be useful to reset
def delete_cutoffs(course_location, cutoffs):
Resets the cutoffs to the defaults
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
descriptor.grade_cutoffs = descriptor.defaut_grading_policy['GRADE_CUTOFFS']
get_modulestore(course_location).update_item(course_location, descriptor.definition['data'])
return descriptor.grade_cutoffs
def delete_grace_period(course_location):
Delete the course's default grace period.
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
descriptor = get_modulestore(course_location).get_item(course_location)
del descriptor.metadata['graceperiod']
get_modulestore(course_location).update_metadata(course_location, descriptor.metadata)
def convert_set_grace_period(descriptor):
# 5 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds => converted to iso format
rawgrace = descriptor.metadata.get('graceperiod', None)
if rawgrace:
parsedgrace = {str(key): val for (val, key) in re.findall('\s*(\d*)\s*(\w*)', rawgrace)}
gracedate =
gracedate = gracedate.replace(minute = int(parsedgrace.get('minutes',0)), hour = int(parsedgrace.get('hours',0)))
return gracedate.isoformat() + 'Z'
else: return None
def parse_grader(json_grader):
# manual to clear out kruft
result = {
"type" : json_grader["type"],
"min_count" : json_grader.get('min_count', 0),
"drop_count" : json_grader.get('drop_count', 0),
"short_label" : json_grader.get('short_label', None),
"weight" : json_grader.get('weight', 0) / 100.0
return result
def jsonize_grader(i, grader):
grader['id'] = i
if grader['weight']:
grader['weight'] *= 100
if not 'short_label' in grader:
grader['short_label'] = ""
return grader
\ No newline at end of file
<li class="input input-existing multi course-grading-assignment-list-item">
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-grading-assignment-name">Assignment Type Name:</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="input course-grading-assignment-name">
<input type="text" class="long"
id="course-grading-assignment-name" value="<%= model.get('type') %>">
<span class="tip tip-stacked">e.g. Homework, Labs, Midterm Exams, Final Exam</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-grading-shortname">Abbreviation:</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="input course-grading-shortname">
<input type="text" class="short"
value="<%= model.get('short_label') %>">
<span class="tip tip-inline">e.g. HW, Midterm, Final</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-grading-gradeweight">Weight of Total
<div class="field">
<div class="input course-grading-gradeweight">
<input type="text" class="short"
value = "<%= model.get('weight') %>">
<span class="tip tip-inline">e.g. 25%</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-grading-assignment-totalassignments">Total
<div class="field">
<div class="input course-grading-totalassignments">
<input type="text" class="short"
value = "<%= model.get('min_count') %>">
<span class="tip tip-inline">total exercises assigned</span>
<div class="row row-col2">
<label for="course-grading-assignment-droppable">Number of
<div class="field">
<div class="input course-grading-droppable">
<input type="text" class="short"
value = "<%= model.get('drop_count') %>">
<span class="tip tip-inline">total exercises that won't be graded</span>
</div> <a href="#" class="remove-item remove-grading-data"><span
class="delete-icon"></span> Delete Assignment Type</a>
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ CMS.Models.Settings.CourseDetails = Backbone.Model.extend({
// NOTE don't return empty errors as that will be interpreted as an error state
urlRoot: function() {
url: function() {
var location = this.get('location');
return '/' + location.get('org') + "/" + location.get('course') + '/settings/' + location.get('name') + '/section/details';
if (!CMS.Models['Settings']) CMS.Models.Settings = new Object();
CMS.Models.Settings.CourseGradingPolicy = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults : {
course_location : null,
graders : null, // CourseGraderCollection
grade_cutoffs : null, // CourseGradeCutoff model
grace_period : null // either null or seconds of grace period
parse: function(attributes) {
if (attributes['course_location']) {
attributes.course_location = new CMS.Models.Location(attributes.course_location, {parse:true});
if (attributes['grace_period']) {
attributes.grace_period = new Date(attributes.grace_period);
if (attributes['graders']) {
var graderCollection;
if (this.has('graders')) {
graderCollection = this.get('graders');
else {
graderCollection = new CMS.Models.Settings.CourseGraderCollection(attributes.graders);
graderCollection.course_location = attributes['course_location'] || this.get('course_location');
attributes.graders = graderCollection;
return attributes;
url : function() {
var location = this.get('course_location');
return '/' + location.get('org') + "/" + location.get('course') + '/settings/' + location.get('name') + '/section/grading';
CMS.Models.Settings.CourseGrader = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
"type" : "", // must be unique w/in collection (ie. w/in course)
"min_count" : 0,
"drop_count" : 0,
"short_label" : "", // what to use in place of type if space is an issue
"weight" : 0 // int 0..100
initialize: function() {
if (!this.collection)
parse : function(attrs) {
if (attrs['weight']) {
if (!_.isNumber(attrs.weight)) attrs.weight = parseInt(attrs.weight);
if (attrs['min_count']) {
if (!_.isNumber(attrs.min_count)) attrs.min_count = parseInt(attrs.min_count);
if (attrs['drop_count']) {
if (!_.isNumber(attrs.drop_count)) attrs.drop_count = parseInt(attrs.drop_count);
return attrs;
validate : function(attrs) {
var errors = {};
if (attrs['type']) {
if (_.isEmpty(attrs['type'])) {
errors.type = "The assignment type must have a name.";
else {
// FIXME somehow this.collection is unbound sometimes. I can't track down when
var existing = this.collection && this.collection.some(function(other) { return (other != this) && (other.get('type') == attrs['type']);}, this);
if (existing) {
errors.type = "There's already another assignment type with this name.";
if (attrs['weight']) {
if (!parseInt(attrs.weight)) {
errors.weight = "Please enter an integer between 0 and 100.";
else {
attrs.weight = parseInt(attrs.weight); // see if this ensures value saved is int
if (this.collection && attrs.weight > 0) {
// if get() doesn't get the value before the call, use previous()
if ((this.collection.sumWeights() + attrs.weight - this.get('weight')) > 100)
errors.weight = "The weights cannot add to more than 100.";
if (attrs['min_count']) {
if (!parseInt(attrs.min_count)) {
errors.min_count = "Please enter an integer.";
else attrs.min_count = parseInt(attrs.min_count);
if (attrs['drop_count']) {
if (!parseInt(attrs.drop_count)) {
errors.drop_count = "Please enter an integer.";
else attrs.drop_count = parseInt(attrs.drop_count);
if (attrs['min_count'] && attrs['drop_count'] && attrs.drop_count > attrs.min_count) {
errors.drop_count = "Cannot drop more " + attrs.type + " than will assigned.";
if (!_.isEmpty(errors)) return errors;
CMS.Models.Settings.CourseGraderCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : CMS.Models.Settings.CourseGrader,
course_location : null, // must be set to a Location object
url : function() {
return '/' + this.course_location.get('org') + "/" + this.course_location.get('course') + '/grades/' + this.course_location.get('name');
sumWeights : function() {
return this.reduce(function(subtotal, grader) { return subtotal + grader.get('weight'); }, 0);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,15 +13,31 @@ CMS.Models.Settings.CourseSettings = Backbone.Model.extend({
retrieve: function(submodel, callback) {
if (this.get(submodel)) callback();
else switch (submodel) {
case 'details':
this.set('details', new CMS.Models.Settings.CourseDetails({location: this.get('courseLocation')})).fetch({
success : callback
else {
var cachethis = this;
switch (submodel) {
case 'details':
var details = new CMS.Models.Settings.CourseDetails({location: this.get('courseLocation')});
details.fetch( {
success : function(model) {
cachethis.set('details', model);
case 'grading':
var grading = new CMS.Models.Settings.CourseGradingPolicy({course_location: this.get('courseLocation')});
grading.fetch( {
success : function(model) {
cachethis.set('grading', model);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -716,6 +716,10 @@
.grade-specific-bar {
height: 50px;
.grades {
position: relative;
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ urlpatterns = ('',
url(r'^(?P<org>[^/]+)/(?P<course>[^/]+)/course_info/updates/(?P<provided_id>.*)$', 'contentstore.views.course_info_updates', name='course_info'),
url(r'^(?P<org>[^/]+)/(?P<course>[^/]+)/settings/(?P<name>[^/]+)$', 'contentstore.views.get_course_settings', name='course_settings'),
url(r'^(?P<org>[^/]+)/(?P<course>[^/]+)/settings/(?P<name>[^/]+)/section/(?P<section>[^/]+).*$', 'contentstore.views.course_settings_updates', name='course_settings'),
url(r'^(?P<org>[^/]+)/(?P<course>[^/]+)/grades/(?P<name>[^/]+)/(?P<grader_index>.*)$', 'contentstore.views.course_grader_updates', name='course_settings'),
url(r'^pages/(?P<org>[^/]+)/(?P<course>[^/]+)/course/(?P<coursename>[^/]+)$', 'contentstore.views.static_pages',
url(r'^edit_static/(?P<org>[^/]+)/(?P<course>[^/]+)/course/(?P<coursename>[^/]+)$', 'contentstore.views.edit_static', name='edit_static'),
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ def time_to_date(time_obj):
Convert a time.time_struct to a true universal time (can pass to js Date constructor)
# TODO change to using the isoformat() function on datetime. js date can parse those
return calendar.timegm(time_obj) * 1000
def jsdate_to_time(field):
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import json
import logging
import requests
import time
import copy
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -99,19 +100,11 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
self.set_grading_policy(self.definition['data'].get('grading_policy', None))
def set_grading_policy(self, course_policy):
if course_policy is None:
course_policy = {}
def defaut_grading_policy(self):
The JSON object can have the keys GRADER and GRADE_CUTOFFS. If either is
missing, it reverts to the default.
Return a dict which is a copy of the default grading policy
default_policy_string = """
"GRADER" : [
default = {"GRADER" : [
"type" : "Homework",
"min_count" : 12,
......@@ -127,33 +120,41 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
"weight" : 0.15
"type" : "Midterm",
"name" : "Midterm Exam",
"type" : "Midterm Exam",
"short_label" : "Midterm",
"min_count" : 1,
"drop_count" : 0,
"weight" : 0.3
"type" : "Final",
"name" : "Final Exam",
"type" : "Final Exam",
"short_label" : "Final",
"min_count" : 1,
"drop_count" : 0,
"weight" : 0.4
"A" : 0.87,
"B" : 0.7,
"C" : 0.6
"Pass" : 0.5
return copy.deepcopy(default)
def set_grading_policy(self, course_policy):
The JSON object can have the keys GRADER and GRADE_CUTOFFS. If either is
missing, it reverts to the default.
if course_policy is None:
course_policy = {}
# Load the global settings as a dictionary
grading_policy = json.loads(default_policy_string)
grading_policy = self.defaut_grading_policy()
# Override any global settings with the course settings
# Here is where we should parse any configurations, so that we can fail early
grading_policy['RAW_GRADER'] = grading_policy['GRADER'] # used for cms access
grading_policy['GRADER'] = grader_from_conf(grading_policy['GRADER'])
self._grading_policy = grading_policy
......@@ -272,10 +273,26 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
def grader(self):
return self._grading_policy['GRADER']
def raw_grader(self):
return self._grading_policy['RAW_GRADER']
def raw_grader(self, value):
# NOTE WELL: this change will not update the processed graders. If we need that, this needs to call grader_from_conf
self._grading_policy['RAW_GRADER'] = value
self.definition['data'].setdefault('grading_policy',{})['GRADER'] = value
def grade_cutoffs(self):
return self._grading_policy['GRADE_CUTOFFS']
def grade_cutoffs(self, value):
self._grading_policy['GRADE_CUTOFFS'] = value
self.definition['data'].setdefault('grading_policy',{})['GRADE_CUTOFFS'] = value
def tabs(self):
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