Commit 355162c7 by David Baumgold

Handle fleeting notifications

parent 0dc34465
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@
wrapper-<%= viewType %>
wrapper-<%= viewType %>-<%= modelType %>
<% if(obj.status) { %>wrapper-<%= viewType %>-status <% } %>
<% if(obj.shown) { %>is-shown<% } else { %>is-hiding<% } %>"
<% if(obj.shown) { %>is-shown<% } else { %>is-hiding<% } %>
<% if(obj.fleeting) { %>is-fleeting<% } %>"
id="<%= viewType %>-<%= modelType %>"
aria-hidden="<% if(obj.shown) { %>false<% } else { %>true<% } %>"
aria-labelledby="<%= viewType %>-<%= modelType %>-title"
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