Commit 50d7e616 by Don Mitchell

Move models from common to cms.

Add unit tests.
parent 8379e303
from django.test.testcases import TestCase
import datetime
import time
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import xmodule
from django.test.client import Client
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from cms.djangoapps.models.settings.course_details import CourseDetails,\
import json
from common.djangoapps.util import converters
# YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s+/-HH:MM
class ConvertersTestCase(TestCase):
def struct_to_datetime(self, struct_time):
return datetime.datetime(struct_time.tm_year, struct_time.tm_mon, struct_time.tm_mday, struct_time.tm_hour, struct_time.tm_min, struct_time.tm_sec)
def compare_dates(self, date1, date2, expected_delta):
dt1 = self.struct_to_datetime(date1)
dt2 = self.struct_to_datetime(date2)
self.assertEqual(dt1 - dt2, expected_delta, str(date1) + "-" + str(date2) + "!=" + str(expected_delta))
def test_iso_to_struct(self):
self.compare_dates(converters.jsdate_to_time("2013-01-01"), converters.jsdate_to_time("2012-12-31"), datetime.timedelta(days=1))
self.compare_dates(converters.jsdate_to_time("2013-01-01T00"), converters.jsdate_to_time("2012-12-31T23"), datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
self.compare_dates(converters.jsdate_to_time("2013-01-01T00:00"), converters.jsdate_to_time("2012-12-31T23:59"), datetime.timedelta(minutes=1))
self.compare_dates(converters.jsdate_to_time("2013-01-01T00:00:00"), converters.jsdate_to_time("2012-12-31T23:59:59"), datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
class CourseDetailsTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
uname = 'testuser'
email = ''
password = 'foo'
# Create the use so we can log them in.
self.user = User.objects.create_user(uname, email, password)
# Note that we do not actually need to do anything
# for registration if we directly mark them active.
self.user.is_active = True
# Staff has access to view all courses
self.user.is_staff = True
# Flush and initialize the module store
# It needs the templates because it creates new records
# by cloning from the template.
# Note that if your test module gets in some weird state
# (though it shouldn't), do this manually
# from the bash shell to drop it:
# $ mongo test_xmodule --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
xmodule.modulestore.django._MODULESTORES = {}
self.client = Client()
self.client.login(username=uname, password=password)
self.course_data = {
'template': 'i4x://edx/templates/course/Empty',
'org': 'MITx',
'number': '999',
'display_name': 'Robot Super Course',
self.course_location = Location('i4x', 'MITx', '999', 'course', 'Robot_Super_Course')
def tearDown(self):
xmodule.modulestore.django._MODULESTORES = {}
def create_course(self):
"""Create new course"""'create_new_course'), self.course_data)
def test_virgin_fetch(self):
details = CourseDetails.fetch(self.course_location)
self.assertEqual(details.course_location, self.course_location, "Location not copied into")
self.assertIsNone(details.end_date, "end date somehow initialized " + str(details.end_date))
self.assertIsNone(details.enrollment_start, "enrollment_start date somehow initialized " + str(details.enrollment_start))
self.assertIsNone(details.enrollment_end, "enrollment_end date somehow initialized " + str(details.enrollment_end))
self.assertIsNone(details.syllabus, "syllabus somehow initialized" + str(details.syllabus))
self.assertEqual(details.overview, "", "overview somehow initialized" + details.overview)
self.assertIsNone(details.intro_video, "intro_video somehow initialized" + str(details.intro_video))
self.assertIsNone(details.effort, "effort somehow initialized" + str(details.effort))
def test_encoder(self):
details = CourseDetails.fetch(self.course_location)
jsondetails = json.dumps(details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder)
jsondetails = json.loads(jsondetails)
self.assertTupleEqual(Location(jsondetails['course_location']), self.course_location, "Location !=")
# Note, start_date is being initialized someplace. I'm not sure why b/c the default will make no sense.
self.assertIsNone(jsondetails['end_date'], "end date somehow initialized ")
self.assertIsNone(jsondetails['enrollment_start'], "enrollment_start date somehow initialized ")
self.assertIsNone(jsondetails['enrollment_end'], "enrollment_end date somehow initialized ")
self.assertIsNone(jsondetails['syllabus'], "syllabus somehow initialized")
self.assertEqual(jsondetails['overview'], "", "overview somehow initialized")
self.assertIsNone(jsondetails['intro_video'], "intro_video somehow initialized")
self.assertIsNone(jsondetails['effort'], "effort somehow initialized")
def test_update_and_fetch(self):
## NOTE: I couldn't figure out how to validly test time setting w/ all the conversions
jsondetails = CourseDetails.fetch(self.course_location)
jsondetails.syllabus = "<a href='foo'>bar</a>"
jsondetails.syllabus, "After set syllabus")
jsondetails.overview = "Overview"
jsondetails.overview, "After set overview")
jsondetails.intro_video = "intro_video"
jsondetails.intro_video, "After set intro_video")
jsondetails.effort = "effort"
jsondetails.effort, "After set effort")
class CourseDetailsViewTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
uname = 'testuser'
email = ''
password = 'foo'
# Create the use so we can log them in.
self.user = User.objects.create_user(uname, email, password)
# Note that we do not actually need to do anything
# for registration if we directly mark them active.
self.user.is_active = True
# Staff has access to view all courses
self.user.is_staff = True
# Flush and initialize the module store
# It needs the templates because it creates new records
# by cloning from the template.
# Note that if your test module gets in some weird state
# (though it shouldn't), do this manually
# from the bash shell to drop it:
# $ mongo test_xmodule --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
xmodule.modulestore.django._MODULESTORES = {}
self.client = Client()
self.client.login(username=uname, password=password)
self.course_data = {
'template': 'i4x://edx/templates/course/Empty',
'org': 'MITx',
'number': '999',
'display_name': 'Robot Super Course',
self.course_location = Location('i4x', 'MITx', '999', 'course', 'Robot_Super_Course')
def tearDown(self):
xmodule.modulestore.django._MODULESTORES = {}
def create_course(self):
"""Create new course"""'create_new_course'), self.course_data)
def alter_field(self, url, details, field, val):
details[field] = val
jsondetails = json.dumps(details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder)
resp =, jsondetails)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(resp), details, field + val)
def test_update_and_fetch(self):
details = CourseDetails.fetch(self.course_location)
details_loc = self.course_location.dict().copy()
details_loc['section'] = 'details'
resp = self.client.get(reverse('contentstore.views.get_course_settings', kwargs=self.course_location.dict()))
self.assertContains(resp, '<li><a href="#" class="is-shown" data-section="details">Course Details</a></li>', status_code=200, html=True)
# resp s/b json from here on
url = reverse('contentstore.views.course_settings_updates', kwargs=details_loc)
resp = self.client.get(url)
jsondetails = json.dumps(details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder)
self.assertDictEqual(resp, jsondetails, "virgin get")
self.alter_field(url, details, 'start_date', time.time() * 1000)
self.alter_field(url, details, 'start_date', time.time() * 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24)
self.alter_field(url, details, 'end_date', time.time() * 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24 * 100)
self.alter_field(url, details, 'enrollment_start', time.time() * 1000)
self.alter_field(url, details, 'enrollment_end', time.time() * 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24 * 8)
self.alter_field(url, details, 'syllabus', "<a href='foo'>bar</a>")
self.alter_field(url, details, 'overview', "Overview")
self.alter_field(url, details, 'intro_video', "intro_video")
self.alter_field(url, details, 'effort', "effort")
......@@ -955,8 +955,7 @@ def get_course_settings(request, org, course, name):
return render_to_response('settings.html', {
'active_tab': 'settings-tab',
'context_course': course_module,
'course_details' : json.dumps(course_details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder),
'video_editor_html' : preview_component(request, course_details.intro_video_loc)
'course_details' : json.dumps(course_details, cls=CourseDetailsEncoder)
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ class CourseDetails:
self.syllabus = None # a pdf file asset
self.overview = "" # html to render as the overview
self.intro_video = None # a video pointer
self.intro_video_loc = None # a video pointer
self.effort = None # int hours/week
......@@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ class CourseDetails:
temploc = temploc._replace(name='video')
course.intro_video = get_modulestore(temploc).get_item(temploc).definition['data']
course.intro_video_loc = temploc
except ItemNotFoundError:
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
class CourseFaculty:
def __init__(self, location):
if not isinstance(location, Location):
location = Location(location)
# course_location is used so that updates know where to get the relevant data
self.course_location = location
self.first_name = ""
self.last_name = "" = None = ""
def fetch(cls, course_location):
Fetch a list of faculty for the course
if not isinstance(course_location, Location):
course_location = Location(course_location)
# Must always have at least one faculty member (possibly empty)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ def time_to_date(time_obj):
def jsdate_to_time(field):
Convert a true universal time (msec since epoch) from a string to a time obj
Convert a universal time (iso format) or msec since epoch to a time obj
if field is None:
return field
elif isinstance(field, unicode): # iso format but ignores time zone assuming it's Z
d=datetime.datetime(*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', field)[:-1]))
elif isinstance(field, unicode) or isinstance(field, str): # iso format but ignores time zone assuming it's Z
d=datetime.datetime(*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', field)[:6])) # stop after seconds. Debatable
return d.utctimetuple()
elif isinstance(field, int):
elif isinstance(field, int) or isinstance(field, float):
return time.gmtime(field / 1000)
\ No newline at end of file
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